View Full Version : 8-1 switch with db

22-12-2007, 08:28 PM
Guys anyone using a 8-1 switch with a db ?

I have a EMP 168v2 switch and have 28.0e,19.0e,16.0e,13.0e,1.0w and 7.0w in to it.

28.0e - input 1

19.0e - input 2

16.0e - input 3

13.0e - input 4

1.0w - input 5

7.0w - input 6

I have got 28.0e,19.0e,16.0e and 13.0e working but not 1.0w and/or 7.0w.

The LNB's for 1.0w and 7.0w are spot on, these have been checked outside.

Its something in the db setup menu that I am doing wrong but don't know what.



22-12-2007, 09:09 PM
on my tm9100 and 1500 you need to setup the uncommitted switch

so on the tm9100 you set the first 4 as follows using diseqc v1.1

AA on uncommitted switch 1
AB on 1
BA on 1
BB on 1

the next 4 would be

AA on uncommitted switch 2
AB on 2
BA on 2
BB on 2


22-12-2007, 09:52 PM
yeah tried that m8,

This switch I have, is a EMP CENTAURI P. 168-W V2 and it says for this switch you just pick the right input for the dish. ie 28.0e is input 1 so in menu pick input1 and so.

I have managed to get 1,2,3 and 4 inputs working but not 5 and 6.

22-12-2007, 10:06 PM
if you look here _http://www.emp-centauri.cz/products.php?menuId=13&nazev=P.168 you will see the exact details for the switch and its the same as I said

and I have an 8 way EMP CENTAURI P. 168 switch on my tm9100 and so I choose the "NON-STANDARD USER DEFINED CONFIG" , then set the lnb number from 0 to 5 ( for six sats ) and then use the extra settings for each lnb number using a blue button to get into the lnb setup page and set it to diseqc 1.1 , and then set the first 4 ( 0 to 3 ) as AA uncommitted 1 to BB uncommitted 1 , then the next from AA uncommitted 2 to say AB uncommitted 2 as in your case

believe me , thats how its done on the tm9100 images so I dont see it being any different on a dreambox or other linux boxes

23-12-2007, 01:25 PM
correct me if I am wrong but db's do not support 1.1 protacol
u can set up as motrised 1.2 going east/west till u get signal

yours as always poleman

24-12-2007, 10:06 AM
m8 you could be right, the switch I have is version 2 and supports 1.1 and 1.2 only.

Now 1.2 works great but gives me the message "please wait until motor moves to ..."

So thought I would try 1.1, now I have followed the guide from emp.

The link posted above by echelon is not my switch, that is the older one which supports 1.0 and works perfect with db and doing what echelon said in his first post.

Now I checked with emp and they said all I do is select 1.1 then at the bottom just select what ever input matches the input on the switch.

so input 1 on switch is 28 so input 1 on db is 28 and so on up to input 6 on switch which is 7.0w so input 6 on db is 7.0w.

Now only 1-4 inputs work which is what emp said if your receiver does not fully support 1.1, 5-8 are just not seen by db under 1.1 they are under 1.2.

here is my switch


Have a look at what it says at the bottom about only the first 4 inputs working.

I have version2.

so looks like my ipbox and db500 don't like diseqc 1.1 and my switch does not support 1.0 so looks like i'll have to stick with 1.2

Think its a bit daft of emp to bring out a newer switch yet drop 1.0.

It would be nice to have another switch thats supports 1.0 just to try and see what happens.

24-12-2007, 03:20 PM
my understanding on my boxes is that diseqc v1.0 only supports 4 lnb,s on a 4 way switch ( or the first 4 of an 8 way switch ) and that is how mine is setup on a 4 way switch

using the 8 way emp v1 switch I can use diseqc v1.0 or v1.1 or v1.2 , the 1.0 will only access the first 4 lnb,s as normal , the v1.1 can access either the first 4 or all 8 if I need it too , but I still have to set up the lnb parameters in the images I use , and I can use the v1.2 but get the motor messages which I dont want so I dont use v1.2 at all

using diseqc v1.1 I can use the 4 way switch or the 8 way switch and by setting up the committed and uncomitted they both work in enigma , dsteam , edg-nemesis , ur , juliet and any other images I use , so I would have thought those same lnb settings would be available on the dreamboxes too as they use similar images

maybe you are right , maybe not , but I feel there must be diseqc v1.1 available on the switch and on the dreambox images , so its just a case of setting it up correctly which I took some trouble in finding out myself and I posted earlier as I have already been down this route with my 8 way v1 switch

and diseqc v1.1 can be used in place of v1.0 , you just setup the first 4 lnb settings using 0 to 3 and aa , ab , ba & bb using uncommitted 1 as the setting

this is similar on a tm1500 but more basic , but still works ok on diseqc v1.0 and v1.1

I would think that if you have similar image lnb settings to me you can use table 1 for your switch and use the committed and uncommitted settings to get yours to work

so thats diseqc v1.1 in each lnb numbered setting

then its

committed - uncomitted
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1

1 2
2 2

and not used
3 2
4 2

24-12-2007, 08:54 PM
Hi m8, i get what you're saying and I have been doing what you said even before I posted on here.

The boxes see dishes that are inputted to 1,2,3, and 4 but nothing in 5,6,7 or 8.

Unless I use 1.2.

Using 1.2 is not a massive problem its just that dam message about motor moving that gets me cheesed off.

I have been out all day in the back and have two of these switches and 4 twin alps lnb.

Got 6 sats inputted now, one set for bedroom the other set for conservatory.

I'm going to put it to bed now, because it would take a very brave married man to mess with his sat gear tomorrow:D and then we are off to South Wales first thing boxing day for a couple of days.

I'll look at getting a bigger triax when I get back and have another mess then.

Thanks for input;)

Have a good xmas


24-12-2007, 09:22 PM
Got mine working with lnb 0 - A/A - uncommited switch 1 up to lnb 3 - B/B - un switch 1 and then lnb`s 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 using A/A - B/A - A/B - B/B uncommited switch 2.
But i have also another version of 10 inputs instead of 8 and it uses only the uncommited switches with None parameter in Diseqc inputs.

24-12-2007, 09:27 PM
I found I had to use 0 to 3 uncommitted 1 and 4 to 7 on uncommitted 2 as well with my emp v1 switch

24-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Forgot to mention that everytime u make changes in the diseqc settings , save them and make a normal reboot to let enigma to recognise the changes.Dont expect to make it work without a reboot :)

24-12-2007, 09:52 PM
yep saved and rebooted each time.

wish i had v1 switch and not the v2.

EMP says with the v2 all you do is assign a input to the uncommitted switch for each sat.

so 28.0e is uncommitted switch 1

19.0e is uncommitted switch 2

13.0e is uncommitted switch 3

7.0e is uncommitted switch 4

1.0w is uncommitted switch 5

and so on.

see here


right beer time for me and no pc or sat tv until Friday:frown:

28-12-2007, 09:03 PM
sorted today at last:)

I was right in the first place.

dish one is input 1

dish two is input 2

dish three is input 3

and so.

Just that I had to reboot and wait for about 10-15 secs for box to find sats, this is the bit i was not doing.
I was expecting box to find sats straight away, so when it didn't I went back to 1.2

cheers guys

01-01-2008, 12:29 PM
Glad you got it sorted Keano, I have an 8x1 on the way so this made very interesting reading for me.

01-01-2008, 01:21 PM
where i was going wrong was I was expecting pictures straight away, unknown to me you have to wait for receiver to find them, this is some cases took up to 20 seconds before picture came on screen.

once receiver finds one sat then the others should follow, only thing is when i put box in standby over night then turn it on i have to wait for box to find sats again.

01-01-2008, 01:35 PM
So a bit of patience needed at startup :)

02-01-2008, 02:04 PM
I too have been having problems with my 8 into 1 switch with an Eagle Linux box. Mine is the p168:


On the "Examples Of Utilization" diagram the switch has V1 or V2 written on it..not sure which mine is??..doesnt say on the invoice (from Germany)..is it likely to be stamped/marked on the unit itself (down the garden in a watertight enclosure and its a horrible day!)? Presumably there is a significant difference between the v.1 and the v.2 of the p168 model of the switch??

edit: I just found the website advert I bought from ..I won't post a (altered) link in case it causes a problem re sponsors etc but will do if Mods say ok. The adverts tech bit says:

A/B oder 1/2
DiSEqC 1.1 und 1.2

so it looks maybe as its the v2 of the 168? with no 1.0 diseqc.

>Keano is this yours?:


On the Technom8 I have set up my switch as just "1 of 16" to "5 of 16" using diseqc 1.1 option in the menu. Works fine.

p.s. because I had problems with setting the diseqc switch (currently only 5 of the 8 inputs connected) at the moment I'm only feeding signal on the loop-through from my Technomate 1500ci+ ensuring the technom8 is on the sat I want the Eagle to scan.

I am having trouble getting all the channels when I scan sats despite generally strong signals...eg a scan of 13E brings up no TPS?? & things like the Premium sports on 16E I cant get despite adding the pids manually in the Eagle. Is the tuner particularly insensitive or am I missing something basic?

Eagle is running on Gemini 4.20 with CCcam 2.0.4.

02-01-2008, 04:56 PM
m8 mine is the P168-W v2

I think the v2 comes in a waterproof box, purple in colour.

I think you are having probs because of the loop through from the technomate.

Try and setup using technomate only and see how that goes.

Try and get maybe the first 4 inputs working.

Don't forget you may have to wait a few seconds for receiver to find sats.

02-01-2008, 09:38 PM
>Keano..I have tried for a few hours using my feed direct from the Centauri switch to the Eagle. I tried a number of combinations to no avail...both your way and echelon's.

My first sat (Thor ) is OK but I can't add to it despite having the "user-defined non-standard configuration" and adding all the bits for the other 4 sats I currently have connected using the blue button screens etc...rebooting etc. I am clearly doing something wrong!..had enough for one day! Don't suppose you could put up some shots of your settings?..if I ever crack it (?) I shall make a spreadsheet of all my lnb settings and post it!

p.s. I was surprised how much signal was lost on loop-through the Technom8

03-01-2008, 07:53 PM
> Keano..did you see on the emp-centauri website a reference to the Downloads section of their site for Dreambox owners? (4th one down in the darker blue on the left). I went there and clicked on the P168 Dreambox settings and user's manual.


These settings appear to work for me..I think!? ..I am still working on it but making progress at last. I have the emp centauri P168v2 I think(!?)....and the settings are different from the V.1 of the P168..but its too bloody cold to go down the garden and frigg about with the sealed box I put the whole caboodle in to check so its trial and error from the warmth of the house!..I'll try the v.2 settings first.

edit 19.55 hrs..all 5 sats now available as on my Technomate..and pulling in loads more channels on each satellite. However, NB a slightly different set-up approach to the Technom8 i.e. one point to note for anyone with this emp-centauri P168 switch (maybe Keano will confirm this although he has the P168W model and I have the P168v.2 model) - I tried to put in "LNB1" for my first lnb connected on the Eagle/d'box's Satellite Configuration "page" ..it would not have it!!..kept reverting to LNB0.

Fine so be it..so I now have my No1 lnb on the diseqc switch (Thor @ 1w) as "LNB0" on that page..and the 2nd lnb input into the diseqc switch as lnb1, 3rd as lnb2 etc.

On the 2nd "blue button" page where all the tricky parameters are (well for me they were!) the "LNB0"..my first one Thor..has the following values: Toneburst - no; Diseqc mode - 1.1; Diseqc parameter - none; diseqc repeats - no; Uncommitted switch - 1; other parameters are all "no" for me and I have quite a long cable run. My next or second lnb (Eutelsat 16E) is put on as LNB1 on the Eagle's Satellite Configuration menu page and all the same values are used except for "Uncommitted switch - 2" on the 2nd sub-menu page. Etc etc

i.e with all 8 lnbs connected up to the 8 lnb input diseqc switch the last (8th) lnb would be "LNB7" on the Sat config page - and Uncommitted switch - 8 on page 3 of that menu (after pressing blue button on remote twice.

Hope this helps someone else..I had begun to think I'd never crack it.

03-01-2008, 08:33 PM
OK Glad your getting somewhere.

I was just going to refer you to that on the emp website.

03-01-2008, 09:25 PM
cheers keano..is it the same with your switch..i.e. you have the lnb connected to the switch input1 as "LNB0" on the sat config page and the Uncommitted Switch setting on the 2nd sub menu as "1" for that lnb..and so on?