View Full Version : conax card

28-11-2007, 05:01 PM
i have just bought a DB500s and installed gemini 4.10
i am trying to use a genuine conax card in the cam and it does not work.
do i need to add anything else or should it just work,
have tried activating cam in blue menu

any help appreciated

28-11-2007, 05:06 PM
it will work when you install and start a cardserver/emulator .

28-11-2007, 05:06 PM
cc cam should work ok with a conax cam . cant say for sure as i dont have conax card now . but this emu works with most cards

28-11-2007, 05:16 PM
thank for such quick replies.
how do i install ccam onto my dreambox

28-11-2007, 05:54 PM
download with the blue button m8 must be on the net for this ...

28-11-2007, 06:04 PM
i think i have read that it is also possible to update manually with a ftp prog. is this correct?????

28-11-2007, 06:44 PM
you have three options , two by using ftp and one by having your box online .

1 . each file needed ( ppc binary,configs,deamon script ) can be installed separately
in proper folders .

2. packed tar ball with files mentioned above can be placed in the /tmp folder and
unpacked in the menu ( this is normaly called "manual install" ) .

3. you connect to online server via menu and download what you need .

29-11-2007, 11:55 AM
thanks again for replies.
however could anyone please explain in more details how to install ccam in the appropiate folder manually.

i have downloaded ccam and using DCC can transfer the folder to the temp folder of the dreambox.
but from this point i dont know what to do.
i read somewhere that i should rename the files to addon.tar.gz but when i try that the message is insallation failed.
sorry if this all seems basic but i am new to the DB

thanks in advance

29-11-2007, 12:14 PM
hi ,
since you use gemini , go to their forum ( i h a d ) and download packed tar ball
including the emu you require .
when you place it in /tmp you will be able to unpack with the remote control .

every image maker have their own way of developing , so you can not use files
packed for gemini somewhere else and vice versa .

03-12-2007, 12:27 PM
thanks for help finally got it sorted