View Full Version : What is the best LNB for Nilesat.

02-01-2008, 06:25 PM
Good Evening guys what is the best LNB for Nilesat on a 2.4m Channel Master.

A Titanium 0.2db lnb
Technomate 0.2db
Edison 0.2db
Triax 0.3db
Sharp 0.3db
Syntec 2000 0.3db
Inverto 0.3db c120
Invacom 0.3db c120.


02-01-2008, 06:49 PM
can you pick up showtime m8

02-01-2008, 07:42 PM
use c120 with andrews feed inverto invacom are two that come to mind

02-01-2008, 07:46 PM
i.can pick up showtime with 90cm offset in norfolk, what cam opens irdet* what to do set dish up on 1 west have a spare lnb put 20mm packing in between,then strap together using tieing wire,then set up on 11996h,then adjust lnb to get best signal,i use tele with video sender

25-01-2008, 06:17 PM
Best right now is the MTI AP8-T2RNC

25-01-2008, 10:06 PM
I can't believe you go and spend big money on a Andrews 240cm dish then ask what LNB to put on:eek:

FFS you need the andrews feedhorn and c120 invacom or inverto.

I have both c120's and the invacom quad perfroms slightly better.

27-01-2008, 07:29 PM
i.can pick up showtime with 90cm offset in norfolk, what cam opens irdet* what to do set dish up on 1 west have a spare lnb put 20mm packing in between,then strap together using tieing wire,then set up on 11996h,then adjust lnb to get best signal,i use tele with video sender

If you can you will have one of the best 90cm about and a great reciever,
I have a well set up 1.2 channel master with feedhorn on a sensitive tuner i can get it but not always great on H,easy for V. But with my 1.8 yes all ok.
Are you aware showtime is 7w??

And i live south of you and probably east as well as in a village between ipswich and felixstowe, both are needed to get this sat aimed at the NILE,
Very few can get this in the uk. And just can not see how you get the H channels with 90cm


27-01-2008, 09:09 PM
ive got technomate5500 cip

28-01-2008, 01:25 PM
Good receiver the technomate 5500 cip, one of my first receivers I ever had.

M8 of mine who is very experienced in the sat game tried his 100cm orbital dish last night on 7.0w but no matter what could not pull in 11996H.

His location is Kent, so not to far from you.

You must have some super duper dish to pull in H transponders with just 90cm.

28-01-2008, 01:36 PM
no such thing as the super duper dish I could sell in the hundreds if they were out there

28-01-2008, 03:42 PM
I know m8, I was taking the michael;)

@dann don't believe what the 5500 tells you, I know because I used mine to first setup my dish on 7.0w and even though it tells you 20% it wont give you a picture.

Try 12034H 27500 3/4, channel called ART Teenz on there FTA.

12034 is very near to the same output level as 11996H.

28-01-2008, 04:04 PM
Keano I knew you knew also having a bit of fun