View Full Version : All for Galaxis recs of different sorts...

18-12-2007, 02:36 PM
What I found for Galaxis on a specialised board [it's in German and not competing with this one, so I hope it's OK...], as I need to update my friend's MC ZAP CI model:

Without the extra HW necessary for ER 3.xx => you need ER 2.01.

It has a bug - no remote update for keys, at least for Nagra, if memory serves...

All you need is here:


Warning: ER 3.xx isn't the same format as 2.01!!! Different settings and keys file applies!



Easy Edith findest du hier (http://www.easyrider.ch.pn/)unter Editoren installation_easyedit250.exe.

Hast Du die bin �ber HT oder PL �bertragen?

Eine bin Datei ist schon richtig,aber f�r die 2.01p brauchst Du eine andere bin als f�r die 3.xx das Format ist unterschiedlich.

Am besten Du nimmst dir eine EED Datei wandelst die mit dem Easy Edith spez. in eine bin um und dann per HT/PL auf die Box.

Easy Edith spez. Download (http://zuckerbiene.zu.funpic.de/dlc/index.php?direction=0&order=&directory=sonstige%20Software&)

"How to" for Settings Editors:


Another Download:


A part of the foruma specifically for MC ZAP models:


My Q's:


Hope it helps...;):):cool:

07-02-2008, 06:54 PM
Did I mention that 3.xx does NOT need any soldering etc.

All you need is to buy an additional piece of HW [cheap - some £20], which is a Memory Card that is put into the CI slot, as it is modified to slot into the CI slot.

That way you can get more from your box [i.e. ER3.xx] and not have to unplug anything to programme it, as you can put all the stuff on the memory card [programming the card is much easier] and then shove it into the receiver and just order it to take the stuff from the memory card.

Fast and great!:cool:

A great idea!:)

Now available, for instance, for DBox2, also!!;):p