View Full Version : new software hdci-2000

08-12-2007, 06:11 PM
According to an Italian forum s/w version 1.0015 is available ota.
can anyone confirm???

08-12-2007, 06:19 PM
there is out 1.0015 so yes confirmed
but i dont know what is new coz i m not humax owner
i can not upload the software coz i m not allowed to post attachment

you can also go to menu & try update over the air
for some users it worked

08-12-2007, 06:21 PM
thanks for the confirmation m8.
anyone know what frequency on Astra 1 they are using please post details here.

08-12-2007, 06:32 PM
It's available on Hotbird.
12476 H 27500 3/4


09-12-2007, 12:05 PM
Anyone know what this new firmware does yet? Don't want to upgrade then have to reprogram the box if there's nothing major new in it. Can't find any info on it on the humax website.

09-12-2007, 03:32 PM
I have got the new firmware, cant see any difference. didnt loose channel list. will have a better play with it later

09-12-2007, 04:31 PM
Thanks for that. Wonder why they release new firmware when there's nothing obviously different from previous versions? Your channel list will be still there, but they recommend a factory reset for new firmware to take effect, which will delete all stored channels.

09-12-2007, 04:52 PM
I just did a reset and now i cant reload my old channel list . so im rescanning. So mabe thier will be some changes, ill let you know.

09-12-2007, 05:23 PM
The Italian lads are saying that this firmware gives better support to the Diablo CAM, better boot up time and faster channel change.

09-12-2007, 05:25 PM
Thanks for that. Thought they would have some info on their website as it's been released as an OTA upgrade.

09-12-2007, 08:42 PM
Well i've tested out the new firmware and i've noticed the following improvements.
Slightly quicker channel zapping time
Quicker channel editing menu's, especially when renaming a channel without using the edit menu.
No annoying 'this channel is currently not broadcasting' message on-screen when viewing a channel that you've had to manually enter PIDS for.

Thats about all i've noticed so far but i think it's worth upgrading to.

10-12-2007, 01:40 AM
i've upgraded it without factory reset, there is nothing different at all exceptfaster channel zapping, is that it?

Tony B2
10-12-2007, 01:42 AM
It boots much quicker as well

10-12-2007, 09:20 AM
The EPG is much quicker to find data as well, no doubt about it.

10-12-2007, 09:51 PM
Is it just me, or do those who have upgraded to v 15 find that the picture is much darker?? :frown:

10-12-2007, 10:44 PM
@TAs .In fact both my wife and I commented that picture is brighter Agree that channel switcing and booting are quicker. I think that channel list is easier to read. BUT seem to have lost CH4 HD. Tho' I did load new channel list from laurals. (This is very good)

11-12-2007, 01:06 AM
Thanks for that. In fact, I switched off the plasma and the Humax and then re started everything. It is now much better and I agree brighter. So all seems to be OK.

I must try the new Laurals file. Thanks.

I will try Ch 4 HD tomorrow after I try and find out again how to input sky box no into diablo!

tinto de verano
11-12-2007, 01:18 AM
Hi there.
Been away for a few days...
Just upgraded to FW 1.00.15... and everything looks OK, INXTC now clears... BUT it has messed up laurals latest channel list (same as when I tried to update to FW 11):
some sats/channels losing names/associations (lost signal for Atlantic Bird 1, Astra 3 channels are listed under Atlantic Bird 2, and under Astra 3 there are many France 3 channels...
I'll explain in greater detail as soon as I get a chance to investigate a bit further... (sorry).
I upgrarded OTA from 1.00.07 to 1.00.15, with laurals53 excellent november channel list already loaded and without doing a system reset.
Has any of you noticed this issue?
tinto de verano

11-12-2007, 02:04 AM
how do you do reset put 0000 in no joy had that ch list in when it first came out in november useing dragon cam pred 3.63 still not open tps and multi

11-12-2007, 02:17 AM
still not clesring ch4hd got sound no picture dragon cam 3.63 free to air sly card

11-12-2007, 09:11 PM
I found last night that a few channels that i stored under the renamable satellites have indeed been 'moved' to another satellite, this is due to them adding a few more satellite names into the list in the new firmware.

11-12-2007, 10:02 PM
Lots of people are saying that CH4 HD won't work... I have v7 and it doesn't work on that either... Grrr

11-12-2007, 11:09 PM
From my experience Ch4 HD will only work with version 11. Version 7 doesn't work at all and V.15 only clears audio. I re-installed 11, having had 15. Problem now is - how do I stop the receiver from forcing me to re-upgrade to 15? According to the doc, you can only defer the install 10 times on re-boot.

12-12-2007, 01:13 AM
thanks kenny i am going to try 11 now my sly card dont work on ch 4 with 15and dragon cam 3.63

12-12-2007, 08:42 PM
but version 11 has bad lip sync problems ....

13-12-2007, 01:42 AM
to stop install update select refuse you have download/ later and refuse set it to that then go to hotbird when you want to download.15 manully

13-12-2007, 09:58 AM
Kennyboy - but the user-manual states that you can only refuse installation 10 times..... I'll see what happens.

13-12-2007, 10:09 AM
Here is the file for people having problems.

13-12-2007, 07:30 PM
Hi Dude66 - does this version clear Ch4 HD for you? Doesn't work for me - only v11 does.

13-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Hi Kenny,
Correct it seems ONLY V11 works with CH4 HD. Read it in many forums.
Don't know why.
Take care.

15-12-2007, 04:03 AM
i still dont see any differences, does this software fix the bug where you can't even tune in Premiere Dir**t channels, does it give us the option to select the Pr**iere Dir*kt feed automatically, I don't see the point of this at all.

16-12-2007, 10:38 AM
With this software you are suppose to be able to use 2 cam in the Humax. Before was not really possible.
Did not test it yet as my Humax is in the attic. But will do and keep you posted.

16-12-2007, 04:47 PM
thanks dude66:)

16-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Hi dude66,

The new 1.0015 still Knocks out the Diablo Cam when you
Insert the Dragon (4.1) Cam.

Insert the Diablo (Stealth OK). Insert 2nd Cam (Dragon), Dragon knocks out
Diablos Stealth, and (Predator) takes over.


tinto de verano
16-12-2007, 10:00 PM
Hi Bbigfoot,
Long time...
You OK?
May I ask you something?
I'm assuming you are using laurals53 channels list, like me. Now that you have FW 1.00.15... have you noticed something strange regarding channels and sats?
The first issue I now have is that if I press List and scroll down the sats list they are all OK till I go past Atlantic Bird 1, I think. The next sat in the list is Atlantic Bird 2, but the channels in there are actually Astra 3. :confused: And then I can see 2 Telstar 12... :confused:
Also, the list of sats I can see when I press List does not match the list of sats I can see when I try to search channesl... :confused:
Any comments/ideas?
Thanks again.
tinto de verano

16-12-2007, 10:27 PM
this happened me with other software i think was when i went from version 11 software to 7 software.i'm now running 15 as you pointed out this has happened again with these two sats astra3 and altantic bird.i thought it was something to do with the ch list.also noticed the favourite chs names reverted back to fav,1,2,3,4 sometime's.this is just my experience i'm not saying it has anything to do with the updated list dated nov.which i do appreicate from laurals.


tinto de verano
16-12-2007, 11:48 PM
Hi archiesat,
Thanks for confirming that more people have this issue.
I was planning to do a system reset, reinstall FW 1.00.15 and download laurals great list again this weekend... but have not been able to try it. Too busy. I'm going to try as soon as I have a chance and will let you know if this problem disappears or not.
tinto de verano

17-12-2007, 02:20 AM
just reinstalled 1.00.11 then did a factory reset,loaded the latest ch list and have same results astra3 and atlantic bird ch list are in each other.was looking to edit sat name on humax but this couldn't done on those 2 positions.

the sat names may be editable using editor on pc i don't know.
i'll take easy option and just delete the 2 ch lists that are affected and install manually.

ch4 hd open ok with diablo.i have to reboot box on each ch ch4,five set**ta news etc,for fta card work is this normal anyone



17-12-2007, 10:04 PM
Hi tinto de verano,

Looks like your right, Atlantic Bird 2 has Astra 3s channels.
L53 Nov 25, is a very good list (Good work by Laurals53) but Hotbird looks as if
its been mixed up, TPS in my list (L53 25 Nov) has TPS Star, 7 Multi"s, Sport+,
then it reverts to (AB SAT) channels. There are No (C Cinema channels, 8 in all)
C Cinema Frisson...Premier...and so on.

Or tdv, has Laurals left the 8 C Cinema channels out because the Diablo cam
is not clearing them. Nice to hear from you tdv.


Tony Baker
18-12-2007, 02:09 AM

Here's my two cents worth one week after updating the Humax HDCI:2000 to the latest Version HDXSCI:1.00.15.

Firstly, I am now able to use two Cams without any problem,- these are a D/Cam 3.02 and a PowerCam Pro with a Euro:1080 card for receiving Exqi,-HD:1 & HD:2/5(FTA) on Astra:3 at 23.5E (Or is that now Atlantic Bird:2?)

However, since updating I still get a great HD picture on all three HD Chans,- but No Sound on the FTA Chn HD:2/5 on Atlantic Bird:2.
So that's the first problem! The next is that this new Ver.15 update has now totally knocked out being able to view (4:Mix) Chn:4 HD. Plus the Audio Synch seems to have got much worse on some HD Chns! So I'm not sure if this is maybe just a Beta version put out by Humax with us being regarded as the testers in the field!?

But no matter how you describe Version.15 update,- it still aint right!

I just hope that someone at Humax is made well aware of this!!

Rgds, TB

PS: Just heard from Euro 1080 re the lack of sound on HD:2/5 the FTA Chn. The default setting is German D/Digital so all I had to do was to reset the Humax to rec stereo and in English! Now it's all ok!!

tinto de verano
19-12-2007, 01:26 AM
Hi there,
laurals53 has updated his November channel list (without having a HDCI2000 at hand. He's a genius) and has apparently sorted the Astra 3 issue.
I haven't tried it yet (tomorrow night?), but some people seem happy with it ("worked perfectly in one shot").
tinto de verano

24-01-2008, 02:43 AM
Has anyone got this new list as I can't get anthing on the new CH4 HD.


24-01-2008, 07:06 AM
@ Bal

To the best of my knowledge, CH4 HD is only viewable with a SLY card as it is in NDS

24-01-2008, 03:01 PM
@ Bal

To the best of my knowledge, CH4 HD is only viewable with a SLY card as it is in NDS


I should have made this more clear, :rolleyes:

Ok, I have several Sly Cards (FTA) and a numbe rof boxes I should really get rid off, including a Sly Plus Box.

I use to be able to get Channel4 etc with the Sly card in the dragon but I can not now after updating the software.

I only updated the software to try and get CH4 HD and that doesn't clear too. Then I read i need version 11 and that doesn't work fo rme too :confused:

I was try to work out if I need a new Channel list as I made my own from the Laurals one, a while back but CH4 HD didn't exsist then.

I may try contacting Laurals as I saw a Dec list also.


08-02-2008, 05:59 PM

I should have made this more clear, :rolleyes:

Ok, I have several Sly Cards (FTA) and a numbe rof boxes I should really get rid off, including a Sly Plus Box.

I use to be able to get Channel4 etc with the Sly card in the dragon but I can not now after updating the software.

I only updated the software to try and get CH4 HD and that doesn't clear too. Then I read i need version 11 and that doesn't work fo rme too :confused:

I was try to work out if I need a new Channel list as I made my own from the Laurals one, a while back but CH4 HD didn't exsist then.

I may try contacting Laurals as I saw a Dec list also.


Still can't get CH4 HD:confused: but can get CH4

I tried a previous version and still the same.

Any idea's?


10-02-2008, 08:57 PM
Hi Guys,

Is there anybody that knows how i can turn on the above on each satellite as it is sorted faded and i cannot move onto it. I can sort them on all but not individual.


11-02-2008, 01:26 PM
Hi Guys,

Is there anybody that knows how i can turn on the above on each satellite as it is sorted faded and i cannot move onto it. I can sort them on all but not individual.


Press Red Button
Press Menu
Tick Sort by Alphabet


11-02-2008, 02:44 PM
Its on my list if you cant find CH4 HD


12-02-2008, 02:03 PM
Its on my list if you cant find CH4 HD



I can find it and have sound, but no picture?

I re-scanned, but the same result.
