View Full Version : humax 5400 problem

04-01-2008, 09:46 AM
hi guys
my 5400 is patched with hot9.5a with a programmed fun7 dragon loader card to enable emulation. the box can be in stanby all day without any problems,but when the box is put into standby last thing in the evening the following morning it has switched itself on this happens somewhere between 4and 6,30am and no matter which service or satellite it is left on it always switches on at premiere sport portal channel 101 even if the keys are not updated. my setup is a 4way switch 13 and 19 east 7 and 30 west in tenerife and latest voith driver modified settings. if i remove my card and insert my dragon or duablo cam this problem does not occur,the timer menu is disabled and i have tried with macro mode on and off.
has anyone else experienced this problem and if so what was the solution.


04-01-2008, 10:26 AM
Have you checked that you haven't accidentally set a daily event reservation?

Go into the EPG and look for reserved programmes.

04-01-2008, 10:53 AM
thanks for your reply prontopro.

brilliant you were 100% correct
dont know how it got there because i never use the epg.
could be my grandaughter playing with the remote.
many thanks

04-01-2008, 12:39 PM
You're welcome.