View Full Version : cant seem to install nemesis for some reason.

30-12-2007, 11:13 AM
i have just loaded ur10b2 into flash, installed i boot (can boot other images on card no problems, i only have ur10b4 on there but running ok) im running the latest iboot (ver3) but when i try to install the nemesis image i get the following error:

Installation in progress.... Please wait.....
BusyBox v1.01 (2007.08.11-11:50+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
[Technomate(TM9100) /> PS1='iBoot-> '; cd /mmc/iboot/bin
iBoot-> /mmc/iboot/bin/iboot nemesis
### EXT ### Extracting image...
Installing from box_update.img file...
Extracting root partition...
79872+0 records in
79872+0 records out
Root partition extracted
No var to extract
### MNT ### Mounting image...
Checking root image file...
Seting up loop device...
Checking mount point...
Mounting partition...
mount: Mounting /dev/loop/7 on /mmc/iboot/tmp/root failed: Invalid argument
Checking mount result...
Failed to mount squash file system !
### ERR ### Error mounting filesystem from image... Aborting
### ERR ### Maybe retry after a boot from flash image ???

ps i am booting from the flash when trying to do this.

any ideas on what the error is guys?

30-12-2007, 07:59 PM
Hiya Zad
As you've probably read i had a mare trying to install this image but once i got it up & running i must say its very good
When i first tried to run nemesis from iboot it would not load properly so i reloaded techno 9 in flash & then reinstalled urbeta2 into flash
I was wondering what size mmc card you have - at the mo mines on 256mb but with only nemesis on - you could try removing all the other images & loading only nemesis -see if that works
Try removing card from machine & reinstalling again
Also u mite want to download it again in case theres a problem with that file

Good luck

30-12-2007, 09:32 PM
there is plenty room on the card as its a 1gb card with just ur10b4 loaded.

iboot says its mounted ok so as you say it may just be a problem with the image i downloaded, will dl it again in the morning and see what happens

30-12-2007, 09:53 PM
I had no problem loading both EDG-Nemesis versions on iboot, BTW the super version works better for me on iboot with my standard 9100

Its possible iboot 3.0 is your problem apparently theres problems with certain images


31-12-2007, 08:00 AM
There will be an update to iboot 3 coming shortly,some images are not mounting the mmc even though they are reporting that the mount is ok,hence the errors you are getting which are typical of a mount failure.

31-12-2007, 08:53 AM
There will be an update to iboot 3 coming shortly,some images are not mounting the mmc even though they are reporting that the mount is ok,hence the errors you are getting which are typical of a mount failure.

ah so it is not me! lol

will wait for the update before i try anything else.


31-12-2007, 10:46 AM
iboot 3 has issues with certain images and edg nem is one of them there should be a new release coming soon