View Full Version : AArrrrrggggghhhhhhhh N95 Crap

we are borg
28-12-2007, 01:29 PM
Being a sad son of a bitch I wanted the N95 for my upgrade.

what a mistake .

day 1 had various problems and 2 months later told me close applications memory full. Considering it has 147mb on board and showing 113MB free and all my stuff is on the additional 2GB memory card I knew it was complete load of crap.

o2 then sent me a replacement and guess what ?


As you may have guessed I am not the happiest bunny in the field as they now want me to return it to them BEFORE they send me yet another replacement. Which means I have no phone to use at all whilst they fook around (apart from my 02 xda or my reliable 7610 but they dont know that do they :mad:

I have looked all over and these problems and more are common on N95's no matter what provider or what country you are in . I have even tried to update software but have latest version .

I would go and set fire to o2 but I aint got a phone to order the petrol and matches on.:D

thank fook for my borg communicator which I use but I cant get an upgrade unless i go back to the delta quadrant which is thousands of light years away and I cant find the wormhole on my tomtom:confused:


A once nokia fan now completely lost the plot

we are borg

29-12-2007, 12:39 AM
Have you tried debranding and then updating to the latest generic Nokia firmware?

29-12-2007, 01:14 AM
I moved from O2 to T-Mobile when I got the N95 recently. T-Mobiles "unlimited" 1GB data per month being somewhat better than the 30MB of O2.

My N95 was a bit of a dog once I started loading apps on to it. It came with v11 firmware, and I quickly upgraded to v12, which was no better. Soon after, I saw that v20 was out, but was not (and I think is still not) available on T-Mobile. I followed the advise on the n95users forum to change the product code, and upgraded to v20, then changed the product code back!

What a difference it has made!!! Whilst the N95-1 has 160MB storage RAM, and I have an 8GB SDHC card, it only has 64MB of operating memory. After a reboot, I would start with about 12MB available (checking with Best Taskman or Handy Taskman), and this would quickly go down to about 10MB. Programs like Fring (an excellent mes****ng program) need about 8MB on their own......

Now I have upgraded to v20, I start with about 24MB of operating memory, and at worse this goes down to about 20MB after a few days of not rebooting, which means that I can run quite a few simultaneous programs.

I am 100% a Sony Ericsson fan and got berated for going to the "dark side", but I am still utterly impressed with the N95.


29-12-2007, 01:46 AM
I gt the N95 8gb and am totally impressed by it, shame you cant persuade the provider to let you pay for an upgrade taking in to consideration all the problems you have had.


29-12-2007, 01:48 AM
All of the Nokia S60 phones I have had, have suffered from out of memory or rebooting issues.
It's just normal for this type of phone.