View Full Version : HDCI2000 & sats in UK?

tinto de verano
02-01-2008, 02:40 PM
Hi there.
Humax HDCI2000, FW 15, motorised 80 cm transparent dish, Diablo, Stealth 2.29, todays keys, laurals53 laest channel list...
I managed to locate and get a signal from most sats in the list.

Could someone please confirm that (in UK, East Anglia):
1) I am not supposed to get a signal on Intelsat 901 (18W), Intelsat 605 (27W), Amos 1 (4W), Nilesat 101-102 (7W), Intelsat 6B (3R/6B?) (43 W?)> I cannot get a signal.
2) I am supposed to be able to get a signal from Arabsat 2A3A2D (26E), ALTHOUGH I CANNOT find it/get a signal.
tinto de verano

02-01-2008, 09:53 PM
It's hard to say exactly as i'm a bit further north and west from you, and with a bigger dish (1.2m) but i'd guess you should get something from Intelsat 605 (27W) and Intelsat 3R (43W). You should get some from Arabsat too, though maybe not all transponders, and your dish alignment has to be spot on for 26E! The rest i don't think you'll get, definately not Amos 1 anyway!

tinto de verano
02-01-2008, 11:38 PM
Hi SatSearcher,
Thanks for your comments.
I guess I'll have to live with my 80 cm dish for a while... but I'll bear in mind a 1.2 or at least a 1 m upgrade as and when I can.
At the moment, I'm getting all the channels a I want.. but we always want a little bit more.
By the way, may I ask if you (or your 1.2 dish rather) can get Kabel Deutschland on Atra 3?
I do get it for a while, then image gets corrupted/braeks into squares/green, I loose it.. signal inconsistent depending on time of day or night.
tinto de verano

02-01-2008, 11:57 PM
Only rarely can i pull in a signal from KD, although just over a year ago i got quite a strong signal from most transponders, but these days the signal seems weaker for me, but you have a better chance as the signal from Astra 3 gets rapidly stronger the further south and east you go. If you're getting some signal now with an 80cm dish then a 1.2m or even a 1m maybe would clear them up for you.

tinto de verano
03-01-2008, 12:02 AM
Hi SatSearcher,
Another big thank you for your quick reply.
tinto de verano