View Full Version : OMG! Technomate failed to boot!!!!

06-12-2007, 05:33 PM
hey everyone,

getting a message on my screen saying

U-Boot 1.1.2 (Tuxbox) (Feb 23 2007 - 18:15:23)

failed to boot...
going into debug mode
[u-boot@TM-9100 boot]$

and the screen just stays like that ffs :(

this has all happened after me playing around with the box , i assume this means ive fuc*ed the box up in some way , noooooooooo!!!

can anyone help me please?:confused:



06-12-2007, 05:52 PM
i get the feeling that i will have to do this Jtag on the box :(

06-12-2007, 07:11 PM
what was or is in the tm9100 flash ?

should be tm009 at the moment , shortly to be replaced by tm010

06-12-2007, 08:14 PM
I had the ur009 beta installed, was working fine until I started messing around with the emus. I erased all the emus via FTP and then re-installed them by pressing the green button and downloading them from the panel again, problem was that the emus were not appearing after re-booting the box , it just said I had no emus installed? I had even saved my previous settings and but them back as they were but that did not work either. I then took it upon myself to just go through the installation again. So I too a look at what images were available and decided to use the ds_3.4_FIX_TM9100_update.img.zip. for a change. So I read the instruction on what to do, uploaded the image to the tmp folder and then installed it on the box, I then followed the instructions as if I were going through the basic setup again. I loaded tm005 which was successful , I then proceeded to load tm009, at this point the box froze at 39% and stayed like that for 15 mins, it said on the screen do not turn off box , but what does brains do ? Turns it off :(

so basically I think I have screwed myself , and I am not so sure on the procedure I was following either , I though I was doing everything correctly.

I hope this makes sense.


06-12-2007, 08:20 PM
ds team can mess up the flash on the box so should never have been loaded in the first place. took me ages to get it out using tm005 and serial interface and null modem cable with a few factory resets along the way before getting tm009 into my flash

tm005 and tm009 are original flashes and only 005 has a noboot image for tm9100 users

so if you have a tm9100 you should try tm005 noboot and flash using the serial input and null modem cable

once its in , factory reset it and then load tm009 in the usual way and factory reset it again too

ur009b2 and ur010b2 can be used in your flash although I think you should wait a few days for tm010 to be released

its an uphill struggle to get dsteam v3.4 out of the flash but can be done with the right tools and patience

06-12-2007, 08:21 PM
i also can't communicate with the box anymore via ftp using dcc or tmcc6. I have also prchased a jtag cable and will also need to buy an SD card :D just to be safe in future.

:p :redface:

06-12-2007, 08:22 PM
https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=74680 has the details

you need to use a null modem cable and tcc6 and serial update it with 005 noboot image and factory reset afterwards just to be sure

06-12-2007, 08:25 PM
ah i see ,

i thought the ds image fix was supposed to work in the flash as it says ? or maybe i picked up on it wrong ?

ok i have the cable , just need to read on how to do the factory reset :)

06-12-2007, 08:31 PM
you can put whatever 9100 image you like in a tm9100 m8 , but all the 3rd party images are beta and all have problems and may not work properly

I have always advised using tm009 in the flash and images in iboot

anyone using a non-official 3rd party image in the flash is asking for trouble and the best one to use at the moment is ur010beta2 , at least until tm010 is released

there is no way I would be putting dsteam v3.4 back in my flash after the last time and it isnt just me who has had a problem with it

you hold the front button in on a switch-on boot to access the factory menu for serial loading and resets etc

06-12-2007, 08:55 PM
Join the 3.4 fix club, do as echelon says and you should get there but it may take a couple of goes. Hope you sort it before Christmas. ( sorry for the small joke ).

06-12-2007, 09:01 PM
lol , i need some amusement mate while doing this lol :D

so do i just upload tm005 via serial update then upload ur10b2 then do a factory reset again ? and you guys are saying this may take several attempts to resolve this problem? :P lol

thanks lads


06-12-2007, 09:23 PM
haha , i see what you mean about waiting until next christmas , this serial loading is taking ages :D

06-12-2007, 09:35 PM
the serial upload will take ages unless you select 115,200 as the connection speed on your com port

and if you read my answer again you will see I said to factory reset after loading tm005 , not at the end of all the uploads

so its tm005 and factory reset , then tm009 and again factory reset

06-12-2007, 09:54 PM
ok m8 i get you :)

i had it set to 115,200 by default and it took about 15 mins to load , sure no worries anyways , ill get there in the end :D im just glad i can resolve it now.

06-12-2007, 10:16 PM
Take your own advice and get yourself a memory card and install iboot then it doesn't matter if things go **** up :)


06-12-2007, 11:36 PM
ok m8 i get you :)

i had it set to 115,200 by default and it took about 15 mins to load , sure no worries anyways , ill get there in the end :D im just glad i can resolve it now.

sounds about right

and as stated get a cheap mmc card and use it for images and you wont damage the box

better to fail on an sd card costing around a fiver than a box costing 20 times more

07-12-2007, 12:58 AM
cheers guys for the help,

got the box sorted out and will be getting a mmc card straight away :D , have ur009beta2 in the flash again and it seems to be ok. Just going through the process of storing sat positions. The only thing that i can get my head around now is: previously i was able to download the satan key bundle with no problems but was having difficulty downloading most of the hypercams apart from the early versions as it was giving me a space error. Now i am abe to download hypercam 0.28 with no problems but the box will not let me download the satan key bundle as it says there is space issues. I checked the var and there is only 29% space that is used, is there a fix for this or is it just a case of a manual update now ?

