View Full Version : Problems with 53 East

05-01-2008, 03:43 PM
Happy days! My dish can now see 43W to 45E, using 1.1m dish and stab motor, but i still can't get the Russian channels on 53 East. Could someone kindly check the satellite and see if these transponders carry a signal. If the FEC is incorrect, please let me know.
11044 V 44951 3/4
10974H 8150 3/4

taken from


Russell Too
05-01-2008, 04:25 PM
Hi I am in the east Midlands, and on a small hill, and can only receive 45E all beyond that are below my Horizon. unless you're dish is quite elevated I doubt you will receive 53 E it is most likely below your horizon.

Stab 1.2 M dish
Kind regards Russell

05-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Hi, according to


Would suggest we can get 53E?. My latitude is 52 degrees

05-01-2008, 07:33 PM
11044 is fine here in West Yorks on a 1m but the other one is on the edge. Lost all channels on every satellite a couple of weeks ago due to a fault so still rebuilding the satellite list. I used to get 53E OK so you should be fine if you have no obstructions.

05-01-2008, 07:53 PM
I have a 1m dish and recieve this satellite no problems in a built up area. The strongest transponder by far is 11616V 2894 giving me 79% signal.. Next strongest is is 11632V 2894 then 11044V 44950 and 11160V 5786. I cant lock any horizontal transponders . There are only a dozen or so Russian channels in the clear on this sat others are Arabic. I do get Belarus TV though.
You will most likely only get the wide europe beam too.
to find it I sggest searching on 11616v 2894. Incidentally the russia today channel is also available on Sirius and astra 19E, Keep trying you should get it,regards, Michael.

05-01-2008, 08:23 PM
@notmyrealname can you confirm the FEC's for these frequencys please? i think they are 3/4...

Also, i am using a dreambox 500s. I note the SR rate is very high on 11044v, perhaps that could be the reason i can't receive it?

05-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Just had another look and the 11616V 2894 3/4 is the one to look for. The horizontals are on the S2 beam so I don't think you will get them in UK as notmyrealname suggests.

05-01-2008, 10:01 PM
yes fec is 3/4 on all. As already stated 11616v 2894 3/4 is the strongest signal on 53E.

As a footnote .
The horizon is not a problem. I have been seeing how far east I can get and I have just got a belting signal from 62E. Its KanalD Romania on 11177 H 3333 3/4. Can anyone else get this bird out of interest.My 1m dish is not high up - its between the 2 top windows on the back of my house,
regards, Nmrn

Russell Too
05-01-2008, 10:40 PM
Hi, according to


Would suggest we can get 53E?. My latitude is 52 degrees

It's your Longitude that is important, probably 2deg West or more. Happy Hunting
Regards Russell

05-01-2008, 11:48 PM
Happy days! My dish can now see 43W to 45E, using 1.1m dish and stab motor, but i still can't get the Russian channels on 53 East. Could someone kindly check the satellite and see if these transponders carry a signal. If the FEC is incorrect, please let me know.
11044 V 44951 3/4
10974H 8150 3/4

taken from


Just been thinking. As your receiving all sat from 43E to 45E your obviously set up properly.How are you trying to find 53E are you using GOTO or Usals.I find these unreliable at least on my Technomate. you could add the transponder 11616v to 45E and then keep nudging the dish east until the signal meter zooms up. at least then you will know yoiur dish can see the sat.
Have you any limits set eithe physical in the motor or electronically. Is there another house to your east thet may be blocking the view. If not you should be able to get this sat easily with a 1.1 dish, regards, mike.

06-01-2008, 01:10 PM
68e here no problem sabc on this one 53e should be no problem i'm using 1.2 dish for these sats

06-01-2008, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the replies chaps, to be honest with you, i've been pulling my hair out with my dreambox / HH120 stab rotor setup for a while now (as my previous posts will tell!). Things have improved since i mounted by dish/motor on a 10ft pole at rear of garden, and now i can receive almost everything from 43W to 45E in a built up area. (Nilesat 7W is a no no)
45E booms in at 90% signal strenght. Going further east to 53E i am using the step function in the motor setup. There is a possibility i could just be clipping the neighbours roof at 53E, but i hoped having the 10ft pole and mouting the dish near the top of it would clear the neighbours roof.. I appreciate the beam for 53E is pretty low in the sky.... looks like i was wrong because I get nothing..

Another problem i have is as soon as the motor gets to about 55 degrees east, it automatically returns back to its zero position.. this is proving to be a real pain in the butt for me... I've disabled the limits in the dreambox, and used the recalculate function in the setup to recalculate all positions using 13E as the reference.

Problem with this hobby is it can take up all your time, my mrs is starting to moan about time im spending on this now!

06-01-2008, 09:35 PM
I think you have answered the problem. If your dish is on a 10 foot post in your garden its most likely that it does not have a clear view of 53E which is low in the sky. If possible relocate the dish just under the gutter on a south facing wall ensuring the diseq motor can turn 60 degrees or more east and west -you will need stand off brackets for this.. Given a clear view this sat should boom in. As i said i can get 57 and 62e as well in a built up area,
regards, nmrn

Captain Jack
16-01-2008, 12:28 PM
Aha! Stab HH120's don't have a wide enough swing arc as I remember I couldn't get 53E either. My longitude is 2.5W and I could clearly see there were no obstructions for that position.

The trouble is, I think HH120's swing arc is 55 degrees or something similar as if I used my Dreambox to swing it to 53E, I could see from the back of the motor that it stopped on 55E, but as my longitude is 2.5W, it *actually* stopped on 52.5E! I remember it being a hardware limitation as if nudged the dish manually (not advisable!) towards the east, 53E came in (there were no limits set anywhere). Alignment was otherwise spot on.

I changed to a Moteck SG2100 motor, which has an arc of +/-80 degrees and it has been no problems since.... That's before a massive tree started growing out of proportions so I can only see it in the winter when there are no leaves on it!

...I could be talking complete bollocks and it may well be that you simply can't see it. Like others said, it's low in the sky - 13 degrees above the horizon - not too bad but things can easily get in the way, like trees and nearby buildings or even chimneys (as is the case for me on 45W).

16-01-2008, 09:56 PM
Hi Captain Jack
You are correct in reference to the limitations of arc coverage of Stab motors. Motecks and clones do have a larger arc scan.
Advantage of the Stab motors is an upward facing stub to drop the dish onto.