View Full Version : Thor 12723H missing bouquet on TOPFIELD

24-12-2007, 10:14 PM
Hey guys, I have a topfield 5510 and there is one bouquet that appears blank when I scan for it. Its on 1W and its 12723H 27500. Has anyone else found this problem?

These are the channels that are missing on 1W for me:

12723 H SR 27500 FEC 3/4
Antena 1
Hallmark Channel Romania
Cinemax Central Europe
HBO Romania & Bulgaria
Discovery Channel Europe
Animal Planet Europe
Discovery Civilisation
Discovery Science Channel
Discovery Travel & Living Europe
Zone Reality Europe
Private Spice
Viasat History
TV 1000 Balkan

Any help appreciated,

28-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Hi m8,

I don't know about a prob with the TP but I had a similar prob with my new TF7710HDPVR and that was I had exceeded the number of channels so if you delete say about 15 unwanted channels on any sat then rescan the TP u want it may just work. Apart from this solution I cannot see any other answer.

Good luck m8 :D
Regards ahmet-50:cool:

13-02-2008, 01:38 PM
i have new tp5000cip & also have missing bouquet????????
i have tried to add to existing but although it shows up in list
of frequecies it won`t pull in missing channels::confused:

13-02-2008, 01:43 PM
Read what the guy above you said :)

13-02-2008, 03:48 PM
hi guys

i had a topfield got rid, i got passion fortec
best reciver i delete all channels then put them
again thor hotbird astra,

13-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Read what the guy above you said :)

did read above newby and managed to get 12723 on a clear bright day today
prob was scanning on a bad weather day. stilll after galaxy tho`:rolleyes: