View Full Version : Help required with EDG-Nemesis v.3.2

28-12-2007, 02:25 PM
Hi folks
Ive managed to load the above onto memory card with Technomate 9 on the flash - image is one of the best but can't for love nor money get the cams/emus loaded

Ive read loads on here & elsewhere -& have loaded the extra url file via dcc plus scripts with no sucess -even tried loading latest satan keys -still nowt

Can anyone point out anything i might be doing wrong?:eek:

28-12-2007, 02:41 PM
you will need an image based on 010 in the flash to get this to work , as these newer images require updated flash drivers

you may find it may work if you had say ur10beta4 in the flash

28-12-2007, 03:22 PM
Thanks -I will try loading that one -oh & to top things off my old Pace 508ip has just gone bang

Is it friday the 13th today?:mad:

28-12-2007, 03:39 PM
Do you mean you cant find where to download emus if so its

Blue Button Twice then select "Download Extra"


28-12-2007, 07:28 PM
Hi folks
Back to head scratching time again ive loaded both ur10beta4 & urbeta2 in the flash with nemesis on card - iboot loads ok except when i select the nemesis the machine hangs for ages with the front dots bouncing around

Any suggestions on other images to load in the flash -how long should it take to load nemesis -previously with the Technomate 9 in flash it came on within seconds:confused:


29-12-2007, 07:41 PM
Can someone tell me what should be clearing on 19 east with either mgcamd or cccam -i can get the satan key updater to work but cant clear owt?

29-12-2007, 07:43 PM
premiere using the latest mgcamd and keys is open

29-12-2007, 07:51 PM
Thanjks but for some unknown reason cant get channels to open with various keys cam combinations -will keep trying though determin not to let this thing beat me-:mad:

29-12-2007, 07:59 PM
MgCamd 1.27a

PW au hack, not for a long time.

over on darkmans site , works on my ur10b2 , cant say for edg-nemesis or any other images

29-12-2007, 11:30 PM
Hooray!! -finally got the bloody thing to work -put ur10beta2 in flash downloaded & added the extra files of rctm9100 & ftp'd added the extra url file via ftp
Downloaded mgcamd 1.27 via nemesis but manually added (ftp'd) latest dreambox keys & low & behold prem back on

Just need to find me misses again as shes stopped talking to me -due to spending too much time on it & me dinner is in the cats bowl!

Still sorted it now -is there owt worth watching?:D