View Full Version : Garmin Mobile XT for Nokia N95

16-12-2007, 12:40 PM
Only got my N95 a couple of days ago, and have now got this working. Here's how I installed it and below is a link for all the files etc including the UK map. I have also included two blank files - SW.UNL and GMAPSUPP.UNL for when you are using the keygen.

I used a card reader for installation on my N95.

1. Put memory card in card reader & connect to PC.

2. Open folder named "Run From PC first" - Click on SetUp and install to your memory card.

3. Put memory card back into your phone - it should automatically install - if not go to Menu - Tools - App.Manager and install.

4. Launch GMXT, go to Settings -> About.

5. Make note of your "Card ID"

6. Launch the keygen, and enter the "Card ID" you see on GMXT About page.

7. Select Map product and hit the corresponding Generate button to generate both Device & Map unlock key.
NOTE: If your map is not included in the Map product list, select <custom mapset>, enter the corresponding MAPID and hit OK.

***The map included in this download is for the "U.K. plus Ireland", the MapID for it is - 197 ***.

8. Copy the DEVICE UNLOCK key to clipboard.

9. Now open the SW.UNL file with Notepad and paste the key and save the file as SW.UNL (make sure it does

not add.txt as the file extension).

10. Copy the MAP UNLOCK key to clipboard.

11. Open the GMAPSUPP.UNL file with Notepad again and paste the key and save the file as GMAPSUPP.UNL (make sure it does not add.txt as the file extension).

12. Put memory card back into the card reader.

13. Copy the two files SW.UNL and GMAPSUPP.UNL onto your SD Card and put in the folder named Garmin.

14. Copy all the files in the folder named "Copy CONTENTS into Garmin Folder" onto your SD Card and put in the folder named Garmin.

15. Put memory card back into your phone, and start the programme.

16. Program should now recognize your built-in GPS (if not use GpsGate set to generic NMEA GPS receiver)and you should be able to use detailed maps.


16-12-2007, 01:22 PM
cheers m8 had it on my n95 for the past two days but can't get gps to come on will try with your instructions as the are made simpler.

kind regards Jono

16-12-2007, 09:48 PM
could you tell me how to get the map id

kind regards

16-12-2007, 11:07 PM
Try this Garmin map editor


Tried it on my UK map, I know the map ID number for it is 197, here's the info after using this map editor -

Loading data from file 'C:\Do***ents and Settings\Russ\Desktop\Garmin uk.plus.ire\GMAPSUPP.IMG'...
* Block size: 4096
* Updated: 2007/11
WARNING: No data offset field.
* Defined: 00000197.MDR
* Defined: 00000197.SRT
* Defined: I0512295.GMP
* Defined: I0512296.GMP
* Defined: I0512297.GMP
* Defined: I0512298.GMP
* Defined: I05122B1.GMP
* Defined: I05122B2.GMP
* Defined: I05122B3.GMP
* Defined: I05122B4.GMP
* Defined: I05122B5.GMP
* Defined: I05122B6.GMP
* Defined: I05122B7.GMP
* Defined: I05122B8.GMP
* Defined: I05122B9.GMP
* Defined: I05122BA.GMP
* Defined: I05122BB.GMP
* Defined: I05122BC.GMP
* Defined: I05122BE.GMP
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map 00000197 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I0512295 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I0512296 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I0512297 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I0512298 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I05122B1 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I05122B2 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I05122B3 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I05122B4 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): Sub-map I05122B5 is not complete.
WARNING (offset 600h): The file does not contain any map data.
ERROR: loading has terminated.
12 warning(s).
Load time is 0.00 s.

27-12-2007, 12:23 AM
Hi Russell,

I have just loaded Garmin Mobile XT, and found the POI's and speed camera's. I wouldn't say that it is as easy to use as Tomtom, but it works fine on the internal GPS, I like the colour schemes, and it has a few features that Tomtom doesn't. It should keep me going until we get a version of Tomtom available that will work on in the internal N95 GPS receiver :)


17-03-2008, 11:35 AM
Hi, has anyone got map of spain or western europe?

19-03-2008, 05:22 PM
installed the above on my N95, got the software working but cannot get the GPS working, followed the instructions but still no joy?

20-04-2008, 10:58 AM
I put this on my n95 8 gig and it went well appears to work ok
but how can i tell if i am getting charged for it when using it


20-04-2008, 04:06 PM
Hi it doesnt use a gprs connection like maps does as you have all the maps installed on your memory so it does not use the internet and you dont pay,hope that helps.

20-04-2008, 05:18 PM
Unlike Nokia Maps, the Garmin Mobile XT maps are loaded into memory, so there is no charge for that, but you could incur data charges if assisted GPS is activated.

You can turn this off, but it will increase the initial TTF (time to fix).


20-04-2008, 08:22 PM
Cheers for that


24-04-2008, 01:21 PM
hi i got the garmin tx working on my n95 and when it travel to a place is way out of range it miss the adress by a halh mile.any help.thanks

18-05-2008, 10:01 PM
hi guys
im stuck here, cant unlock the UK and Ireland 2008 maps! this is my 6th time to remove the whole thing and reinstall again...and when i got the GPS to be recognised, the maps got stuck. i generated key after key with the code ID but none of them worked!

i do appreciate any help

20-05-2008, 03:19 PM

also tried to install it.
For this is a first try and if it will work, it would be nice to get any western europe maps or DACH.
I strictly followed the instructions (installing the UK and Ireland maps as default) but still the internal GPS is not detected.

Maybe because I have a N95 first generation with microSD?
Any hints are welcome.


20-05-2008, 04:34 PM
Maybe because I have a N95 first generation with microSD?


So have I and it works OK for me - make sure you follow all the instructions exactly.

20-05-2008, 04:51 PM
Thank You, Russel1,

now it works also for me. But I have done nothing else.
After the installation the GPS was not recognized, also a retry for detecting the device was not successfully. Half an hour later I opened the program again and now the GPS was as functionally marked.
However, as I tried to get a signal outdoor, the GPS of the N95 needed about 15 minutes to get initalized.
At second time (N95 off without battery) after switching on the device it lasted only 2 min.
Strange, but now it seems to be allright.

Thank You again for Your help.


20-05-2008, 05:04 PM

would i be charged if i connect to garmin online?? its asks me to connect to download traffic things??


Only got my N95 a couple of days ago, and have now got this working. Here's how I installed it and below is a link for all the files etc including the UK map. I have also included two blank files - SW.UNL and GMAPSUPP.UNL for when you are using the keygen.

I used a card reader for installation on my N95.

1. Put memory card in card reader & connect to PC.

2. Open folder named "Run From PC first" - Click on SetUp and install to your memory card.

3. Put memory card back into your phone - it should automatically install - if not go to Menu - Tools - App.Manager and install.

4. Launch GMXT, go to Settings -> About.

5. Make note of your "Card ID"

6. Launch the keygen, and enter the "Card ID" you see on GMXT About page.

7. Select Map product and hit the corresponding Generate button to generate both Device & Map unlock key.
NOTE: If your map is not included in the Map product list, select <custom mapset>, enter the corresponding MAPID and hit OK.

***The map included in this download is for the "U.K. plus Ireland", the MapID for it is - 197 ***.

8. Copy the DEVICE UNLOCK key to clipboard.

9. Now open the SW.UNL file with Notepad and paste the key and save the file as SW.UNL (make sure it does

not add.txt as the file extension).

10. Copy the MAP UNLOCK key to clipboard.

11. Open the GMAPSUPP.UNL file with Notepad again and paste the key and save the file as GMAPSUPP.UNL (make sure it does not add.txt as the file extension).

12. Put memory card back into the card reader.

13. Copy the two files SW.UNL and GMAPSUPP.UNL onto your SD Card and put in the folder named Garmin.

14. Copy all the files in the folder named "Copy CONTENTS into Garmin Folder" onto your SD Card and put in the folder named Garmin.

15. Put memory card back into your phone, and start the programme.

16. Program should now recognize your built-in GPS (if not use GpsGate set to generic NMEA GPS receiver)and you should be able to use detailed maps.


21-05-2008, 03:58 PM
Unlike Nokia Maps, the Garmin Mobile XT maps are loaded into memory, so there is no charge for that, but you could incur data charges if assisted GPS is activated.

You can turn this off, but it will increase the initial TTF (time to fix).



Any idea where to enable/disable this feature? Maybe I'm blind but looked all over the settings in this app and didn't see anything.


21-05-2008, 08:04 PM
It is not a feature of the application, it is a feature of the handset.

Press Menu > Tools > Settings > General > Positioning > Positioning methods

Then hang over "Assisted GPS" and enable or disable as preferred.


Dean sat
23-05-2008, 03:09 PM
Garmin Mobile XT for Symbian S60 software version 4.10.80
Install first then go into the E:\Garmin\Apps\Symbian\Res\ and install the sis file first
All the best Dean.

23-05-2008, 03:10 PM
Thanks guys working a treat on my N95 8GB...

Thanks for the link and info.


23-05-2008, 04:57 PM
have followed to the word put n95 says no gps found, it seems to be trying to find one with bluetooth

23-05-2008, 05:10 PM
Did you power off and on the phone after installation? I recall I had to.

Also Russell mentions gpsgate if the internal gps doesn't work.


23-05-2008, 05:17 PM
what is gps gate. in phone settings i have intergrated gps ticked

23-05-2008, 06:38 PM
Well looking at Russell's instructions, I assume it is an external program.

I didn't need to find it as powering off the phone and powering on gave me the option in Garmin MobileXT to use the internal GPS


24-05-2008, 06:34 PM
can someone please explain gpsgate and how to use it

27-05-2008, 03:26 PM
Did You try in Garmin XT -> Prererences -> System -> external GPS -> and then select internal GPS - menue point 2 (and perhaps activate)?

27-05-2008, 04:34 PM
there is no option to select internal gps

little devil
27-05-2008, 07:12 PM
it says connection allowed to garmin gps devices only

04-06-2008, 05:48 PM
there is no option to select internal gps

However, in my menue I had the choice between Bluetooth and internal GPS.

But You must have activate Your device with the valid keys for the SW.UNL and GMAPSUPP.UNL . Otherwise there won't be found any GPS-devices.

P.S.: Did You activate Your internal GPS in Your N95 menue?

08-01-2009, 12:53 AM
can somebody explain to me what do I have to do to be able to use maps for other countries (other than UK)? I need the Romanian one, for example.

Thank you in advance!

13-02-2009, 12:49 AM
works very well with n95 8gb i have just put the latest garmin nt 2009 maps which covers all of europe and can confirm working well with this version it is defenately and updated map of uk as addresses comes up on the nt 2009 that dont come up with this map version . i also tryed to update the firmware to 5.020 but for some reason there is a lag on the maps when navigating
so whent back to the version on here but all is fine with the nt 2009 europe map . another thing is that i can not seem to get the different vehicles to work on this version of garmin but i can on 5.020 does any one have a solution for this

13-02-2009, 09:57 AM
i had this app and it worked a treat for the whole day and a half i owned my n95, it directed me all the way to bournemouth on my bike, only to crash 10 miles from my destination an having to sell the phone to pay for repairs :(

14-02-2009, 10:35 PM
i carnt complain about this app i find it much better than tomtom and the voice is much more soothing and mellow not like all the others the voices on tomtom are annoying and nokia maps are not much better would be nice if i could change the arrow to another vehicle on this apointment just curious how did you crash spud head

15-02-2009, 10:40 PM
Version 5 has been available for some time now and i have been using it for a couple of months with no problems at all, however i have read reports that some users are experiencing a few seconds of lag during navigation.
If you want to try it you can download it at this link.
Installation and upgrade instructions can be found on the download page.
Also you can change the arrow to other stuff such as a bike or car for free here _http://www8.garmin.com/vehicles/:respect-055:

joe 1234567
17-08-2009, 08:41 AM
yes it is 197 .thaks for file all ok in my n95 8g .just cep going it wii be ok

24-08-2009, 11:58 AM
I also had the lag problem with 5.00.20 on my Windows phone, I switched to 2d mode and all works well now. It also has a second advantage in that in manual scaleing, up coming side roads are much easier to see.