View Full Version : Gbox not reading card

05-01-2008, 09:24 PM
Should Gbox 225 read a card without any modification? I have a Supersport card in my receiver, running UR10 Beta 2, and the card is working (yes, it's my own card doing the decoding - remove it and the picture freezes!). I didn't do all the software installation myself, so I don't know what mods if any may have been done. A friend's receiver has the same image, Gbox 225 installed, but a known working Supersport card isn't decoding anything. What's the simplest way to get it working?

05-01-2008, 09:47 PM
From UR panel goto "Download config" and download "Gbox 2 Reader" it should then work


05-01-2008, 09:48 PM
if you have added the gbox card readers 1 and maybe 2 as well as gbox in the config section , then I would think it should work

05-01-2008, 10:37 PM
Installed both card readers (at least done as TNT said - is there any way of checking?), still not working.

05-01-2008, 10:49 PM
did you reboot afterwards ?

05-01-2008, 10:50 PM
Yes, that's been done.

05-01-2008, 10:52 PM
Card is right way up too.:)

05-01-2008, 10:52 PM
Thanks for helping with this one. It's doing my head in. Hope someone can help with this. Very much appreciated guys. Will keep an eye on this thread with a lot of interest.

05-01-2008, 11:01 PM
try a sly card and see if that works using gbox , if it does then you know the card readers and gbox are ok

05-01-2008, 11:03 PM
any body else using a official card in tm9100, what cam is reading it for you. at the moment gazzza has mgcamd 1,27b for premiere emu and gbox 2.25 for digit alb official full package that does not seem to be working at moment but card is deffo ok as got update in my receiver.

05-01-2008, 11:04 PM
Don't have any other card available straight away. (Unfortunately).

05-01-2008, 11:05 PM
any body else using a official card in tm9100, what cam is reading it for you. at the moment gazzza has mgcamd 1,27b for premiere emu and gbox 2.25 for digit alb official full package that does not seem to be working at moment but card is deffo ok as got update in my receiver.

I use gbox 2.25 with both card readers installed and sly card works fine , also using mgcamd v1.27 for premiere etc


I dont have any other cards to test it either

05-01-2008, 11:07 PM
is anything need in the key for the gbox 2.25 to read the card as all there is in var/key is satankey at moment.

Regards Jono

05-01-2008, 11:10 PM
is anything need in the key for the gbox 2.25 to read the card as all there is in var/key is satankey at moment.

Regards Jono

not when its in its own box afaik

when the card is in the actual box , I would say you need gbox v2.25 as the emu , the card readers installed ( I do both ) and the card in with chip on underside

thats how my sly card works , but mine is made multiroom and so there are alterations to be made in some of the files so that works too

select gbox for the package as the emu used too

and a full reboot is always needed too , possibly even a switch off and on

05-01-2008, 11:19 PM
As far as I know all that has been done. Unfortunately I'm 40 odd miles away, and getting up about 3 in the morning, so can't do any more now. thanks for the help, Echelon and TNT, I'll look in again when I get home tomorrow!

05-01-2008, 11:29 PM
Thanks all, will look in tomorrow too. Gazza

06-01-2008, 12:09 AM
Just read in another forum that gbox2.25 on its own will not read cards in any slot you need to write as config file to var/keys for the receiver to know that there is a card for gbox to work with. How this is done i don't know but I'm on a mission to find out.
Also from reading cccam seems to work well with digit alb card in the top slot chip facing down according to other members on other board but they do not mention any config files needed for cccam who knows.

Regards Jono

06-01-2008, 12:15 AM
From UR panel goto "Download config" and download "Gbox 2 Reader" it should then work


just thought this must be the config for gbox!

but it don't work as we have tried it only thing we did was download gbox reader1 then 2 maybe should only download one or the other.

Regards Jono

06-01-2008, 01:12 AM
"Gbox 2 Reader" is for both card readers to work look in the gbox_cfg right at the bottom and you should see V: { F0 30 }
it also explains what that means

There are lots of ways to read different cards but I'm slightly confused who is using what in this thread ?

You could try CCcam on its own for digit alb card as I have a feeling it may work

Its also worth installing gbox suite/center and cccam info then your no if the card is being seen by either emu you
can also start gbox using telnet to see whats going on

Most emus will work with NewCS as long as you add the newcamd entry I use mgcamd + newcs for my sly card


06-01-2008, 11:48 AM
to cheek if card is being readed by gbox you better use telnet mate

loggin to the box via telnet by using this command

telnet the ip is only exaple , you must add you,r own local ip off the box

then give this command ps
and see if gbox is running , if it running you need to kill the gbox

to kill the gbox you need to find the pid that gbox uses
all the way on the left in the telnet window you will see the pid number

give this command to kill the gbox kill 2222 pid number is only an example

then to start the gbox manualy via telnet just give this comman in telnet

cd /var/bin or what ever folder you have gbox installed push enter
then enter this ./gbox & then you will be able to see the loggin infor
and what gbox does with the card

remember the gbox.cfg must be configure right with the local ip
so you will be able to see the gbox output.

hoppe this helps a bitt



06-01-2008, 12:28 PM
Hello bgsats, try hypercam 0.28 as it is specifically written for this sort of thing.
Here is a list of cards it supports



It is known to conflict with other card reader emus so you may have to lose gbox to use it.
It is also pretty good as soft emu as well using the softcam.key to decode channels.

06-01-2008, 10:30 PM
@TNT ... "but I'm slightly confused who is using what in this thread ?"
Yes, I can understand that! It's Gazzza's receiver. He's running Gbox 225 and Mgcamd. Card reader 1 and 2 installed. New Digitalb card (authorised and fully working in Jono's receiver), still not working in Gazzza's receiver. Jono and I both trying to help him get it working. Don't really want to install anything which conflicts with Gbox, as it may well be needed in the not too distant future (if you see what I mean!).
@ Bobi ... just checking in my own 9100, I have four consecutive entries for Gbox (with consecutive PIDs), do I kill all 4, one after the other, then follow the rest of your instructions?

07-01-2008, 11:09 AM
V: { F0 30 }
Instead of this try
V: { 00 30 }
I can no longer test this as I have now sold my 9100 but give it a try;)

07-01-2008, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the reply, Sonic 1 - but I'm not at all sure what you mean! Where will I find these figures? What exactly do I need to do?

07-01-2008, 12:57 PM
look in var/keys and check gbox.cfg;)

07-01-2008, 01:51 PM
If you select common interface in emu manager that will stop gbox if its running then you can start it from telnet I just use the following
to start gbox from telnet (if your gbox in var/bin is called something else then you need to put that name)


to stop gbox I use

touch /tmp/gbox.kill

Is this on a image in the flash or on SD card ?


07-01-2008, 02:02 PM
The image is in the flash.

07-01-2008, 02:37 PM
No mate you kill only the first pid off the 4
the rest will be killed anyway as the main pid is the one that controlls the rest some how, im not to techy with this , but this is how i do it



@TNT ...
@ Bobi ... just checking in my own 9100, I have four consecutive entries for Gbox (with consecutive PIDs), do I kill all 4, one after the other, then follow the rest of your instructions?

07-01-2008, 03:20 PM
OK, thanks, I'll have another try on mine later on, and let you know.

07-01-2008, 03:45 PM
The correct kill command to stop gbox is

touch /tmp/gbox.kill


07-01-2008, 04:32 PM
@ Sonic 1 ... My own receiver is set to V: {F0 30} and reading the card correctly, but we'll check Gazzza's box later, and try what you suggested, thanks.

07-01-2008, 04:38 PM
Absolutly right mate , sorry to have given a shortcut
or an even worse example

both exampels work , but the one you said is the correct one



The correct kill command to stop gbox is

touch /tmp/gbox.kill


07-01-2008, 06:12 PM
I've had another go with telnet on my own box. I can kill Gbox by typing "kill ***" (***being the 1st of the PIDs for Gbox. Nothing else would work for me - tried numerous variations of the "touch" command suggested. I then need to change directories by typing "cd var/bin". If I then type "./gbox225&", Gbox restarts. I tried this pfull procedure half a dozen times, it works every time - picture freezes about 10 secs after killing gbox, and re-appears about 15 secs after re-starting. What I don't see is any info at all about Gbox stopping or re-starting. I've used telnet both from DCC and from ther DOS prompt - what am I doing wrong?

07-01-2008, 06:24 PM
The touch command wont work because your gbox is called gbox225 and it only works when its just gbox

Do as I said before select common interface in emu manager and that will stop any softcams that are running including gbox

Then just type the following using telnet to start gbox


Thats if your gbox in var/bin is called gbox225


07-01-2008, 06:43 PM
That works just the same TNT, thanks (Emu manager =blue button?) But I don't get a log of what happens when Gbox re-starts. Where should I see that?

07-01-2008, 06:57 PM
Blue button select common interface and then select save just the same way you select any softcam

Then in telnet type ps and make sure gbox is not in the list

Then start gbox from telnet and you should see gbox start decoding


07-01-2008, 07:44 PM
"Then start gbox from telnet and you should see gbox start decoding".
Done exactly what you said, and yes, Gbox stops decoding. I then open a telnet session from DCC, type in ps, and Gbox doesn't show at all. I then type var/bin/gbox225 and about 10 secs later the receiver starts decoding, but no information is displayed in the telnet window.

07-01-2008, 07:58 PM
Check the following is the same as below in your gbox_cfg

# Trace/Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (don't use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
Z: { 00 10 }


07-01-2008, 08:14 PM
Can't see any line relating to output, debug or konsole. Line 1 is Z:(00 12) 8025

07-01-2008, 08:29 PM
Can't see any line relating to output, debug or konsole. Line 1 is Z:(00 12) 8025

Thats why you have no output change Z:(00 12) to Z:(00 10)


07-01-2008, 08:51 PM
Now edited the cfg file (changed 00 12 to 00 10 as suggested). On restarting Gbox got the response "killed", (which I would have expected on killing Gbox), but nothing else.

07-01-2008, 09:06 PM
Stop gbox first and make sure using ps that it has been stopped then start gbox

Your getting killed because your starting it without stopping first


07-01-2008, 09:12 PM

Have you used [ Gboxsuite2.25 ] Nice Plugin ? Lets you no What is Going On[Dreambox Anyway ] :D

Do not no Much About this Box ? Much the same as the Dreambox???:eek:

Here it is ? CHMOD 755 [Gboxsuite .so ] File ? Leave the Other 644 [Gboxsuite CFG ]

P.s Use the Latest Gbox [ G-Box2.225d ] That Goes to var/bin [ CHMOD 755 ] You Might Have To Rename for the 9100???? Have Fun

REBOOT After All Changes;)

07-01-2008, 10:01 PM
Just tried again. Killed Gbox by selecting Common interface (after pressing blue button) and saving. After 10 secs or so picture froze. Then typed ps into telnet and there was no entry for Gbox. Restarted Gbox by typing var/bin/gbox225. Decoding started after 10 secs or so, still no info showing in telnet. Then went back to receiver and changed common interface back to Gbox. The instant I pressed the green button to save, the word killed appeared in telnet. That's the only time I get any info about Gbox starting or stopping.
I'm going to leave it like that for now, as my receiver is functioning reasonably well in all other respects. Jono has just let me know he's had another look at Gazzza's receiver, and although some of the functions of UR10 Beta2 were available, the start up screen still showed the Technomate logo. He's now installed UR11 instead, reinstalled Gbox and card reader 2, and the card is now working.
Thanks Rabby for the suggestions, I've saved a copy and will try when I've more time - and yes, the receiver is in most respects very similar to a Dreambox.

07-01-2008, 11:16 PM
Its probably your config thats wrong because it certainly wasn't set to the default values going by the Z entry

The one below has the default settings for two card readers and has always been the same even when downloaded
from different sources so not sure why yours is different from normal

Back up your old one first if you try it


07-01-2008, 11:44 PM
Thanks, TNT. I'll back mine up, and try the one attached - probably tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens, thanks once again.

07-01-2008, 11:53 PM
well this is how my gbox.cfg looks , and i gett the outputt normaly

rember to edit the IP with you,r dreambox ip ( you dont need to but then TM will report my ip) , and the port 4444 with the one you like,
this file has been tested with DM,TM , Ab ipbox, and ItGate receirs and works with all off them

give it a try mate and see if you gett the output

# gbox config file
Z: { 01 11 } 4444
W: { 00 00 } 9600
G: { 03 }
C: { 02 }
M: { 02 }
E: { 01 }
A: { 01 }
U: { 01 }
H: { 01 }
T: { 00 }
O: { 00 }
L: { 00 } 4444
V: { F0 35 }
#J: { 01 00 00 01 01 }
#F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
#F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
#F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
#F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
#F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
#F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
#F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
#F: { 21 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 // ca device
#F: { 22 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 // dvr device
#F: { 23 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 // demux device
#F: { 31 } /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1 // second ca device to write cw's (recording)
F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1
#F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2

# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto 6.30MHz
F: { 52 } 03 // seca 5.25MHz
F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess 5.25MHz
F: { 54 } 03 // nagra 5.25MHz
F: { 55 } 03 // crypto 5.25MHz
F: { 57 } 03 // conax 5.25MHz
F: { 58 } 02 // nds 5.25MHz

for the F use only the one you have the card for, the rest just put an # in front, irdeto and nds are overclocked in that file , so be carfull to not fri the card :D





08-01-2008, 12:39 AM
Thanks all for continuing to provide this help. I'm ssooooo glad that bgsats and Jono are helping me to decipher it all as not one bit of it makes any sense to me. I really appreciate everyone's input, and bgsats originally posted the question to help the newbie. I think this forum is amazing.

08-01-2008, 09:06 PM
New problem now (would you believe). Jono has gone to store sat positions in Gazzza's receiver, but it doesn't seem to memorise them if the receiver is restarted.. Dish can be moved E/W with the remote, and you can store the position, but the motor seems to have a mind of its own, and when you restart the receiver, the motor goes straight to zero, showing "motor moving to (current sat)" on the TV. In effect, all positions are stored as zero. If you don't restart the receiver, everything's fine.This gives a picture on Atlantic Bird 3 - due to our Westerly position. Gazzza has risked life and limb going up the ladder in a howling force 9 to reset the motor; that doesn't help either. As well as storing individual positions with Diseqc, they've entered correct lat and long, and tried Usals. The receiver then tries to do a search on each sat (not wanted as there's a pet settings list installed. I do know , as Jono aligned the dish, it's been done correctly. The motor was fine using UR10beta2; this problem only showed itself since UR11 was installed. Any help much appreciated - again - thanks!

08-01-2008, 09:14 PM
some images have various problems and saving motor positions is one of them

strictly speaking no image is bug free , so dont expect any of them to be flawless

ur10b2 in the flash with ur10b2 on an mmc seems quite stable to me , BUT mine is not driving a motor

08-01-2008, 09:40 PM
Yes, we put it down (probably!) to the image, which as you say, will have bugs of one kind or another. Both Jono and I have been running UR10Beta2 in the flash with no problems, motors moving OK, as was this 3rd receiver until we installed UR11. Jono is just trying the 3rd receiver (still with UR11) on his own system. Presuming it has the same problem on his system, it looks as though UR10Beta2 is the next step.

08-01-2008, 10:27 PM
cant understand why you are using this all from a flash , ideally you should be testing the box using a good flash , and then trying images in iboot 3 on a £5 1 gig sd card so you can compare results

I never use my flashes for the work , always on mmc cards

09-01-2008, 12:25 AM
Just for future reference back up the "config" file in


It contains all user settings including motor positions which can easily be pasted into the config of your new image so you can set it up in minutes

But I'm with echelon on this one get a SD card even a good one is relatively cheap then you can try all images and find
the one you like not to mention your less likely to frag your box :eek:


09-01-2008, 12:32 AM
Well worth bearing in mind, thanks, Echelon and TNT. We thought we were safe loading an image we had already tested on our own receivers! the problem we're having now, when loading UR10Beta2, the image loads, the menus are correct for UR10, but the startup screen is for whatever was loaded last, and Gbox then won't read the card. UR11beta2 overcomes this, but loses sat positions. Is our version of UR10Beta2 corrupt? It's from the beta testers section of that other forum. Or are we doing something wrong, so that some parts of the image aren't sent/stored?

09-01-2008, 01:10 AM
Well its 12am and I'm off to bed and can safely say it is now working well on my system here, have ur10beta4 on flash this is moving my channel master 36v with vbox.
stored 28e,19e,16e,13,10e,5e,1w, and it navigates to and from them after reboot as well also have gbox2.25 in reading digitalb card and mgcamd 1.27b opening premiere 19e and digitv 1W. Gbox set as default mgcamd set to run on the other two packages only, thing to do now is see if it work in Gazzza's house tomorrow night and hope its stable for him. Can only say I'm crossing everything i have to cross as this one has put me to the test like never before in the last 8 years lol.

wish me luck and cheers for your help guys

Kind regards


09-01-2008, 01:31 AM
if the startup screen isnt the technomate one then it may be the flash is corrupt and needs a serial uboot flash putting in using a serial cable and factory reset , then upgrade to tm009 and factory reset, and then maybe ur10b2

putting other flashes in your boxes is very risky and can easily lead to corruption and jtagging if it was say dsteam v3.4

much too risky for me , and I would suggest tm011 if you were going to use an 011 flash , but in any case it should still be testing on a cheap mmc and I am sure all 3 of you can afford the score it would cost for all 3 them

I still cannot believe you are using the flashes to do this experimentation , just hope you can build a jtag between yourselves as its bound to be needed at some stage :)

09-01-2008, 09:19 AM
if the startup screen isnt the technomate one then it may be the flash is corrupt and needs a serial uboot flash putting in using a serial cable and factory reset , then upgrade to tm009 and factory reset, and then maybe ur10b2

putting other flashes in your boxes is very risky and can easily lead to corruption and jtagging if it was say dsteam v3.4

much too risky for me , and I would suggest tm011 if you were going to use an 011 flash , but in any case it should still be testing on a cheap mmc and I am sure all 3 of you can afford the score it would cost for all 3 them

I still cannot believe you are using the flashes to do this experimentation , just hope you can build a jtag between yourselves as its bound to be needed at some stage :)

Been doing mine this way since I have had the receiver ok maybe it does not make much sense using the onboard flash to right beta test image to that are working fine on other peoples receive to me that what it’s there for.
As for iboot and mmc or sd or micro sd I have 512 1g and 2g here but I aint had any luck with iboot in the past on a mmc so I sacked it.
I'm now pretty much convinced that the UR10BETA2 is only a update to the image already onboard and does not right all to flash as when I write it over Juliet 005 serial it still has Juliet boot screen. But after speaking with bgsats yesterday he told me he has UR underground resistance team logo on a creamy grey back ground. That background is the same for UR009BETA2, I wrote this image to mine after having problems with UR10BETA4 rebooting the boot up background of mine was black with UR underground resistance team logo.
So what I'm going to do is like Echelon suggests write UR009BETA2 then factory reset then write UR10BETA2 then the logo will be UR and all should be well.
I know it’s working now on UR10BETA4 but if it starts rebooting every few hours that will be no good as that what this image was like for me .

Then I’ll give iboot a second chance with my receiver and see how well it works.

Regards Jono

09-01-2008, 11:09 AM
Thanks to those (especially Echelon and TNT) who have pointed us in the right direction. I will certainly have a go with iboot next time - but leaving mine well alone for now!

09-01-2008, 11:34 AM
think you may have missed some of my points here regarding the flash

I meant you to use the technomate noboot serial 005 full flash into the flash , not the juliet005 , and factory reset so its totally vanilla flavoured by technomate using the noboot , not the uboot , using a serial null modem cable

then use tm009 which is a full flash as well , and factory reset it , now it would have a full technomate 009 flavour in the flash

at this point you can install ur010beta2 into the flash and do what you wish with it , use it or dont use it , up to you , but at least its clean and works too. bear in mind there is no full 10 flash so its an upgrade from 009 afaik

if you then install iboot3a ( or iboot2 ) it doesnt alter the flash , just adds extra files like the extra_run for booting an mmc card from the card reader , and so this allows you to still use the flash or to boot from the mmc card using a startup menu , the flash would still boot with no mmc cards in the box if you wish it

so its not a case of one or the other , it gives you both and is how mine was reconstructed after the disastrous dsteam v3.4 flash issues reported here and elsewhere ( good on mmc , bad in flash ). I used serial null modem cable and tcc6 to get tm005 noboot into the box factory reset , then tm009 using tcc6 over ethernet

I dont understand where you get the idea that this is an either/or situation , its a win-win situation , and far better than having remnants of various flashes hanging around in your boxes as proved by your various startup screens

once you have a clean ur10b2 in the flash , you can add in iboot and use a card for testing images , leaving the flash well alone , and that is my point , and what I do , and what tnt is doing too

and please bear in mind there are 3 of you in this thread , one having a problem , two not having a problem , and we subsequently find you are running from different flashes or upgrades from previous flashes , not clean installs and not always the same flash either , and its this non-identical use that may be at the heart of your problems and explain the different results , especially as all the software you are installing is in beta format and not final , ie:- still buggy

you are all expecting to get the same working results , so you need to sing from the exact same hymn sheet

09-01-2008, 12:43 PM
Thanks once again for spelling everything out, Echelon. I can see that you've had first hand experience of what can go wrong, and that you are trying to save us from falling into the same trap. You have explained the procedure very well, particularly as regards getting the receivers back into the same, original state. I'm sure your explanation will be helpful to others, too - your help has been very much appreciated.

09-01-2008, 08:38 PM
think you may have missed some of my points here regarding the flash

I meant you to use the technomate noboot serial 005 full flash into the flash , not the juliet005 , and factory reset so its totally vanilla flavoured by technomate using the noboot , not the uboot , using a serial null modem cable

then use tm009 which is a full flash as well , and factory reset it , now it would have a full technomate 009 flavour in the flash

at this point you can install ur010beta2 into the flash and do what you wish with it , use it or dont use it , up to you , but at least its clean and works too. bear in mind there is no full 10 flash so its an upgrade from 009 afaik

if you then install iboot3a ( or iboot2 ) it doesnt alter the flash , just adds extra files like the extra_run for booting an mmc card from the card reader , and so this allows you to still use the flash or to boot from the mmc card using a startup menu , the flash would still boot with no mmc cards in the box if you wish it

so its not a case of one or the other , it gives you both and is how mine was reconstructed after the disastrous dsteam v3.4 flash issues reported here and elsewhere ( good on mmc , bad in flash ). I used serial null modem cable and tcc6 to get tm005 noboot into the box factory reset , then tm009 using tcc6 over ethernet

I dont understand where you get the idea that this is an either/or situation , its a win-win situation , and far better than having remnants of various flashes hanging around in your boxes as proved by your various startup screens

once you have a clean ur10b2 in the flash , you can add in iboot and use a card for testing images , leaving the flash well alone , and that is my point , and what I do , and what tnt is doing too

and please bear in mind there are 3 of you in this thread , one having a problem , two not having a problem , and we subsequently find you are running from different flashes or upgrades from previous flashes , not clean installs and not always the same flash either , and its this non-identical use that may be at the heart of your problems and explain the different results , especially as all the software you are installing is in beta format and not final , ie:- still buggy

you are all expecting to get the same working results , so you need to sing from the exact same hymn sheet

That what I'll do will have a look for TM 005 see if i can find it and I'll do what you suggest.

Will defo give iboot a go and my receiver in the next few day so if you don't mind I might pick your brains again.

Thanks once again for spelling everything out, Echelon. I can see that you've had first hand experience of what can go wrong, and that you are trying to save us from falling into the same trap. You have explained the procedure very well, particularly as regards getting the receivers back into the same, original state. I'm sure your explanation will be helpful to others, too - your help has been very much appreciated

Yes thanks a lot for yours and TNT help so far it has been really well appreciated and educational.

Regards Jono

09-01-2008, 11:43 PM
well i do not know were to go from here now, done everything as per instructions and all seems very well motor moves responds to positions and does not lose it positions when rebooted.BUT I'm back to square one with UR10BETA2 not reading the digitalb card unlike ur1obeta4 and ur11beta they worked ok downloaded gbox2.25 from pannel and then gbox card reader 2 from config in panel then mgcamd1.27b and all worked well. except ur11beta wont save positions after reboot and i have bad experience from ur10beta4 rebooting on my box but that was the only one that reads cards and moves/save positions. lol

So i think it will have to be back to what i had on it at 8 tonight working ur10beta4 and hope after writing tm 005 serial + tm 009 auto that
UR10BETA4 wont reboot every few hours on Gazzza's box as it did on mine when it was running in it.

Regards Jono

10-01-2008, 11:53 PM
Well, after 2 weeks and 61 posts on this thread, my box is finally working ! A massive thanks to Jono for working his magic on it and being so helpful and patient with me. To bgsats too for all the advice and posts and persistence in getting me up and running. Echelon and TNT in particular and all the other experts out there that have advised, thought, and taken their time to help others like me that are just starting out. A massive thank you to everyone.

01-02-2008, 09:48 AM
Does someone know if a sly ftv card updates in a TM9100?

01-02-2008, 10:44 AM
Yes, mine updates using hypercam or CCcam161

01-02-2008, 02:54 PM
no sly or enn dee ess discussions here , thank you

this was about supersport etc

thread closed