View Full Version : help to store new channels

08-12-2007, 04:53 PM
hi all,
i am not sure if i am going crazy , i want to store the digitalb channels to my list at 16E i have added new channels many times in the past with no problems ,i go to a channel on 16E then i go to menu services etc put in the settings with 16E at the top , it finds the channels i need ( they are named premium 1-5 etc and a few others ) i add them but when i then go to them the motor goes to 1W not 16E ???? anyone know why it does that and how to correct it ??
thanks :)

08-12-2007, 08:07 PM
I Had roughly the same problem(still have on some chnls!) found the best way to add or delete channels is add new channel se ttings ie pet settings
(add or delete to before sending to humax) my software is still corrupted after wiping humax clear and starting again
I have come to the conclusion it is only a matter of trial and error!! starting from scratch and reloading everything cured about 90% of my problems.. just one of many pitfalls i suppose for loading so much on to box in first place .. good luck chilledin:rolleyes:

09-12-2007, 01:46 PM
hi, thanks for your reply , i havent edited channels for ages, in the past i used humbox is that still the best to use ? :) thanks

voith driver
09-12-2007, 05:42 PM
either humbox or hnfsmart, both have their good points, there are guides up in the stickies which might help

09-12-2007, 05:45 PM
hi voith ,
thanks for the advice i will give humbox a go as i am familiar with that , all be it a couple of years ago .:)

24-12-2007, 05:31 PM
How do i delete channels and then update? I am not to clever on this my mate usually sorts it all out but want to know for myself, cheers

voith driver
24-12-2007, 07:09 PM
hi scorpio61,
have a look up in the help section, there is one there for using hnfsmart, do not use the one for on screen editing as that is for experienced users
if you have problems come back and we can help