View Full Version : The all new "Humax" ICord HD:5000!

Tony Baker
21-11-2007, 12:06 PM
The latest top of the range all new Humax HD Sat Rx has the very "best specs" af any HD Sat currently available. According to the Dr Dish TV Sat programme on Astra:19E, who aired the first ever test of this stunning looking all new very advanced HD Sat Rx today.

It's Linux based, has a PVR with 160:HDD, plus two USB's and features the latest SD upscaling. It is planned as being the main item in a home media centre. But best of all it was described as being Future Proof passing the tough Dr Dish test with flying colours and received their "Highly Recommended" award! However, no price was mentioned. Rgds, TB

21-11-2007, 12:41 PM
Yepp, I´ve seen the test...but must say I am very sceptic...does it have open source?...cause without that the LINUX OS doesn´t matter very much! For DVB fans it seems to offer...a big fat nothing! Also, the DrDish 'highly recommended' really doesn´t mean jack sh*t to me! This -could- be a really cool box...but without enthusiastic (third party?) software it won´t really be of any interest (for me anyway)...and do not look to Humax cause they only deliver 'easy digital' middle of the road software.
The main concept from Humax for this receiver is the usual 'easy digital' filosphy. So it is basically designed for regular joes and housewives and not for satfreaks. It does have a very nice exterior though!
As usual I am a little critical...but can you blame me?


21-11-2007, 01:17 PM
euginie you are spot on. The hummy hdci2000 is a complete pig of a machine, and was a backward step as far as development went, apart from its hd capability.
Anyway, i will have a look at it and see. It might have two usb's, but last one had one and that didn't do anything.

22-11-2007, 12:16 AM
just do a check to see what it costs, 339.00 uk pounds. found a site in germany.:eek:

22-11-2007, 12:45 AM
Anyone who buys this machine, or any other Humax for that matter,needs their head examined. The support for the HDCI-2000 was nothing short of pathetic.
My opinion - Look elsewhere.

22-11-2007, 01:03 AM
My opinion - Look elsewhere.

At the moment I don't see any other good HD PVR machines.:rolleyes:

22-11-2007, 02:34 AM
Anyone who buys this machine, or any other Humax for that matter,needs their head examined. The support for the HDCI-2000 was nothing short of pathetic.
My opinion - Look elsewhere.

It works for me, but I only view 2 Sats. The HD quality of the picture is awesome. Ive seen a few other boxes plus I own a fortec star -- the humax gtes the thumbs up anyday.

22-11-2007, 09:08 AM
Sorry Applematt, I have to disagree.
The HD picture on the HDCI-2000 is far from awesome, it's too dark. I have to watch on component instead of HDMI for this reason.And I'm not the only one who thinks so, many other users report the same on various forums.
But if it works for you...................
xanadu, keep your money in your pocket and wait for another HD PVR machine to come along!

Tony B2
22-11-2007, 08:33 PM
Sorry Applematt, I have to disagree.
The HD picture on the HDCI-2000 is far from awesome, it's too dark. I have to watch on component instead of HDMI for this reason.And I'm not the only one who thinks so, many other users report the same on various forums.
But if it works for you...................
xanadu, keep your money in your pocket and wait for another HD PVR machine to come along!

Well mine is just fine, certainly not too dark at all. My only compaint on the picture front is the occasional display of solarisation, which might be due to overcompression of the signal - it seems to happen with the Sky HD box too.

I do have a problem with audio sync though, which is a pain, but only on BBC HD. The German HD channels are OK.

Tony B2
22-11-2007, 08:51 PM
Just read the product info - it appears to be MPEG2 only, so no good for any of the European broadcasters

Tony Baker
23-11-2007, 01:05 PM

I think you might need to check the Specs again for the Humax ICord HD Sat Rx as it does indeed record both Mpeg:2 & Mpeg:4!! Plus, if you watch the test review of this box on the Dr Dish TV programme on Astra:1 you'll see that this HD Sat Rx is in fact aimed squarely at the European Sat Market! TB

Tony B2
25-11-2007, 10:40 PM

I think you might need to check the Specs again for the Humax ICord HD Sat Rx as it does indeed record both Mpeg:2 & Mpeg:4!! Plus, if you watch the test review of this box on the Dr Dish TV programme on Astra:1 you'll see that this HD Sat Rx is in fact aimed squarely at the European Sat Market! TB

Well the specs must be wrong, or my specs must be due for replacement because I can see no mention of MPEG4. AFAIK all the European broadcasters are using MPEG4 only now.

If it genuinely is MPEG4 I might well go for it.

25-11-2007, 11:34 PM
The data on Humax website seems to indicate that it does do MPEG-4


Features and Functions.

* Recording two channels whilst watching a live TV or Play-back
* Time shifted recording for 2 hours
* Integrated 250 or 320GB HDD
* Video decoding: MPEG-2 MP@HL and MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 HP@L4
* Supports 1080i, 720p, 576i video resolution
* Audio decoding: Dolby AC-3 (Dolby Digital)
* AV File transfer by USB 2.0 port (Two USB 2.0 HOST & one Device)
* Dotmatrix display
* HDMI with HDCP output
* Optical Dolby Digital Output
* 2 Common Interfaces
* 7 days EPG and SONY TVTV EPG

26-11-2007, 08:11 AM
there is a rumour it does 4.2.2 with new software due out next spring

26-11-2007, 10:50 AM
Anyone bought one yet or buying one soon >?

Or any links as where to buy

26-11-2007, 01:10 PM
There not available to buy at the moment mate.

26-11-2007, 04:51 PM
there is a rumour it does 4.2.2 with new software due out next spring

Their was a rumour the Fortec Passion would do 4:2:2, but that's never happened.....I'll believe it when I see it.

27-11-2007, 05:54 PM
I contacted Humax about the ICORD, it do not sound good for UK users, as there's no support for the ICORD in UK market. :frown:
================================= =========================
Dear Customer,

It is not possible to purchase an ICORD from the UK as it is not available
in the UK.
However if you intend to purchase the model from germany, please could I
ask you to check that it has a UK menu and is ok to use in the UK.
This is due to lack of customer service we can provide you from here due to
the model not being available here and the engineers in UK will not know
anything about the machine.


Humax Electronics Co., Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)208 744 5510
Fax: +44 (0)208 744 5511

28-11-2007, 11:38 PM
yes and its crap for 3rd party engineered cams it wont see the reloaded cam for love nor money or any combination of software mixes bad news on that front waiting for a diablo that said picture and free HD not enough out there to see in wholetime use but no brightness issues here its all good on the output side.