View Full Version : DM8000 Cancelled!!

26-11-2007, 02:56 PM
Heads up DM8000 project cancelled, not public yet from dreamultimedia reason they have failed on numerous ocassions to secure HDTV licensing!!.:eek:


26-11-2007, 03:28 PM
Where is this info from?

26-11-2007, 04:50 PM
I read this in August :rolleyes:


26-11-2007, 07:13 PM
Not heard that it's cancelled here, but will wait for any other confirmation?

14-12-2007, 06:47 PM
Im guessing its HDCP that is the stumbling block and they have been refused a licence. Probably pressured by various copyright holders :(

22-12-2007, 11:54 AM

sounds disappointing but im sure dreambox will find a work around :) somehow :)

22-12-2007, 11:56 AM

sounds disappointing but im sure dreambox will find a work around :) somehow :)
It sounds like its out of their hands - if is a licensing issue.

But there are 3 boxes launched/about to be launched - so if one of these is reasonable and (more importantly) well supported, we're up and running.

22-12-2007, 12:12 PM
I don't know why DMM can't tell us what the problem is and when they expect it to be resolved. They sure will lose out big time to other boxes if the 8000 isn't available soon.
I have just connected a Kathrein box which belongs to another forum member here to my dreambox. This receiver works with mgcamd which although not reading cards can and does work with keys and more importantly for me as a client of other boxes.
I am optimistic enough to think it wont be long before such receivers will run other emu's.

22-12-2007, 12:58 PM
sorry tho say that Kathrein box is crap ! you cant even drive motors with it , watch out for ABcom IPBOX 9000 , it think it will take the market upside down

22-12-2007, 01:14 PM

What has the ABcom IPBOX 9000 over the Kathrein ufs910? The Kathrein is having lots of support as with new box's they have issue's. Just think back to the early 7000 AND 7025 when launched. I not need sat control as I have a v-box so missing Disqec is not an issue . I the remours and they are only remours that the DM8000 has been put on hold or cancelled then we loose out on good support team.


22-12-2007, 02:01 PM
Considering what is available and selling NOW, to my knowledge the only open source HD receiver seems to be ReelBox Avantgarde. Yet I don´t see much comments anywhere about how good it is, it looks it just hasn´t raised a lot of interest. Wold like to know why. Also, how could they get the neccessary HDTV license, the one that DM8000 couldn´t?

22-12-2007, 02:10 PM
yes I agree about your 8000 question, also I have been told (by a reliable source) that the reelbox is the only one capable of running gbox but it is still under development.

22-12-2007, 03:10 PM
I´ve read gbox already works in ReelBox.

22-12-2007, 03:11 PM

What has the ABcom IPBOX 9000 over the Kathrein ufs910? The Kathrein is having lots of support as with new box's they have issue's. Just think back to the early 7000 AND 7025 when launched. I not need sat control as I have a v-box so missing Disqec is not an issue . I the remours and they are only remours that the DM8000 has been put on hold or cancelled then we loose out on good support team.


i dont realy know phisicaly the box but from comments of ppl who had a chance to play with it ,they told me that the box is a piece of shayt ,no diseq 1.2,bad tuner,no card slot ..and those guys are quite high up in the sceen..so i take there word for it

22-12-2007, 03:16 PM
Yet I donīt see much comments anywhere about how good it is, it looks it just hasnīt raised a lot of interest.

simple..look at the price tag on it:rolleyes:

Wold like to know why. Also, how could they get the neccessary HDTV license, the one that DM8000 couldnīt?

Dreamultimedia have lots of enemies, remember Murcock and his power

22-12-2007, 08:16 PM
sorry tho say that Kathrein box is crap ! you cant even drive motors with it , watch out for ABcom IPBOX 9000 , it think it will take the market upside down

Actually you are wrong in my opinion.

I am watching HDTV channels using CS.
The picture quality is simply amazing ( even SD compared to dreambox )
I have timeshift and record feature of encrypted channels to multiple USB HDD's working.
The latest unofficial image is very stable.
The motor issue is sure to be reolved soon.

All in all a fantastic bit of kit.

22-12-2007, 08:32 PM

It doesn´t matter whose bullet kills you, the result is much the same.

22-12-2007, 09:47 PM
it was just my opinion guys ,as far as i know there is no perfect HD box right now,every single of them has something wrong somewhere.cheers

24-12-2007, 03:34 AM
does your great HD decoder looks like this one???






latest official release date in european market 19-01-08 ,so sometimes is worth the wait than make an adventure with risky decoders with no smart card slots ,no diseq 1.2 motor control ,slow zapping...etc...cheers ,merry christmas and happy new year to all

24-12-2007, 10:58 AM
Humax iCord HD - another linux based receiver coming very soon
_http://www.humax-digital.de/products/iCordHD.asp (in german)

24-12-2007, 01:02 PM
then again ..no cards slot(s) ,after paying a hight amount of money for the box ppl are obliged to pay even further for the Ci module , i stick to IPBOX 9000 ,today i even got a confirmation that as from 18-01-08 it will be available

24-12-2007, 01:27 PM

Do you know - will the expected IPBOX 9000 work with gbox?

24-12-2007, 02:07 PM
As per my info IPBOX 9000 is already out in ******ia, where it is originated from (ABCOM manufacterer is located in ******ia)
SF team has also finished supporting Kathrein and will support the new IPBOX in the future.
Sooner or later, hope sooner...

24-12-2007, 02:46 PM
edited ...i found it!!

24-12-2007, 02:48 PM

Do you know - will the expected IPBOX 9000 work with gbox?

iīm sure it will work with anything available on linux stb stuff

24-12-2007, 05:24 PM
what makes you so sure that will work ??? can you please give a bitt more info, if you can offcourse
the box has not come out yet , and has not been tested
so no one can say for sure or can guarante anyone that will work with gbox
or for that matter with any other emu

as long as i know the box has been tested and being reported to work
but this info is not to be published yet.

i have direct contact with the supplier in Sl o va Kia and all i can say is that this box will rock:D cant wait to gett my hands in mine

Merry Christmas every one


iīm sure it will work with anything available on linux stb stuff

24-12-2007, 05:52 PM
what makes you so sure that will work ??? can you please give a bitt more info, if you can offcourse
the box has not come out yet , and has not been tested
so no one can say for sure or can guarante anyone that will work with gbox
or for that matter with any other emu

as long as i know the box has been tested and being reported to work
but this info is not to be published yet.

i have direct contact with the supplier in Sl o va Kia and all i can say is that this box will rock:D cant wait to gett my hands in mine

Merry Christmas every one


simple, previous boxes work with any emus,i dont see why not this one

24-12-2007, 05:59 PM
most emus are compiled for all different arhitectures , gbox however is not
developed anymore and is available in ppc and mips only afaik .

24-12-2007, 08:06 PM
we dont need gbox anyway there is better protocoles now like chamlon and feynman witch are new ones and accepting new generation cards ,i dont use gbox my self anylonger so ,we have to progress ..cheers

25-12-2007, 12:05 AM
Sorry to intrude guys but can we at least stick to topic since the thread has lost its meaning a bit here.

As for DM8000 being canceled that would be a shame since I was looking forward to this beast coming out since HD is the future and would hate Dream media not to cash on HD market as well.



25-12-2007, 12:40 PM
IPBox 900HD is the little brother off the 9000HD
the diference is that the 900HD will not have a card reader.
all the rest will be same as the 9000HD

I have both the 400, 422, 350 , almost all the ab ipbox receivers
and im very hapy owner off this boxes.

i also have the dreambox 7000, had 500 but sold it , have order the 600 and the 7020
so i can compare with the abipbox. untill now the Ab Ipbox hardware is rock steady so is the software, is lacks support as there are only few teams making images.
dreambox hardware is cheap at list seams so , but the software side is very very good supported.

back to the topic , i have send DMM an e-mail and the answer is very negative
they never say if they will reliase the dmm 8000 , and they never say if they will not
one thing is for sure , this is a wating game we are on . but how long can we wait for this box to see the daylight ??? if i rember right it has been meant to be lunched since 2006 , or was it 2005 ???

seesm like DMM is gonna lett us down as they did with the MM magic mudule
who knows , we all have to wait

25-12-2007, 02:06 PM
also there is another negative point about DM,i own a DM7020Si and i have a serious problem about the CI reader and so many ppl have the same problem with this model ,actualy i posted various complaints posts in DM official board and apart of sending the box to them they didnt give another option not even explaining what was wrong

25-12-2007, 02:15 PM
dhe best Is Dark-BOX
HD-is Coming sune:D
i will give full power

25-12-2007, 03:15 PM
we dont need gbox anyway .........

i do not use gbox neither , but his question was wether he could use it on kathrein , ipbox and future boxes .
it's simple to find out what a certain emu has been cross compiled against , just open the archive and look whats inside .
examples ,

ppc = dmm500 - 7200
mipsel = 7250 - 8000
stapi = kathrein

26-12-2007, 01:04 AM
IPBox 900HD is the little brother off the 9000HD
the diference is that the 900HD will not have a card reader.
all the rest will be same as the 9000HD

I have both the 400, 422, 350 , almost all the ab ipbox receivers
and im very hapy owner off this boxes.

i also have the dreambox 7000, had 500 but sold it , have order the 600 and the 7020
so i can compare with the abipbox. untill now the Ab Ipbox hardware is rock steady so is the software, is lacks support as there are only few teams making images.
dreambox hardware is cheap at list seams so , but the software side is very very good supported.

back to the topic , i have send DMM an e-mail and the answer is very negative
they never say if they will reliase the dmm 8000 , and they never say if they will not
one thing is for sure , this is a wating game we are on . but how long can we wait for this box to see the daylight ??? if i rember right it has been meant to be lunched since 2006 , or was it 2005 ???

seesm like DMM is gonna lett us down as they did with the MM magic mudule
who knows , we all have to wait

you are absolutly right there,IPBOX aka DGSTATION is made in corea ,dreambox in china thats explain the quality of the hardware..cheap **** chung:D

26-12-2007, 01:22 AM
Is it better we are opening a new thread for this lovely IPBOX 9000
under HD receivers, thanks.:)

26-12-2007, 04:24 AM
Is it better we are opening a new thread for this lovely IPBOX 9000
under HD receivers, thanks.:)

done m8, sorry for "semi-diverting" the thread with another subject ,,the only thing i want to say about Dream multimedia and their ghost DM8000 ....(R.I.P)


PS: to continue about IPBOX 9000 aka Cuberevo go here ---> https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=76768

26-12-2007, 11:40 AM
Humax iCord HD - another linux based receiver coming very soon
_http://www.humax-digital.de/products/iCordHD.asp (in german)

Are you sure that this is a Linux-based receiver? It seems that Humax do not mention this at all!

26-12-2007, 01:32 PM
they have 2 models one of them close linux other one open but on open linux ethernet port u cant use for internet is disabled in the flash u can use that ethernet only like uk they have true to the internet make shoping i dont know what they call in germay any way that means not very good idea to buy this receiver for now on other think maybe lather same developer can give flash hack to this receivers enbale to upload any img...

lets see.

11-01-2008, 02:08 AM
some good news:


11-01-2008, 03:19 AM
Some hope on the horizon. first official thing on their site, can we conclude from the picture there will be 2 versions of HD receiver?

11-01-2008, 12:39 PM
Actually you are wrong in my opinion.

I am watching HDTV channels using CS.
The picture quality is simply amazing ( even SD compared to dreambox )
I have timeshift and record feature of encrypted channels to multiple USB HDD's working.
The latest unofficial image is very stable.
The motor issue is sure to be reolved soon.

All in all a fantastic bit of kit.

Well just like what drjihans reviews of this box the upscalling from sd too 1080i
i crappy blurring and it looks much better on my dreambox with component or even scart connector it only looks good on hd channels
so i aint sharper if you ask me

11-01-2008, 04:43 PM
the DM8000 wil have HDMI connection?

11-01-2008, 04:45 PM
the DM8000 wil have HDMI connection?

Should do !:p

18-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Dm800 will be out in 3 weeks and the bigger model DM8000 in April/May.

18-01-2008, 10:02 PM
I got bored of waiting for a reasonable HD capable box (my Humax HDCI-2000 is crap) so have built my own linux-based HD PVR. Here's the specs: -

Athlon 64 2350 overclocked to 2.7Ghz
1Tb Disk
DVB-T (3 tuners) / DVB-S / DVB-S2 (2 tuners)
diseqc 1.2 / USALS
Dolby Digital / DTS Out
1 x CA Slot
Ubuntu 7.10
VDR 1.5.13
Enigma OSD
mp3 / xvid / jpg player
Burn recordings to DVD
Serves 2 remote hauppauge MVP media boxes over powerline ethernet

Watching BBC HD now in perfect 1080i!

You could probably build the same for the cost of a DM8000.

