View Full Version : New Vantage 043 for 200 series

24-11-2007, 03:37 AM
Fixed< Premiere AU

24-11-2007, 09:46 AM
I have 2 Vantage receivers currently loaded as follows -


Model: ITS - X221CXCI 2xCAMs and 1xCARD

Loader: 00010003

Software: - 0


Model: ITS - X221CXCI 2xCAMs and 2xCARDs

Loader: 00010003

Software: - 0


TPS Autoroll works fine with this firmware version.

All versions of firmware since Vantage_00370024AOA.hdp
have NOT worked with TPS update.

The versions below DO NOT work on my receivers.


I have tried every possible thing to get newer firmware to
work but without success. I have had advise from many
Vantage forums but everything I try fails. Reload original
firmware, reset keys etc, etc, the list goes on.

The F1 button only gives the message 'Videotrack' and
no update.
Is the Loader version the problem with my receivers.
I know there are other users with the same problem
but it is not being fixed for us.

Can someone investigate this for us please !!!!

24-11-2007, 11:33 AM
your problem are the channel setting; reset your stb to factory default; then start a new search channels. Tune france 4 and you will see the right banner pushing F1

24-11-2007, 09:06 PM
After all this time you are the only one to explain what I should really be doing.
I have finally got it to work. I did as you said. Factory reset and then scanned the four satellites that I use. I've then had to upload the channel list to my pc and then edit the list as per my requirements, and then download it again back to the STB. Now it all works. It's taken about 3 hours in all.
Why does a firmware change require so much work by the user. not very user friendly I think.
But thank-you again for your advise and getting me on the right road at last. :)

25-11-2007, 03:57 PM
great it finally worked for you.

Thats really strange. For me it was enough to rescan just one frequenzy of the TPS package and choose one station on this transponder of the AU.

26-11-2007, 04:49 PM
I said that I had two X200 receivers. The second one I loaded the
v43 firmware.
Deleated all the channels.
Did a factory reset.
Then loaded the edited channel list which I had taken from the first receiver's download.

Everything worked !