View Full Version : I've been out of the game so whats new?

30-11-2007, 06:54 PM
Having moved house about 18 months ago I am now about ready to put my motorised dish up again plugged into my Sammy 9500, but before doing so I was just wondering whether things are as good as they were before? Is it still possible to get Premiership footy with an 80cm dish in Southampton or am I going to need anything new? I also see that there are cards such as Digitalb so is it worth buying one of those and will it work in the Sammy without a cam?

I don't mind updating the k*ys regularly but to be honest I'm so busy these days i was just wondering whether to buy a card instead rather than spending hours cursing my PC!

Any advice greatfully received

03-12-2007, 06:17 PM
Read the Stickies, m8.:cool:

Get the Emu 6.2 and enjoy, while it lasts. The new one is ready but we're waiting...

CS is possible, too.

Enjoy mucking about! ;) :)