View Full Version : nile sat

03-12-2007, 10:43 PM
hi what size of dish that i need to pickup nilesat thanks:rolleyes:

03-12-2007, 10:49 PM
probably between 1.5m and 2.5m , typically up to 2m for your location

03-12-2007, 11:21 PM
I'm currently watching 7°w channels on an 80cm dish with holes in it not that far from Bromley.

If you say what channels you want to watch and when in the day I can give you a more accurate answer.

03-12-2007, 11:26 PM
Dish size for Bromley, Kent

For horizontal channels 1.2 -1.5m

For vertical channels 60 -80cm

04-12-2007, 12:42 AM
I'm using 1.1 m and I can only watch vertical channels - London NW.

04-12-2007, 05:26 PM
i live dudley west midlands..think id need one from nasa

04-12-2007, 05:42 PM
If you live in the South of the UK then you have a very good chance of getting both H beams and V beams on a very good 120cm, a 150cm would be better.

I know a guy who gets all of 7.0w with a CM120 and feedhorn in south wales, only drops when it down pours.

Now the minute you start going North then you have big problems, the H beam drops big time for each 10/15 miles the further North you go.

A guy in Birmingham who has 180CM still has no joy with the H beams.

Me I am just of the East Lancs between Manchester and St.Helens and I have a 240CM with feedhorn, I get all V and H beams OK, the only one I don't get is 11804H, this is very weak and comes in at about 22.00 until 05.00.

The important one is 11996H ( showsports) and thankfully this is one of the strongest H beams.

Do a search on forum about 7.0w and nilesat, loads of info on it.

04-12-2007, 06:57 PM
Interesting to see what Keano says about the guy in South Wales using a 1.2 Metre dish.

I live in South Gloucestershire, but I am restricted to a 1 Metre dish ( Council block) and get nothing on Nilesat. I think my problem is the fact I use a Quad output LNB and therefore have no chance of picking up this satellite. Horizontal or Vertical.

I can't lock and signal on 11862 V but there was one back in April, but unwatchable.



04-12-2007, 09:15 PM
I am in Warwickshire using a Channel Master 1.2 meter dish and cant get any signal at all for Nilesat,I think maybe if I get a Channel Master feedhon and a c120 lnb then maybe it would be a bit better than the sharp lnb I am using at the moment.Maybe using a Dreambox 7000 might not help to much as they are well known for not being able to pull in weak signals.


04-12-2007, 09:29 PM
Guys my 110cm televes dish gets me the V beams from about 19.00 until about 09.00 in the morning and I am a lot further North then you two.

@bonehead m8 you need the matched feedhorn and invacomc120 to get the most out of your dish and get rid of the db7000. It has to be the worst tuner ever in any receiver.

simon 2003
04-12-2007, 10:45 PM
I am in Warwickshire using a Channel Master 1.2 meter dish and cant get any signal at all for Nilesat,I think maybe if I get a Channel Master feedhon and a c120 lnb then maybe it would be a bit better than the sharp lnb I am using at the moment.Maybe using a Dreambox 7000 might not help to much as they are well known for not being able to pull in weak signals.


im in warwicks with the same dish m8 ive never had a sniff either

04-12-2007, 10:55 PM
I live just south of Valencia an get all Nilesat channels on a 80cm dish,
and all Showtime with a protek 9600ip and its supurb. must be the package around at the mo, expecially if u like sport.

sorry if that pi**es you off, just felt like telling somebody:D:D:D

05-12-2007, 12:30 PM
im in warwicks with the same dish m8 ive never had a sniff either

What lnb you using m8?I think the proper feedhorn and invacom c120 as Keano mentions would be the right way to go,its just trying to find somewhere that stocks them both.


05-12-2007, 12:43 PM
I live just south of Valencia an get all Nilesat channels on a 80cm dish,
and all Showtime with a protek 9600ip and its supurb. must be the package around at the mo, expecially if u like sport.

sorry if that pi**es you off, just felt like telling somebody:D:D:D

me too south of Alicante get the lot on a 80cm dish, coming home for Christmass and will get nothing form their on 90cm in the uk


05-12-2007, 04:59 PM
hi what size of dish that i need to pickup nilesat thanks:rolleyes:

Which channels or transponder on Nilesat are you after ?

05-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Im in halesowen(west mids)i get some vertical channels late at night,but i have got a 50+m length of coax,with a dreambox 7000 and a cm 120 dish.

05-12-2007, 07:09 PM
@ Keano,how much a difference does a feedhorn make as i can get a andrews feedhorn with Inverto 0.3dB C120 LNB for £80.

05-12-2007, 07:38 PM
if you have an andrews 1.2M then always best to use the maching feed I changed from ivacom .3 lnbf to andrews feed and c120 lnb on a 1.8 andrews dish made a diffrence when looking at nilesat but not enough to receive all the transponders the andrews also outperformed my precision 1.8 prime focus dish

05-12-2007, 08:19 PM
Guys firstly slight apology, m8 in south wales with the CM120cm dish only gets a weak lock on the H beams, not enough for a picture.
The V beams no problem 24/7.
For everything on 7.0w he uses 1.8mtr fortec star.
Before anyone buys a fortec star dish, note that these are not easy to setup and are not built to a high standard.

Regarding feedhorn then it is a must that to get the most from your dish you use the feedhorn and a c120.

Now its not going to give you the h beams on a 120cm dish but you will see a improvement on other transponders.

In my case "normal" LNBF gave nothing on 7.0w 11996H, then I swapped to a CM feedhorn and invacom c120 and got the signal I need to watch show sports.

@Ken m8 I have a brand new inverto c120 and a Channel master feedhorn is you are interested,I got one from the USA but after waiting weeks for it I got one from the UK then couple of weeks ago one from USA turned up.
I am using a quad c120 invacom.

05-12-2007, 09:59 PM
I can just about get 11861V on Nilesat near Oxfordshire/Warwickshire border using a Pace DS810XE.

1M CM Dish Alps 0.7dB LNB

The Pace has a better receiver than TM-9100 and DM7000

DM7000 59% SNR (Audio with breaking picture)
Technomate 80% SNR (But that's rubbish because everything is 80% on the TM):rolleyes: No better than the Dreambox 7000.

05-12-2007, 10:25 PM
If I could remind you gents of this thread

Particularly the TP list in post #10, just to show it can be done.
Albeit in decent weather.



06-12-2007, 06:36 PM
So whats the strongest transponders on Nilesat that we should get over here?


06-12-2007, 08:08 PM
Hi guys

When we are talking about c120 Lnb and feed horn, are we talking prime focus dish or offset dish? I can pic up all the V channels on my 1.2m offset dish with invacom 0.3Lnb after 7pm but no H ch from this sat. I live in the midlands and looking at the stability of the V channels I don't think I could ever be able to pick up any of the H channels without 2m or 2.8m dish or a Nasa dish as one our member suggested. Its about time the Nile sat people consider directing one of their beam to our side. Regards

06-12-2007, 09:25 PM
LOL, I'll have a word with them .:)

Yes a Channelmaster/Andrew F/H on any large offset dish with an F/D of around 0.6 with a decent C120 LNB seems to be the way to go these days.



06-12-2007, 09:51 PM

One of the strongest V transponders is 11785V and the weakest V transponder is 11900V.

For those of you who cant getting anything from 7.0w esp in the evening then something is not right with your setup.

You should be getting something with a 120cm dish any where lower than Manchester.

My 110cm televes dish picks nearly all V transponders, the weekend just gone i watched extreme sports which is on 11862V from my 110cm dish.
Watched ****y play wigan.

Finally its been said many times before you need the feedhorn and c120 if you have a CM dish, you are not getting the most from your dish if you are not using one.
Next time you pass the bookies take a look at their dish, most of them have CM dishes, some are only small ones but they are all have the matched feedhorn.

simon 2003
08-12-2007, 12:47 PM
What lnb you using m8?I think the proper feedhorn and invacom c120 as Keano mentions would be the right way to go,its just trying to find somewhere that stocks them both.


just a sharp 0.3 job m8,think your right matched feedhorn would make all the difference

08-12-2007, 03:52 PM
just a sharp 0.3 job m8,think your right matched feedhorn would make all the difference

Yes m8 you got the same set up as me with a sharp 0.3 lnb have to look out for a feedhorn and c120 lnb.


08-12-2007, 07:29 PM
got a 80cm offset dish aimed at 1 west,put £4 lnb got from li*l next to the one on the dish,had frequency at 11996h ,picked up 78 and 84 on signal. i,have atechnomate 5500cip, i live in east anglia .

09-12-2007, 12:51 PM
Is it the feedhorn that needs to matched to the dish or is it the feedhorn that needs to be matched to the LNB?

I have a 1.2 metre prime focus pressed steel dish of unknown make and probably about 10 years old. It is very stong and is mounted on an IRTE polar mount (very strong). The feed horn is also made br IRTE and there is a MTI 0.6db (AP8-TW) lnb (c120 flange). The LNB is about 4 years old. I bought the dish second hand and have mounted the LNB/feedhorn by using M8 stainless steel studding. I seem to remember having to calculate the focal length for the dish but can't remember the formulae I used.

I am now struggling to pick up Nilesat even on the vertical polorisation - I live in Surrey.

Any ideas much appreciated. I have taken some pictures of the dish but can't work out how to attach them to this post !!

09-12-2007, 01:49 PM
I have found the formulae

f=rxr/4xc where c is depth of dish and r is half diameter of dish.

F works out at 480 which gives an f/D ratio of 0.4

12-12-2007, 03:34 PM
Is it the feedhorn that needs to matched to the dish or is it the feedhorn that needs to be matched to the LNB?

I have a 1.2 metre prime focus pressed steel dish of unknown make and probably about 10 years old. It is very stong and is mounted on an IRTE polar mount (very strong). The feed horn is also made br IRTE and there is a MTI 0.6db (AP8-TW) lnb (c120 flange). The LNB is about 4 years old. I bought the dish second hand and have mounted the LNB/feedhorn by using M8 stainless steel studding. I seem to remember having to calculate the focal length for the dish but can't remember the formulae I used.

I am now struggling to pick up Nilesat even on the vertical polorisation - I live in Surrey.

Any ideas much appreciated. I have taken some pictures of the dish but can't work out how to attach them to this post !!

m8 if you can't get V beams from 7.0w in Surrey then you have problems.

Scrap what you have and go and get a nice Gibertini 1.25mtr dish with matched feedhorn, use min spec ct100 cable and you will see those channels coming back in again.

I know it sound drastic but trust it will save lots and lots of time and expense trying to fix what you have.

Finally 7.0w since the weekend has become a lot weaker, this is due to the fact the UK is moving further North during the winter months, the worst day is suppose to be Dec 22nd.
I have lost up to 7% since the weekend in strength.

You have only got to look at the sun today, it hardly came over the sky line here in Manchester and then went totally at 12.45pm.

12-12-2007, 06:19 PM
the sun never bloody comes over the skyline here in manchester m8.ian.

13-12-2007, 06:11 PM
Dear Keano

Thanks for your reply. Subsequent to my last post I decided to change the LNB. This I did - purchasing an Inverto C120 Dual LNB (dual because he did not have a single in stock!)

On removing the old LNB and feedhorn a spider crawled out and I am fairly convinced that the Spider had been causing all the problems. Anyway I still changed the LNB as I had already bought it and there has been a significant improvement. All the vertical channels are available but still no horizontal.

As I mentioned I live in Surrey and still wonder if its worth setting up a fixed dish just for Nilesat to get those illusive horizontal channels. Would a 1.8 metre Channel Master do the trick? or is something bigger still needed?


13-12-2007, 07:59 PM
Dear Keano

Thanks for your reply. Subsequent to my last post I decided to change the LNB. This I did - purchasing an Inverto C120 Dual LNB (dual because he did not have a single in stock!)

On removing the old LNB and feedhorn a spider crawled out and I am fairly convinced that the Spider had been causing all the problems. Anyway I still changed the LNB as I had already bought it and there has been a significant improvement. All the vertical channels are available but still no horizontal.

As I mentioned I live in Surrey and still wonder if its worth setting up a fixed dish just for Nilesat to get those illusive horizontal channels. Would a 1.8 metre Channel Master do the trick? or is something bigger still needed?


Thats great m8, now would a CM180 work for H beams it would very hard to say but I bet you would not be far off.

You are in a very good location for weak sats.

One thing to note this time of year is not great for sat hunting, UK is at a high point.

If you have the budget and a wife/partner who wont mind then I reckon you should go for it.
Just make sure you got the CM feedhorn to go with it.

I could ask someone who has a CM180 and is getting a CM240 to replace if he is interested in selling it, its only a month old.


14-12-2007, 09:53 AM
Dear Keano

Thanks for your reply. Subsequent to my last post I decided to change the LNB. This I did - purchasing an Inverto C120 Dual LNB (dual because he did not have a single in stock!)

On removing the old LNB and feedhorn a spider crawled out and I am fairly convinced that the Spider had been causing all the problems. Anyway I still changed the LNB as I had already bought it and there has been a significant improvement. All the vertical channels are available but still no horizontal.

As I mentioned I live in Surrey and still wonder if its worth setting up a fixed dish just for Nilesat to get those illusive horizontal channels. Would a 1.8 metre Channel Master do the trick? or is something bigger still needed?


Hello there,

I have tried both 1.8m and 2.4m Ma-plin dishes (Fortec star - cheap& cheerful), Invacom/C120 feedhorn, location in West London.

1.8m got me the Showsport channels, stable during good weather but with rain you can lose those channels in rain.

So, upgraded to 2.4m, and that now gives me those channels almost all the time - unless extreme downpoors where most other sats go anyway.

Many seem to suggest that this is a poor dish the one I am using & that the Channel Master is much more efficient (I have not used it to compare), and if that is correct , then I would say 1.8m channel master in your location would be fine (lets say equiv to my 2.4m).

I see people report H beam with 1.2m in London, but if you are after reliable viewing, I don't think 1.2 is good enough (I have that already), even a 1.5m with my friend near me, gets him Showsport , but not reliable constant signal.

I hope this helps you.

14-12-2007, 10:36 AM
Good post wsm25, hope this helps many people in the South of the UK.

It also shows that the fortec star dishes can be used if setup correctly.