View Full Version : Abip 400pvr

16-11-2007, 10:39 PM
HI M8 , got this baby and have been playing with it and i find it better then dreambox and any other linux box out there. the software images are more stable then of dreambox and technomate ( sorry but true). there are qiute a few images available and you can mID the box to work like dreambox igate,tm etc works well with g*** well too. there are differnt models available and all quite good too:D:D:D:D

16-11-2007, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the info yorike, this box is getting some good reviews;)

21-11-2007, 11:28 PM
i have a relook 400 and a mutant 200. Since enigma was ported these boxes are as good as dreambox.

Its a shame that the 400 with enigma onl uses one tuner. You can stick with the other images for both tuners but can be a little unstable.

Anyway you can pick up a 400s fairly cheap and an american mutant (better PSU than a drambox) i got for 60 quid plus delivery. No scart but composite output which is just as good or better.


01-12-2007, 09:12 AM
Component not composite.

01-12-2007, 10:05 AM
I got the 400 back in Nov05 as a tester and last month I sold it on auction site.

I gave up on it, if you use images that are dg based then everyone of them as problems one way or another.
The biggest killer for me was when CCcam stopped supporting it with lastest versions, and to clear nagra then you need the latest versions of CCcam.

If you use enigma images on the box then the box becomes very good but like lawsy said you lose the second tuner which defeats the object.

I have to be honest and say I got the technomate 9100 super two weeks ago and it is doing a better job then the 400 ever did.

I spent so much time on the 400 trying different images and emu's that it is now a relief to have a box that is running OK on its own.

19-12-2007, 09:49 AM
Use fantacy nuemo 2.13.6.verry nice and stable.

19-12-2007, 01:12 PM
Yeep , i have to write few lines here

as many off you may have noticed i have been a hardcore Dreambox user for the past years,

well 2 month a go i took the plug and buyed my self a abip 400 ,
to beggin with was a bitt dificult as i was used to dreambox

once i started flashing the image ( neumo ) the box come alive , been testing few dgs based images , and must say they are ok , stable but not what i had expected

then one day i disided to try enigma images , so i flash the box with gemini first time
then after i try pli ( i like pli better) Gemini was 10000% stabler in the abip box then in my dreambox ,
then i flash Pli image , and since 4 weeks now the box is runing with pli

one thing that i have been very surprized with this box is that is has never hang on me
untill now ( my dreambox did hang on me at list 3 or 4 times daily )

Channel zaping is the same as the dreambox , there is no diference in that.
Picture quality is slighly better on the abip box.
Remonte controll respon much quicker on the abipbox.
Never hangs when there is no signal ( wich my dreambox did all the time)
Tunner is much more better , and signal is even better , when i had dreambox i never gott a signal over 86% even on satelite that only requier 40 cm dish, now with abip box i have 94 % signal on Thor for exampel .

My Wife Loves it, becous off the stability, no need for me to worry, as box never hangs.
there is more things in this box im sure off it , i have not explore it totaly yet.

PS;yES YOU LOUSE the possibility of double tunners when using eningma, but then agein one can use the dgs based image
they are as good as

11-05-2008, 01:08 PM
How much this Abip 400 ? and where to buy it from
Does it take the same images and software as the Cubecafe 400s?
Is it the same thing as the Abcom Ipbox 400 ?


11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
How much this Abip 400 ? and where to buy it from
Does it take the same images and software as the Cubecafe 400s?
Is it the same thing as the Abcom Ipbox 400 ?


Same box m8

11-05-2008, 01:32 PM
Thanks scrupples