View Full Version : Setup suggestions

01-12-2007, 01:02 PM
Right, I want to alter my setup quite a bit and would welcome a few suggestions - want to make sure i order everything up in one hit and order the right bits and bobs.

Current setup = 90cm dish with SG2100 diseqc motor. Dreambox 7020.

I want to do away with the motor and replace with either - same dish with multi bracket for 28/19/16/13 or Wavefrontier (i assume its workable just to stick on a bracket for the original dish?).
I would prefer to have 5 feeds leading from all lnbs (so that I can cover all rooms in the house) but i suppose quad lnbs are all that are available to me at a reasonable price?

Then will have 3 éagle boxes upstairs, leaving the dreambox downstairs for the moment (until a well supported and affordable HD linux box comes along).
Boxes connected up via ethernet homeplugs.
A few disecq switches for distribution.

Suggestions on setup welcome. Also, does it make much difference which lnb i go for - and what switches should i choose?

01-12-2007, 02:23 PM
The Sly type Octo LNBs are cheap on éBay and work OK on my 80cm (although others have posted that they may have the wrong f/d ratio). They have a projection on the 40mm neck which some clamps can't accept but I filed it off on one without problems. The Octo is used on 28ºE as I have a Sly+ box (which reqires two feeds) and 3 other RXs.

The very cheap 4x1 DiSEqC switches on the same site work well but need to be sited under cover as they are not weatherproofed like the Global ones.

Have a look at the site sponsor before you jump.

10-12-2007, 08:34 PM
The Sly type Octo LNBs are cheap on éBay and work OK on my 80cm (although others have posted that they may have the wrong f/d ratio). They have a projection on the 40mm neck which some clamps can't accept but I filed it off on one without problems. The Octo is used on 28ºE as I have a Sly+ box (which reqires two feeds) and 3 other RXs.
Thanks for that. Anyone else using these with a multi LNB bracket?
Should I expect any stability issues if I hang 4 of these off a multi LNB bracket in front of an 80cm dish? Dish is somewhat exposed.

11-12-2007, 02:57 PM
All that weight won't help! Depends on the design of the bracket (and the dish itself. Would it be possible to split the LNBs between 2 dishes if there's a problem?

11-12-2007, 03:12 PM
I would really prefer to stick with one dish. I'm sure i will get some feedback from people that have attempted to do it -or are currently using this setup.

I suppose i could make do with 13/19/28 if it comes down to it.

11-12-2007, 03:17 PM
have a look through this thread in lnb section


11-12-2007, 04:35 PM
I should have said, too, look at Echelon's sticky - very informative. The only thing that concerns me is the weight of the octos, and of course the spacing. If you could hide a zone 2 dish, set up exactly as described by Echelon, and keep your 90 for 16E, you would have everything you want. If you want to limit it to one dish, then the 3 degree spacing wouldn't be possible with octos. You can buy slimline LNBs which allow 3 degree spacing, but I'm not sure whether they're available as anything other than singles.

11-12-2007, 04:52 PM
or you can use the triax 80cm or 110cm with one of their special triax 4-way lnb holders and alps slimline lnb,s if you wanted 16e , or without 16e you can use sly quad lnb,s like the thomson or zinwell etc , and the singles too , providing they have removable holders like the slyware ones , or any other typical universal lnb,s , singles , doubles , quads etc

so you can get 3 or 4 lnb,s on one dish as can be seen in that other thread when using a suitable lnb holder

so if you use 4 sly quads on a suitable 4-way lnb holder for your current dish , or a triax dish system ( or a 4 way wave or force frontier dish) and 4 way waterproof diseqc switches you can get what you want with 1 dish and 4 quad lnb,s and 4 for-way switches

11-12-2007, 06:22 PM
m8 i have just done ( sunday afternoon) a triax 64cm dish with triax multi lnb holder here at home.

At the mo I have 28.0e,19.0e and 13.0e all coming in nice and strong and working perfect with db, will add another lnb once i get some more cable.

The triax lnb holder is solid and would take some weight for it to bend, I have a sky quad on it at the end for 28.0e, even though the dam thing wont fit right.

It was not that hard to setup and took me about 2 hours from start to finish.

I can recommend this to you m8, maybe get a bigger triax and go for 28.0e,19.0e,13.0e and 5.0e or 1.0w.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need anymore info or look at the link echelon posted;)

11-12-2007, 06:35 PM
some of the sly quads have plastic ridges that need filing off or cutting off with a junior hacksaw and maybe filing too , and then maybe some black tape wrapped once around the 40mm collar

and the triax dishes do have stronger arms as you say , and the dedicated lnb holder is simple to fit and does the job as it should do

15-12-2007, 11:03 AM
Thanks for all the posts guys. I've decided to run with ...
=> Triax 4 slot lnb holder (i'm not 100% sure what make my dish is but it looks to have the same arm size to suit the triax lnb holder...hope for the best).
=> ALPS UNI-QUATTRO LNC 40mm FEED (Am I ordering up the right thing here - is that supposed to be LNC? - if so whats the difference with LNB?)
=> Diseqc Switch 4/1 EMP Centauri - P.164-IW

Large selection of switches - can't say i know the difference between them. Is the above ok.

Also, very tempted to get a Kathrein UFS 910 (€339). If i hold off, how much longer until theres another linux based box out there for HD? Is there enough support around for me to get the Kathrein up and running?

Look forward to hearing your comments before I place the order.

15-12-2007, 12:04 PM
m8 don't know what a lnc is so can't help there.

The Kathrein UFS 910 is working with mgcamd from what I have been told and newcs.

I think the quattro is not what you want, I think these are used with multi switches for big jobs.
You need the alps quad.

Make sure you get the bullet nose.

Here is a pic.

15-12-2007, 02:40 PM
@Keano. That looks exactly like what i'm buying. However, they have both quad and quattro listed (specs below). They are both refered to as LNC. The frustrating thing is that they have all the other bits and pieces I want to order up - so i'm hoping one of these lnbs is the one I want? Can anyone confirm?
Otherwise, I will have to order up bits from 2 or 3 places to get exactly what I want - and end up with 3 delivery charges to IRL.
From what I can gather one says that a multiswitch is required for one but not for the other? Surely both need some form of a switch....or are they saying that one requires a proper expensive switch as opposed to the €20 4 in/1out switches?

quatro spec:
Quattro Universal LNB
10,7 - 12,75 GHz
Modell: BSTE9-101A

Versorgunsspannung: 11,5-19 V
Stromaufnahme: 150 mA typ.
Eingangsfrequenz: 10,7 -11,7 GHz, 11,7 - 12,75 GHz
Oszillatorfrequenz (L.O): 9,75 GHz / 10,6 GHz
Ausgangsfrequenz: 950 - 1950 MHz, 1100 - 2150 MHz
Ausgang: 4 x F-Connector
Verstärkung: 55 dB (typ)
Feeddurchmesser: 40 mm (standard)
Gewicht: 300 g
ALPS BSTE9, Quattro-LNC, 40mm Feed, 0.4 dB,4 Ausgänge für Multischalter 10,7-11,8 GHz (Lo=9,75) und 11,70- 12,75 GHZ (Lo=10,6), inklusive Wetterschutzkappe für F-Anschlüsse.

Quad Spec:

ALPS BSTE4, Quattro-Switch-LNB,40mm Feed, 4 Ausgänge für den direkten Anschluß (kein Multischalter wird benötigt!!) von 4 Teilnehmern, 0.4 dB, 10.7-11.8 (Lo=9.75) und 11.7-12.75GHz (Lo=10.6),Umschaltung mit 22 kHz, inklusive Wetterschutz Kappe für F-Anschluss

Für bis zu 4 Receiver digital/analog
Lange haltbar durch perfekten Wetterschutz
Niedrige Vebrauchswerte
Online support
Ideal für den digitalen Empfang
Modell: BSTE4-101A

technische Daten:
unterstützte Spannung: 11,5 - 19 V
Durchnittsverbrauch: 150 mA (typ.)
Arbeitstemperatur: - 40 °C bis + 60° C
Empfangsbereich Low Band:10,7 ~ 11,7 GHz
Empfangsbereich High Band: 11,7 ~ 12,75 GHz
L.O. frequency Low Band: 9,75 GHz
L.O. frequency High Band:10,6 GHz
IF output Low Band: 950 ~ 1950 MHz
IF output High Band:1100 ~ 2150 MHz
Umwandlungs Gewinn: 55 dB (typ.)
IF-Ausgänge: 4 „F" Stecker
Feedhorn mounting: 40 mm (Standard Größe)
Gewicht: 400 g

(ps. would buy from one of sponsors but alp lnbs not available)

15-12-2007, 08:26 PM
m8 you want the quad not the quattro,

After my post I went away to make sure and I thought right, you use quattro lnbs with multi switches.

They have 4 ouputs for different freqs and bands which then feed into the switch then on to many many tv's.

You get the quad and a 'normal' diseqc swicth, I can recommend the technomate 4-1 diseqc switch.

I have just ordered 4 twin alps lnb from Germany for my triax, its amazing no one in UK stocking these ( apart from one company ).

02-01-2008, 11:30 PM
Kit arrived today - 4xAlps Quad LNBs and Triax arm. I won't be doing the job till next week but put them together. I hope this is going to work out ok as they were well heavy when I stuck them all on the holder!

I'm at 8*W in west of Ireland - with an 88cm dish - wondering whats the best to go for.. 28/19/16/13 or 28/19/13/1W

Which of these two variables will be the easier to pickup?
Which sat do I align the dish with initially/setup initially?