View Full Version : Shortening cable lenght ??

25-12-2007, 03:31 PM
Hi all,if you shorten a cable lenght from around 50m(150 foot approx)to 15m(45 foot approx)what sort of gain would it give you,if useing a good quaity cable and say a 1.2m dish.

25-12-2007, 05:14 PM
20dB /100metres is a typical loss at 1000MHz this rises to 30dB at 2000MHz.

But the important part is the LNB. It either can or can't get a clean signal out of the background noise. Yes a shorter cable will give a higher signal at the receiver but it will also present a higher noise so very little overall benefit.

Note: 1000 - 2000MHz is the approx range that the LNB tips out.