View Full Version : 1080p input on 32" LCD?

tinto de verano
04-01-2008, 11:31 AM
Hi there,
I wonder if you can help me:
I've noticed that there are only one or two 32" LCDs claiming to be Full HD, that is 1080p (and they cost as much as some 40/42 special offer LCDs!).
Most are HD ready (resolution: 1366 × 768) only.
I've noticed some of the newer 32" LCDs have a "1080p input" or "1080 direct input" or similar badge.
Now, the question is what does that badge really mean and does it make any difference whether a 32" LCD has "1080p input" or not (still 768 lines, not 1080!)?
In other words: any difference if connecting a PS3, XBox360 or BluRay/HD DVD player with a 1080p feed?
tinto de verano

04-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Some will simply not accept a 1080p feed, result blank screen. Those that will take a 1080p feed simply downscale it to suit.

tinto de verano
04-01-2008, 12:35 PM
Hi kenny258,
Thanks for your quick reply.
I thought they would all downscale, never thought of some just showing a black screen!
I guess that means that:
1) For a "1080p input" LCD: I can select 1080p in the source/player, feed it to the LCD and the LCD will downscale it and show it as a 720p picture.
2) For a NON "1080p input" LCD: I have to select 720p in the source/player, feed it to the LCD and the LCD will show it as a 720p picture.
Correct? No picture quality differences?
Thanks again.
tinto de verano