View Full Version : recording prob..

30-12-2007, 08:48 PM
Can anyone who is using the dm500s to record to a external pc please tell me what image they are using and set up etc...

Been trying for ages to record to my htpc using gemini 4.0..
Whilst i can record the ts stream...playback is really choppy and sometimes crashes my box!

Cheerz and all the best

30-12-2007, 08:59 PM
This is what I use and it works 100%

30-12-2007, 10:28 PM
Cheerz for this sonic...have tried a while ago..will give another bash..

Can you play recorded file back through dream??


Ok just recorded flawlessly nice 1..

would like to playback through dream though..do i have to run some sort of multiplex software after recording?

31-12-2007, 10:57 AM
I record and playback with no problems. basically i mount the movies folder (cifs). the big issue comes when the dm500s doesnt have a video button on the remote control. To get around this i use the remote control in a browser (open the web interface and hit the remote button) this allows full control. You can redefine the remote control buttons yourself but i always forget :) so thats why i use the web interface. The record playback stop etc buttons on the remote work fine once the 500 is in video mode.
to replay a recoding, just go to file mode and choose the one you want :)

01-01-2008, 11:49 AM
I record and playback with no problems. basically i mount the movies folder (cifs). the big issue comes when the dm500s doesnt have a video button on the remote control. To get around this i use the remote control in a browser (open the web interface and hit the remote button) this allows full control. You can redefine the remote control buttons yourself but i always forget :) so thats why i use the web interface. The record playback stop etc buttons on the remote work fine once the 500 is in video mode.
to replay a recoding, just go to file mode and choose the one you want :)

This is exactly how i have tried m8...i have changed my mute button to record..
Ts file records ok but when i playback it is so choppy/freezy it is unwatchable...
WHat image are you using m8?

01-01-2008, 12:15 PM
Im using the SIF Team Maxvar Image. but i have also had success with satandream, PLi, Dream of Pirates and gemini.
if your playback is choppy, i would suggest looking at the computer for likely problems first. Anti-virus / firewall apps, these may degrade disk access etc or bandwidth hogs and stuff like that. is your connection wireless or hardwired?
One thing I would check is that the .TS file is recorded correctly.. the breakup may be on the record as well as the playback. (VLC will play .TS files)

My basic setup is a as follows..
SIF Team Maxvar Image 1.8.4
CCCam 2.04
The 500 is wired via UTP to my router, network speed 100mbs
Fixed IP address on the DM500 and the Computer with the movie storage
Computer is running a modified version of XP-Pro (with SP3) Movie storage is not on the boot drive, but a separate drive (not partition) formatted NTFS.

hope this helps a bit.


01-01-2008, 08:31 PM
many thanx sub for the trouble...

Yeh it seems the problem is with the actual record rather than the playback...

I have tried both wired and wireless (with firewall off and result was same)..

I will have a mess with changing the cifs folder onto a different drive..letter etc..

Cheerz m8

01-01-2008, 10:31 PM
Dont know what anti-virus you are using, but you could try to disable it. it could be that causing the problems. (it will scan incoming files etc) I currently use NOD32 which seems to be the least invasive as far as system performance is concerned.
A hardwired connection is always going to be preferable as it will be a lot faster.
How much space is left in your VAR? i'm guessing but maybe the DB uses spare ram to cache the stream. Mine is around 70%
Just scratching my head here, but are you using the internet with your DB (he says choosing his words carefully)
I doubt if it will be disk access speed (unless you are using a very slow HDD) the PC I record to is about 6 years old, with IDE drives.
I did read a post somewhere about improving the LAN performance on a DB500 by modifying something. My 500 is an unmodified clone, i have never experienced any network speed problems so i didnt bother to mod it.
dont give up :) it will work eventually...

02-01-2008, 10:56 AM
Hi sub...well i finally managed to sort problem m8...

tried all you suggested and more until last resort i bypassed my router and connected direct to my HTPC with a xover cable...Recording was perfect.
This doesn't exactly solve my prob though as i like to have my DB hooked up to my router..
Surely my linksys should be able to cope with this amount of traffic?? (wag200G)

Thanx again for your help

02-01-2008, 01:24 PM
Interesting... glad you found the problem.. maybe a fiddle with the router settings will improve performance.. is there any heavy traffic on your router?
I am suprised that your router seems to be the bottleneck.
Check cables, check for electrical interference along the cable run and around the router. i doubt if traffic is the problem, i manage to record at the same time as online gaming. :D the wan (dsl) traffic will never exceed the lan traffic anyway.
If possible, disable the router firewall (disconnect from the outside world first)
some peer to peer apps will flood the router, i had a lot of problems with my neighbour (who i allowed access) until i re-educated him and told him where to get the stuff he wanted without slimewire :D
