View Full Version : Tm-6900-hd

08-01-2008, 04:49 PM
would it be better to patch the stb or carry on using old faithfull the Dragon cam just bought the box today. BBC1 hd at 1080i brill

08-01-2008, 07:12 PM
my 6900 is patched, the dragon cam is parked up amigo

08-01-2008, 07:36 PM
Patching the TM gives you much faster chan change and up-date. I say patch is better but having said that, I use the Dragon as back-up. The best of both worlds!! It is also good to keep up with what is happening with various cams as from time to time, one of them comes up with something good and it is nice to keep ones hand in.

10-01-2008, 11:47 AM
Thanks for your reply's I'll patch it . I'm trying to scan teresterial tv automatically which fails i can only scan manually it will scan sat ok?

10-01-2008, 04:28 PM
neil i got my tm6900 the other day, put the latest firmware from tm site on it then latest dm patch. i would patch it and keep your cams for backup, incase
a fix comes to the cam before the tm. saying that the tm has great backup. patch and cams and you have the best of both worlds.

13-01-2008, 02:21 PM
Thanks to you all that replied it's a great rx just getting my head around all that it can do I have just put the usb socket on the rear easy job. thanks again to you all

26-05-2008, 04:54 PM
its better with internal patches ,..but should check out the new 2.3 diablo 110 underworld patch for conax on 1w and 16 east,..if you have the 2.2 diablo it can be upgraded from www."diablocam.com]for 30 euro,.its great,.cheers,.

26-05-2008, 05:11 PM
"I have just put the usb socket on the rear easy job."

Hi M8

Could you please give a few details on how you managed to put the USB Socket on the Rear Panel.

26-05-2008, 05:35 PM
'On the rear'?:302:
As above post states, the USB socket on 6900HD - its on the FRONT panel!!

26-05-2008, 06:00 PM
That depends which way round you are looking at it from :D


26-05-2008, 07:05 PM
'On the rear'?:302:
As above post states, the USB socket on 6900HD - its on the FRONT panel!!

I am aware of where the USB Socket on the 6900 is, as I have one, however neil stated that he had just put the USB Socket on the Rear Panel, as opposed to having it on the front of the receiver. That is why I asked for more details, on the procedure that he used to remove the socket from the front to the rear.

26-05-2008, 07:37 PM
All...thinking of getting one of the above...at the moment, I have
a T/M dapci 5000 with 36v motor...Is there any way I could hook
up the 6900 to the 5000...say with an A/B switch.. so I could keep
the 36v going until it packs up and then invest in a new dish and
disecq motor...

26-05-2008, 07:49 PM
use the loop or twin lnb there used to be a priority switch as well

26-05-2008, 07:57 PM

I knew that I had seen somewhere else a procedure for moving the USB Socket from under the front flap to the rear of the receiver, and here it is, BTW it was in an Exxclusive thread on the DM Forum:

I wasn't bothered about having a USB connection on the front of the box, as I put new patches on etc through a permanently wired null modem cable.

I took the top off the box, and noticed that the USB socket on the front is screwed onto a little PCB, held in place by two little screws. I've undone this, and there's enough cable in the box to simply take the wire through a little gap between the back panel and the box frame - then screw it back together again, so the socket dangles on a little wire out the back of the box. My hard drive is connected permanently at the back, and I've put some insulating tape round the connectors/PCB panel.

Easier than all that drilling, but I have given up the connection on the front. Might be of use to somebody. It's dead easy to do it this way, and if needs be, it's easy to reverse.

There is also a pictorial post of the other modification that is referred in this post, but it is a much more difficult modification.

26-05-2008, 08:29 PM
My USB is now screwed to the back of the TM6900HD. There is plenty of play in the wires leading to the USB. I used an electric drill to drill into the back of the box then, filed is out so that the USB fitted tightly in the hole. I then drilled two holes (each side of the USB space/gap) (2 BA I think)so that with two very small bolts (the length dosen't matter as there is plenty of room) i was able to screw/fix it to the rear. I used additional nuts as spacers to keep the USB away from the metal. I have an HDD (too large to place inside) attached to the USB and use the RS232 connection to up-date the unit.

One point I will make however, and that is that if I reset the TM to factory reset, this means that you will loose all recordings as you have to "Format" the HDD again. This is what I have found.

26-05-2008, 09:41 PM
Yes but you are all talking about 'modified' stbs, the 'original' 6800.6900 has the USB at the FRONT panel - WHICHEVER way you look at it!!:respect-067:

27-05-2008, 05:31 PM
Cheers Satwyn...I'd forgotten about the loop through...:respect-064:

31-05-2008, 08:46 AM
does it has internal positionner?

31-05-2008, 08:52 AM
diseqc only

31-05-2008, 09:26 AM
Thanks Satwyn.
Any HD receiver out there that has internal positioner. Thanks

31-05-2008, 09:34 AM
Thanks Satwyn.
Any HD receiver out there that has internal positioner. Thanksafraid not even 1 v box is the only answer unless you use an old sd receiver echostar ect as a positioner