View Full Version : Ps3 Or Xbox 360??

10-01-2008, 12:26 AM
This year i think the PS3 console will overtake XBOX 360, ive had both consoles and prefer the PS3.

The games are coming thick and fast now on the PS3 and both consoles are getting joint releases, with a few games been exclusive to one console.

Most the games i have for my PS3 I had for my 360 and to be honest graphically there is not much difference.

What i like about the PS3 is that it as a blu ray player for viewing hd films, built in wireless controllerwith chargeble batteries, built in wireless internet connection and also you dont have to pay to play online.

To get the xbox 360 to a similar spec you would have to add the wireless adaptor 60 pound,hd dvd player 129 pound and also the wireless battery pack 14.99.

Personally i couldnt even watch dvds on my 360 because of the noise of the machine, but i suppose it depends on how loud your volume will go up, to drown the fan noise.:eek:

Not only this the reliability of the PS3 is much better than the xbox 360.

However the only plus point i can find for the 360 is that you can have it flashed and play backup games.

But if you have this done you are playing russian roulette with your console as you can either get banned from xbox live or if your console becomes faulty microsoft will not repair it through the warranty.



10-01-2008, 02:13 AM
The wii;)

10-01-2008, 02:49 AM
if you could play backups on the ps3 more people would get 1

10-01-2008, 03:30 AM
Tell sony that. There's nothing like a good hack to sell a console. The Ps2 I had was great. Used to download the games and stick them on a hard drive to play. When I eventually sold the ps2 the dvd laser must have been like new as it had seen no use!:D

10-01-2008, 09:53 AM
PS3 wins hands down for me for all the above reasons. Hacked or not its going to be in front of the 360 by the end of this year for sure! I imported Gran Turismo Prologue last week and its got to be the best driving game I ever played, its just stunning! Bundle this with the 40gb console when it comes out here in March and they will fly off the shelf..

10-01-2008, 12:49 PM
LOL, alot of people hopeing the ps3 picks up by this year 2008 (so do i as I want tekken 6!!) BUT if your buying a console NOW then it has 10000% got to be xbox 360, if you buy later in then year then get a ps3 (also will be price dropped again by then!!). PS3 might be a good console but it doesnt have ANY major games for it yet other then uncharted or cod4. Dont worry about blu-ray - HD-DVD etc as both consoles will play DOWNLOADED HD content ;-)

10-01-2008, 12:49 PM
XBOX360 is a awesome home entertainment system - plays all ya downloads. Also great games.

10-01-2008, 01:56 PM
the ps3 only has 2 games so far that i want to play final fantasy 13 and gt5 the rest are coming out on both systems

10-01-2008, 02:01 PM
i`m going for ps3 cos i have one
i like 360 but sony have never let me down
also with more coming out on blu-ray

simon 2003
10-01-2008, 04:17 PM
ive gone ps3,though i love my xbox360 which is the best at the minute,but if i had to give one up it would be xbox360

10-01-2008, 06:28 PM
got them both and like them both,ps3 has good points and bad same with 360

10-01-2008, 06:46 PM
Ive gone for the 360 as it does EVERYTHING i need with the wmv HD support and divx/xvid etc from USB, also has MUCH MORE games then the ps3, no frame rate issues and better online modes, also it has faster (released) demos etc then the ps3. The ps3 only has tekken 6 and Mgs4 asthe games I want to play - i will not be playing ANY blu-ray or hd-dvd so that doesn't come into the picture for me. Ps3 will kickass IF they ever release any good games for it and it gets HACKED! ;-) BUT the 360 will be right up there with it no matter how good it gets!!

10-01-2008, 07:40 PM
Ive gone for the 360 as it does EVERYTHING i need with the wmv HD support and divx/xvid etc from USB, also has MUCH MORE games then the ps3, no frame rate issues and better online modes, also it has faster (released) demos etc then the ps3. The ps3 only has tekken 6 and Mgs4 asthe games I want to play - i will not be playing ANY blu-ray or hd-dvd so that doesn't come into the picture for me. Ps3 will kickass IF they ever release any good games for it and it gets HACKED! ;-) BUT the 360 will be right up there with it no matter how good it gets!!

dunno if you know but ps3 was patched a week or so ago and now will play divx and wmv hd files :redface:

10-01-2008, 08:30 PM
dunno if you know but ps3 was patched a week or so ago and now will play divx and wmv hd files :redface: i didnt say it doesnt play them files?? :redface: , i say BOTH play downloadable content BUT the 360 is the complete package at the minute!!


10-01-2008, 08:49 PM
i think once someone gets around the copy protection the ps3 will be a bigger hit (even more so if they can re-write the firmware and give homebrew, like the original xbox) however untill then i think the 360 with its lower price and the ability to play knocked off games will be ahead in the list for some time

10-01-2008, 08:50 PM
Got my ps3 last July and only played it a handful of times....... that was until two weeks ago when I got "Call of Duty 4" for xmas from the wife.

This game is sh*t hot, the graphics and the sound are superb.

I just wished I had a 1080P TV and not a 1080i.

I played fifa08 on the xbox360 at my m8's on new years day and it was no different then fifa08 on the ps3.

I also enjoyed watching the latest harry potter film on blue ray last week.

If you like you're films then take a look about the format war info that Satdude posted, you may want to consider a ps3 if you want to watch the latest films from Warner Bros in HD.


The Shadow
10-01-2008, 09:16 PM
had a ps3 since launch and never took motorstorm game out!!!!(sometimes watched bluray movie) which is great online,cant wait for gta! for now gonna stick to my great wii.:rolleyes:

11-01-2008, 04:33 AM
(Not only this the reliability of the PS3 is much better than the xbox 360.)???
think not i was at my mates place and stayed all weekend, must have ****ed his wife off as we never got off the PS3 :p,anyway looks like i burnt the dvd drive out, by monday the PS3 was making a funny noise ( left it on when i crashed out.. good job he got it from costco... :D ........

plus you can use the xbox 360 as a media centre front end.. whats that you may ask, HDMI from the living room to another room over cat5...
have your skybox, dreambox, all conected to a media server, record and store all your movies wicked and its free, runs on Linux
run the demo to see what it dose........ enjoy ..:D


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13-01-2008, 02:57 PM
Something else i have only just realised on the ps3 is that it will upscale normal dvds to 1080, I onlly realised this as you have to change it in your settings to upscale and there was me going to buy a dvd upscaler, when i had one right under m nose:D


13-01-2008, 03:16 PM
360 wipes the ass of Ps3. Although you buy a console for th games they play. So if u want halo3 get 360 if you want gran turismo get a ps3. At the mo Ps3 is behind 360 FULLSTOP and i doubt it will overtake the 360 by the end of the year!!

27-01-2008, 06:22 PM
not many exclusive games coming out for the for 360 now is there?

Also just read a report on eurogemer, that sony will have sold more consoles in the UK, by the summer and that they are currently selling the PS3 3 to 1 of the 360.


27-01-2008, 07:58 PM
Sony should be paying u commision m8 heheheh :D

I see that the poll is close. Come on the 360 hehehe

27-01-2008, 08:21 PM
the 360 is a bit of a skoda the ps3 is an audi me thinks :rolleyes:

27-01-2008, 08:27 PM
The wii.......

27-01-2008, 09:30 PM
Went to hmv in oxford street uesterday to buy my son a game for his ps3. We saw nothing there at all apart from uncharted drakes fortune but as he's 9 i wasnt so sure he should have it! we spent far more time going through the xbox 360 range and picking out the great games available.
The bottom line with any console is software and the ps3 has very little and the xbox 360 has loads. If you're buying now it has to be an xbox, later in the year say june i would imagine the ps3 will actually have decent games!

27-01-2008, 09:34 PM
not many exclusive games coming out for the for 360 now is there?

Also just read a report on eurogemer, that sony will have sold more consoles in the UK, by the summer and that they are currently selling the PS3 3 to 1 of the 360.


the xbox 360 has been out a few years mate. sony had better sell more ps3's than the xbox as most people that want an xbox have one.
Have you checked out the range of games for the ps3? Nothing special. Its funny cos yes the console is better and more powerful [as it should be given the xbox is over 2 years old] but without the games its as much use as a ten inch mahnood to a monk!

27-01-2008, 09:47 PM
there are 318 games out for the ps3 ****://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_3_games

27-01-2008, 10:01 PM
usually theres a very low percentage of ganes for any console that are actually worth playing. how man out of the 318 have people here got?

27-01-2008, 10:11 PM
at nearly £40 to£ 50 a pop i have about 7 go to ps3 downloadpage on the ps3 there is games there for like £5 i got the skiing 1 it the muts nuts but it only on the usa site set up a acc for the uk and the usa they have more games to dl :D

27-01-2008, 10:18 PM
thats a good point. The price is prohibitive on all consoles. TBH it doesnt really matter which console is better, i think the competition is great and the three main consoles all have something to offer the gamer.

27-01-2008, 10:26 PM
+ if i download a game from ps3 game store i can give you my password a gamer name and you and 3 others can download the same game for fookall result :D

27-01-2008, 10:32 PM
i just reopened it, ;)

28-01-2008, 12:34 AM
TBH it doesnt really matter which console is better, i think the competition is great and the three main consoles all have something to offer the gamer.

Absolutely spot on! I have both. Drakes Fortune is a great game by the way, although not sure its suitable for a 9yr old. At the moment I'm into The Darkness on the 360 which has been out a while but its a great game.

28-01-2008, 05:29 AM
Went to hmv in oxford street uesterday to buy my son a game for his ps3. We saw nothing there at all apart from uncharted drakes fortune but as he's 9 i wasnt so sure he should have it! we spent far more time going through the xbox 360 range and picking out the great games available.
The bottom line with any console is software and the ps3 has very little and the xbox 360 has loads. If you're buying now it has to be an xbox, later in the year say june i would imagine the ps3 will actually have decent games!

go on the plxy.com site and see what games are on the ps3 and what games are on the 360 and theres not much difference, then look at the releases for the PS3 this year and there are loads, a lot more than the 360.

Out of interest what was these great range of games you bought for your xbox 360?

Like it said in the article i read, we all know the xbox 360 as been out longer than the PS3 , so yes there should be more 360's in the UK, but the article states the PS3 will be in more homes in the uk than the 360 by summer 2008.



28-01-2008, 11:02 AM
as the poll results suggest ;-)

28-01-2008, 04:05 PM
Sony fanboys in da house!!!!:D

28-01-2008, 04:22 PM
@ chelseaboy
I didnt go to HMV to buy xbox games, i went to buy a ps3 game and didnt see any - could say more about HMV than the ps3! I dont ned to buy games for my xbox! ;)
BTW ive looked at the releases this year for both consoles. Both have a great range of games lined up. The main games are available on both consoles. To be fair there will always be games that are released exclusively for one console and there's no doubt that once the range increases even more for the PS3 that - given the overall power of the console as a blu-ray player and games machine - it will sell even more.

looks like sony have some pimps on the payroll!
My main point has always been its about the games. I know people too that have a wii and a ps3 and they love both.
we await the new xbox and see what that has instore for us. i expect big things. Is there a big difference in graphics between the two consoleson the games you've played?

28-01-2008, 05:03 PM
the xbox 360 has been out a few years mate. sony had better sell more ps3's than the xbox as most people that want an xbox have one.
Have you checked out the range of games for the ps3? Nothing special. Its funny cos yes the console is better and more powerful [as it should be given the xbox is over 2 years old] but without the games its as much use as a ten inch mahnood to a monk!

wasnt you the one saying there were no games for the PS3?

And i can not see any plans for a new xbox, have you?

your definately a microsoft fanboy, slagging the PS3 saying there was no games in HMV for the PS3 and you ended up looking at 360 games, which you cant even name :D

Ive had both ive now just got a PS3 and we also have a wii, to be honest the wii is a bit of fun when we have friends or family around.

But the difference between the 360 and the PS3 is nothing when it comes to the games that have been released on both formats, its what you get with the PS3 and what you dont with the 360.

Like someone said it like an audi and a skoda.

Both drive the same but with the PS3 you get all the extras like aircon, electic windows,heated screen and airbags, and also you get reliability as it doesnt breakdown.

Not only this it drives a lot smoother and a lot quieter

What you get with a 360 is road tax(online gaming 40 pound a year) no extras and 3 years free RAC COVER as you will need it as it will always be breaking down.:D

I think the poll is begining to tell the truth;)


28-01-2008, 05:45 PM
Ps3 makes nices steaks also23106:eek:

28-01-2008, 06:19 PM

I said there were no games at HMV. having looked at the site you mentioned i can see there are far more than the selection at hmv but obviously not as many as the xbox 360 which has been out longer. I still say atm the better game catalogue is xbox 360.

I dont need to buy games cos i have 60-70 copied gamnes already - thats why i didnt buy any at HMV! :)

simon 2003
28-01-2008, 06:33 PM

I just wished I had a 1080P TV and not a 1080i.


ive seen on both m8,no difference to my eye, progressive or interlaced with bluray or games i cant tell,industry blag i reckon

28-01-2008, 07:01 PM
me to i cant see any difference on a 1080i on a xbox and the ps3 i think the screen neads to be 50ins and over :mad:

28-01-2008, 07:44 PM
Ps3 makes nices steaks also23106:eek:

it still dont get hotter than the 360:D


28-01-2008, 08:10 PM
it still dont get hotter than the 360:D


ill make the steaks on mi ps3 if you 360 guys fry the eggs :)


28-01-2008, 09:40 PM
@ chelseaboy

looks like sony have some pimps on the payroll!
My main point has always been its about the games. I know people too that have a wii and a ps3 and they love both.
we await the new xbox and see what that has instore for us. i expect big things. Is there a big difference in graphics between the two consoleson the games you've played?

No difference in graphics between the 2 systems. I have seen and played both. In fact when you see the reviews of cross platform games they seem to always give the xbox 360 the edge although its always minimal. I have read that between these 2 systems the graphics are always going to be virtually the same. Where the PS3 can overtake the 360 is by the processor power which is where the ps3 has the big edge. This should mean a lot more elements running in the game that the ps3 can handle. But graphics wise and texture wise and shadow and detail and so on, the games are not going to look much different than what you have now. Until the next console is released the only place where graphics are going to get a lot more real is on a top spec PC which has always been the same. Thats where standards are set.

28-01-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks mate. One other thing. Is the online gaming element as good as the 360?

28-01-2008, 10:31 PM
I haven't used the ps3 online too much but as far as i know its as good as the 360, seemed that way when I used it. This might also be another thing that the ps3 may have an advantage of in the future. I think the xbox360 can only handle 16 player multiplayer, or that is the most I have seen. But the ps3 could and probably will have more ability to handle more players online similar to what PC games can...32 player and upwards I would think. I'm not that much a multi player gamer....getting killed by some geeky teenage yanks don't appeal too much to me hehehe:D

29-01-2008, 08:06 PM
ps3 supports 32 players on warhawk no problem ;-)

08-02-2008, 12:48 AM
Ps3 for me hands down!!

xbox360 alright for the kids but ps3 for the adults :)

08-02-2008, 02:15 AM
Ps3 for me hands down!!

xbox360 alright for the kids but ps3 for the adults :)

...and u base this on? Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank are real mens games!;)

08-02-2008, 02:22 AM
...and u base this on? Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank are real mens games!;)

Yeah i thought this was a strange thing to say - that thw console was for kids. :rolleyes:
Perhaps the Wii is a kids console mainly but the XBOX 360 has more shooters and games like Bioshock and The Darkness which our friend obviously hasnt played or would change his mind. ;)

Also. Can he explain why i have a 360 and i bought my son a PS3? Apart from the fact my son may have better taste in consoles??;)

08-02-2008, 03:51 AM
Yeah i thought this was a strange thing to say - that thw console was for kids. :rolleyes:
Perhaps the Wii is a kids console mainly but the XBOX 360 has more shooters and games like Bioshock and The Darkness which our friend obviously hasnt played or would change his mind. ;)

Also. Can he explain why i have a 360 and i bought my son a PS3? Apart from the fact my son may have better taste in consoles??;)

Nah your son is just probably following his friends as the ps3 is the gadget to have, but if your a gamer its a bit behind the 360 as we all know. Just downloading The Club for the 360, I think it comes out on the ps3 in 6 months time!:rolleyes:

08-02-2008, 08:39 AM
...and u base this on? Crash Bandicoot and Ratchet and Clank are real mens games!;)

I never based it on games, in my "view" ps3 is the better all round entertainment center and can only get better.

Id rather have my ps3 sitting under my tv than a noisy xbox, but everyones different i suppose!.

10-02-2008, 09:10 AM
I never based it on games, in my "view" ps3 is the better all round entertainment center and can only get better.

Id rather have my ps3 sitting under my tv than a noisy xbox, but everyones different i suppose!.

i wouldnt worry about it mate bonovox said he's got a ps3, but cant remember his username, mind you he's got the latest firmware on his PS3, and im sure you need your username to update the firmware.:rolleyes:

I think hes got a ps2, but im still waiting for that answer, that thread seemed to have gone dead, i wonder why?;)


10-02-2008, 09:20 AM
Yeah i thought this was a strange thing to say - that thw console was for kids. :rolleyes:
Perhaps the Wii is a kids console mainly but the XBOX 360 has more shooters and games like Bioshock and The Darkness which our friend obviously hasnt played or would change his mind.

Also. Can he explain why i have a 360 and i bought my son a PS3? Apart from the fact my son may have better taste in consoles??;)

I can explain, your son is cleverer than you and thats why he asked for a PS3.;)


11-02-2008, 11:11 PM
My son is now on is 4th xbox 360 :eek: and he getting really peeved off with xbox .

Thinking about taking it to game tomorrow to exchange for a ps3.

He also has wireless adapter [bought at xmas] and about 20 odd games [inc fifa08/kane&lynch/need for speed/cod4/fight night round3 and many more:)]

Do you think game will exchange for a ps3 and fifa o8 at least?

[ive never gone down the exchange route and i dont want to be fleeced by them,would have gone down the Flea bay way but he wants it replaced like .....now!]

Any help appreciated [before 9am tuesday thanks!!!:D]

12-02-2008, 01:42 AM
i wouldnt worry about it mate bonovox said he's got a ps3, but cant remember his username, mind you he's got the latest firmware on his PS3, and im sure you need your username to update the firmware.:rolleyes:

I think hes got a ps2, but im still waiting for that answer, that thread seemed to have gone dead, i wonder why?;)


Hey where did u ask me about whether I have a ps2? Didn't see that one. I haven't got one but I did have, I sold it a couple of years back when the ALL conquering xbox360 came out! It was a great machine though especially as I could cue the games up from the internal 200gb hard drive. The PS3 SHOULD have that same feature but I doubt Sony would agree heheeh. Although latest news from psn news is stating that hackers have got games working from external usb hard drive on a ps3 and the internal hard drive also. So it may not be long before the ISO loaders are out and then it will be cat and mouse between Sony and the hackers. I never had an original xbox by the way.

As for my username on the ps3 its bollopox or something like that but I honestly haven't used it since I updated the firmware to version 2.0. Whats the firmware now I think theres been a few updates since?

12-02-2008, 05:35 PM
Hey where did u ask me about whether I have a ps2? Didn't see that one. I haven't got one but I did have, I sold it a couple of years back when the ALL conquering xbox360 came out! It was a great machine though especially as I could cue the games up from the internal 200gb hard drive. The PS3 SHOULD have that same feature but I doubt Sony would agree heheeh. Although latest news from psn news is stating that hackers have got games working from external usb hard drive on a ps3 and the internal hard drive also. So it may not be long before the ISO loaders are out and then it will be cat and mouse between Sony and the hackers. I never had an original xbox by the way.

As for my username on the ps3 its bollopox or something like that but I honestly haven't used it since I updated the firmware to version 2.0. Whats the firmware now I think theres been a few updates since?

are you sure its not "bull****" same amount of letters as bollopox or could it be balderdash:confused:;)


24-02-2008, 08:47 PM
xbox is rubish lol.

regards, bond

25-02-2008, 10:11 PM
lets see if this if this video changes any xbox 360 voters minds lol have a look ps3 always will dominate.


regards, bond

25-02-2008, 10:18 PM
I have a PS3 and two xbox360's and after watching that video I am definetly selling my xbox360's. The system is ****e with a capital "S"!!!!!:D

25-02-2008, 11:26 PM
see ps3 is expensive but it is with no debat is the ultimate console out.

regards, bond

26-02-2008, 03:48 AM
Yeah as I said previously my 360's are now for sale after seeing what great processing power the ps3 has. 8 x 3.2ghz processors is pretty damn impressive even though the games look no better and play no better than the xbox360 version. As I have said in previous threads the ps3 games are going to be able to do many great and complex things but the only drawback is going to be the graphics are not going to get much better than what you get now. So when the ps3 starts to fulfill its potential the graphics are going to look a bit dated because the PC will have moved graphics and textures on to the next level. By then the xbox will probably be launching a new system which will enhance the new graphics capability of top end gaming PC's. Thats the problem of the PS3, it has such a way to go fulfill its potential cos 8 x 3.2ghz processors is awesome processing power. No question if u put the consoles side by side, in computing power then the ps3 is hands down the better machine. No argument. But if you compare the games catalogue then anybody can see that the xbox360 has hundreds more playable titles with which the ps3 has a way to catch up. I know which system I prefer and its not the 8 x 3.2ghz one!;)

26-02-2008, 04:43 PM
the reason that ps3 has less titles is because the xbon 360 has been out longer.

regards, bond

26-02-2008, 05:24 PM
PC's will always be ahead of games consoles graphicaly as the graphic cards are easily upgradeable.

You cant really upgrade a consoles graphics card as it comes as a complete box.


26-02-2008, 07:29 PM
PC's will always be ahead of games consoles graphicaly as the graphic cards are easily upgradeable.

You cant really upgrade a consoles graphics card as it comes as a complete box.


Yep thats exactly my point. While the ps3 is potentially going to be doing some pretty complex things in future games its going to start looking dated graphically wise(its nowhere near using the capacity of its 8 x 3.2ghz processors). I'm not saying now but I am saying in a couple of years when developers will be utilizing the full capacity of the ps3, by which time the 360 will probably be getting replaced by a newer console with a far superior graphics card. It just depends how important the graphics are to the gamer I suppose. Also its gonna be interesting to the timeframe of when the ps4 will be ready for release. Can they afford to be behind the next Microsoft console again on release dates?

26-02-2008, 07:41 PM
Yep thats exactly my point. While the ps3 is potentially going to be doing some pretty complex things in future games its going to start looking dated graphically wise(its nowhere near using the capacity of its 8 x 3.2ghz processors). I'm not saying now but I am saying in a couple of years when developers will be utilizing the full capacity of the ps3, by which time the 360 will probably be getting replaced by a newer console with a far superior graphics card. It just depends how important the graphics are to the gamer I suppose. Also its gonna be interesting to the timeframe of when the ps4 will be ready for release. Can they afford to be behind the next Microsoft console again on release dates?

As theres no plan for a new xbox or a new playstation, i think it will be a few years before we see the next consoles.

The original Xbox was released in 2001, the 360 was launched in 2005 so they should really be developing their next console now, for launch in 2010 but theres no mention of it.

I just hope if microsoft do rush out a better console, they make it more reliable, as for, can Sony afford to be behind Microsoft on a console launch, we will have to wait and see, but they have had more sales of the PS3 in the uk less than a year since launch, which is more than what microsoft had in there first year.


26-02-2008, 07:58 PM
yh microsoft will male a newer console with better things than the PS3 but the PS4 comes out in 2013 and that will again be the best console out.

regards, bond

27-02-2008, 04:09 AM
As theres no plan for a new xbox or a new playstation, i think it will be a few years before we see the next consoles.

The original Xbox was released in 2001, the 360 was launched in 2005 so they should really be developing their next console now, for launch in 2010 but theres no mention of it.

I just hope if microsoft do rush out a better console, they make it more reliable, as for, can Sony afford to be behind Microsoft on a console launch, we will have to wait and see, but they have had more sales of the PS3 in the uk less than a year since launch, which is more than what microsoft had in there first year.


Yeah I read that about the ps3 sales being better than for the 360 after the first 12 months. I think being a blu ray player has maybe helped the sales a bit. I think that 2010-2011 will be the year of the next MS console. Analysts have predicted around then, and also being the year the nintendo wii gets the next version as well. We may hear more about the next MS console within the next 12-18 months.

09-03-2008, 07:00 PM
Yeah I read that about the ps3 sales being better than for the 360 after the first 12 months. I think being a blu ray player has maybe helped the sales a bit. I think that 2010-2011 will be the year of the next MS console. Analysts have predicted around then, and also being the year the nintendo wii gets the next version as well. We may hear more about the next MS console within the next 12-18 months.

yh im wid you lol.

regards, bond