View Full Version : NAgra/hummy

24-11-2007, 09:09 AM
HAving made life difficult for Ceyer in the hummy thread I find that this part of the forum may be closer to what i need. Premiere is th prob in my hummy. I have the new key and TV scren is showing in the parser the prem code screen. The 00 keys are in lines 00 and 01 split into the 2 eight double digitsQuestion is where to put the new 01keys. Should I overwrite the 00 ?

I have keys in the 02/03 lines but those do not look current All other fields are empty.


24-11-2007, 10:47 AM
key 00 goes in the first two lines and key 01 goes in the second two lines.

24-11-2007, 12:00 PM
harrison 28 you are my hero! took a little while to work out that the coloured buttons are the letters. Think its only about the second time in at least 10 years ownership that I have had to tweak the hummy in this way. usually do it through the pc. I remeber some where in the bow is a virtual keybord-perhaps that was to do with nagra 1.

24-11-2007, 01:10 PM
Not sure about being a hero m8, glad you got it sorted.:)