View Full Version : what image standard 9100

02-01-2008, 04:59 PM
i have an original 9100 running ur10b2 in flash with iboot3.0a and nemesis 3.2 on iboot.

im sometimes getting reboots (in face quite oftern) im guessing this is down to having ur10b2 in flash so the question is.........

what would be the best image to put on my stb flash running iboot with nemesis 3.2?

02-01-2008, 05:59 PM
On my standard 9100 I'm running UR010B4 in flash and the Super version of EDG nemesis 3.2 on iboot and reboots for
me are very rare maybe once every couple of days, running UR010B4 on iboot as well had no reboots period

Only down side is you cant turn off DHCP on UR010B4 or run gbox on any iboot image with this combo

You could try original 011 in flash I don't use it as I had card problems with it


02-01-2008, 06:14 PM
is there not problems with the original 011 and iboot or was this sorted in version 3?

02-01-2008, 06:31 PM
is there not problems with the original 011 and iboot or was this sorted in version 3?

Iboot menu will now work as it should with 011 in flash but I'm 99% sure you will still have to edit the rctm9100 on
the iboot images that are earlier than 011 as thats not a problem caused by iboot



02-01-2008, 07:39 PM
no probs mate, thanks for your advice as always