View Full Version : Basic questions about skew etc

07-12-2007, 01:44 AM
I am in WA where I have connected a dreambox to an existing dish and lnb.
With the original (foxtel) lnb an Acer freq- 11.7-12.75 I got no signal at all.
Luckily I had brought a fortec star universal lnb from the UK and this worked.
What I don't understand is why was the original lnb fitted at about 30 odd degrees skew (so are others here) yet the foretec star needs to be upright?

07-12-2007, 11:39 AM
I had some universal LNBs a couple of years ago which needed to be fitted like that, can't remember the make. As far as I understand, it was just a matter of the orientation of the working parts inside the case, so what you're describing may be the same. Have you explored the crustacean situation over there?

07-12-2007, 01:14 PM
Lol yes you would have to be a dollar millionaire to be a crustacean catcher here, all pots have to be individually licensed etc they are in a different league to us poor old English fishermen.
As for the standard lnb's fitted here I guess that they are only single band but still can't get my head round why the "inards" are fitted "on the p*ss":D

07-12-2007, 05:42 PM
garnier was one such lnb still have one somewhere