View Full Version : Dreambox 2 new hd faves

10-01-2008, 03:03 PM

so not dm8000 but i'am sure the new models are greater:D

10-01-2008, 03:49 PM
hmmm very interesting...

I wonder what they are referring too...


10-01-2008, 03:57 PM
I see the date as being 10-01-2008 on this bit of news, so hopefully more news to come?

10-01-2008, 04:30 PM
Seems to be new models and not the normal design

more newz to come soon we hope:rolleyes:

10-01-2008, 04:42 PM
receiver has well feature's hmmm....


10-01-2008, 05:18 PM
Fingers crossed... this could be great news.

10-01-2008, 06:21 PM

Was watching this earlier, dunno if its old news though.

10-01-2008, 06:55 PM
yes it's

10-01-2008, 07:40 PM
Fingers crossed... this could be great news.

it could be good news.......or maybe its to put people off buying the ipbox 9000 which is due to be out soon.

Or maybe i'm reading too much into it. :D

10-01-2008, 07:59 PM
they need to stay competitive , hence the little brother of 8000 will be released as well .
finally some official news, looking forward to it .

10-01-2008, 09:12 PM
Hmmm - interesting

11-01-2008, 03:19 AM
....still, after all this time, couldn´t DMM have delivered a little more then a blurry picture of two phantom receivers!? A desperate measure to stay in the game as the IPbox creeps nearer? Well well well, you just never can tell!

11-01-2008, 11:02 AM
Yes, I agree, the IPBox has stirred the **** with them a little, maybe now they'll get their fingers out and release a HD reciever!

11-01-2008, 11:27 AM
Even if they do release it, lets not buy em, to protest over the fiasco and miss information they have been providing over dm8000.

Also the support to the competitors is always good for us consumers, I think the dreamboxes have been over priced.

11-01-2008, 01:42 PM
Also the support to the competitors is always good for us consumers, I think the dreamboxes have been over priced.

Competition is good and helps control both manufacturers, selling agents and purchasers.

The Dreambox has had little to compete and to be compared with until of late and I doubt if you will find a long term user of the DB that is unhappy with both his receiver and its initial cost....but like all others, the brand name needs to maintain respect.

The folk on the Technomate 9100 section of this forum are a credit to that receiver and no doubt were aided by Dreambox comparisons of operating/usage etc, and, like the original Dreambox release, needed a proving ground.

Dreambox users and their comments/feed back have been received by the manufacturers and hopefully if and when the release happens it will enhance the range.......Technomate, and others for that matter,are certainly aware of the impact that the 9100 etc has made and I concur with your comment ''support to the competitors is always good for us consumers''.

We all appear to enjoy the hobby and its continual changes.

Best wishes.

11-01-2008, 01:56 PM
I think that the dreambox HD unit will blow the others out of the water, My trusty 7000s is still going as strong as the day I got it, fantastic bit of kit add HDTV to that and you must be on to a winner...


11-01-2008, 04:02 PM
no doubt in my mind , i'm getting one of each dmm HD brothers .
for IPBOX buyers , good luck with your purchase :)
i don't believe there was a fiasco , the market was simply not ready , competitors were
nowhere to be seen and all the talk was coming from people running out of patience
for no reason .
this is the first time there is official announcement about the new products ready for sales .

11-01-2008, 04:12 PM
Have to agrea that dreambox 7000 is a good recevier, but not that it is a winner
the thing from day one has been that dm has had a greater support from third part people, image teams, addons etc.

can you immagine what will have had happend to dreambox if there was no image , emu, addon makers , it wold have been just a plastic pbc with linux os :D

I will realy love to see dm 8000 come to the marked, but they are now lousing the battle with the hd, many linux receivers are now already comming out

Katherine,Realbox,Abipbox,Trepled ragon,TM and others ,the only way dmm can winn the marked by the time they bring out the dm 8000 will be that they pay the software developers to make images from them :D

yes the competision is very good for us that are just end users, with out it we will have crazy prices,

@ Raul
what was so official on their site ??, i did not see any message saying that dm will be reliased this date or that date
and not to forgett the picture they had placed there was pure HD ( HAHAHHAHAHAHA)
I COULDENT MAKE OUT WHAT IT WAS, any one did acctualy did manage to figure out the picture!



I think that the dreambox HD unit will blow the others out of the water, My trusty 7000s is still going as strong as the day I got it, fantastic bit of kit add HDTV to that and you must be on to a winner...


11-01-2008, 04:29 PM
well you can haha as much as you want , the simple fact remains that there has not been any competition as of yet . now things have changed but i'll stick to dm for good reasons .

11-01-2008, 05:14 PM
@ Raul, nothing ageins you,r opinion mate,

i have been a dreambox user my self since the dm 7000 s come out, and have loved that box, it has given me very nice days and tv to, i have learned alot with it to.

what i was saying was , that what is happening , and what news do you guys see that i do not. All i see on their website is a very very uncleare picture and no where is mention that dm 8000 is comming.

maybe im blind , but even in their own forum DMM has not given a single explanation
or at list a hint on this box , will come , will not, if yes when , if not then we can relax and buy our self some other HD receiver and stop wating for that Dream Receiver

i my self have already moved to the Ipbox now , just to cutch up with their technology
in case i have to think off buying an ipbox 900/9000 hd.
and must say so far im loving the ipbox,



11-01-2008, 05:30 PM
....still, after all this time, couldn´t DMM have delivered a little more then a blurry picture of two phantom receivers!? A desperate measure to stay in the game as the IPbox creeps nearer? Well well well, you just never can tell!

Maybe they don't want competitors copying any innovations from their receiver including the buttons, front panel display, CI slots and inputs before the original units are in the shops.

11-01-2008, 05:32 PM
if you ask me i think the blury picture is quite cool , at least they have a sence of humor :)
no worries m8 you go ahead with IPBOX , but there is no need to paint down these guys to make you feel better purchasing an unknown product . some of us will stick to dm and thats it , with integrated blue ray dvd and 500 GB hdd my HD dmm will rock for sure .

11-01-2008, 08:17 PM
if you ask me i think the blury picture is quite cool , at least they have a sence of humor

Well, sure...but I´d rather just get the facts (I´ve grown a little impatient lately)! The publishing of the now much discussed 'blurry picture' of the DMM HD 'brothers' have changed the game...now we (well I will) have to wait and see. The DMM HD receivers will be using a different chip (as far as I know) then the competitors, which advatages/disadvantages will this chip bring? Will the DMM HD units for ex decode 4:2:2? This would be an absolute ballbreaker for me.
As for integrated DVD unit etc...this really is of no importance at all to me personally, I pay more attention personally on the DVB capabilities then the mediacenter bit. It just means that I have to pay for features (developement costs etc) I don´t really care about so for me it´s a negative factor.
I also have to say that the 'various' hardware issues that has followed DMM products over years leads me to be a little careful. I got rid of my 7000s more then a year ago, As a DVB unit it had devastating shortcomings.

I guess time will tell guys. Let us all hope for some more news soon...maybe DMM will get a camera with autofocus? :D tihi

11-01-2008, 08:47 PM
the plug and play hardware options are indeed important .
as for dvb capabilities it does dvbs2 mpeg4 and thats enough for most of us .
i really don't understand where all of this spewing crap like your last line is coming from ,
get yourself something else , oh wait ..... i forgot there is nothing else available - right :)

11-01-2008, 09:34 PM
Hi raul...is it any of my lines you are referring to?

As for DVB capabilities; the 7000s had rather big shortcomings in DVB-S/QPSK. This must be described as one of the most basic functions of the 7000s, to lock digital carriers making use of the DVB-S standard and demodulating these signals. Here the 7000s (note; in my daily use) had major issues such as partial or complete failure to lock broadcasts within the DVB-S standard (a problem not unique to the DM7000s I might add). This is to me unaccaptable.
Therefor I am naturally a little concerned and careful myself.

The plug and play features are importants to many users and not the least from a sales point of view. To me personally though, it is not very important and is of course something that I take into consideration.

At the moment it is not a matter of getting something else, there is simply nothing out there at all as far as I am concerned. Only once the DGstation and DMM units etc hit the market will we be able to tell for sure.

11-01-2008, 09:44 PM
......At the moment it is not a matter of getting something else, there is simply nothing out there.........

i know thats what i'm trying to tell :) , we should be happy of any news now !

gott nytt år på dig

11-01-2008, 10:04 PM
Det samma!

I really do wish there was something out there, I haven´t had PVR capabilities since I sold my DB (dec 2006). I promised myself the next PVR unit I got should be DVB-2S/H.264. I swore that I would not buy anything until a really good such receiver hit the market...boy did I regret that! At the time Cuberevo/IPBOX, DM8000, Lyngbox (Relook 510s at the time) were said to be just a couple of months away from release...as we now know, this proved not to be the case. So here I am, more then a year later and my patience is waring a little thin.
I do believe both the IPBOX and DMM units will be very interesting. Both will probably be a good buy. These units will probably (if history teaches us anything) be among the big players on the scene the coming years. Let´s get both! :D:eek:

11-01-2008, 10:15 PM
why not , no matter what your adora still looks adorable to me :)
i have a favourite too , i'll let you know who she is ;)

12-01-2008, 01:29 AM
hi over here we have to see what is the best for us like as a user @raul you dont need to be look forward cos this ,, not over fight for me i dont care what there's on the receiver important is hardware,support,quality of the maker,,,,now r we going to make defans under products names,,, same think not confirmed there'r no beta testers no options futures hardware given for the users and in the end there's a blur picture i think better i put that picture in a big frame and put front of me and i say hmm how good is it ...decoding the channels amazing,,, this u want...

23-01-2008, 02:01 PM
Is it just me or are they now starting to show more in the pic as a pinhole has opened up and now the words dm8... are showing also on the screen?

23-01-2008, 03:14 PM
Is it just me or are they now starting to show more in the pic as a pinhole has opened up and now the words dm8... are showing also on the screen?

Yep, they are teasing us mate...

23-01-2008, 03:46 PM
Yep, they are teasing us mate...

Well let's see on next week maybe we get more unblurred of the box to see:eek:

23-01-2008, 04:08 PM
Yep, they are teasing us mate...

like they give a loley pop 2 the kids :D

30-01-2008, 04:05 PM
Don't know how new or old these are, oct 07 I think, but from Dream Multimedia site.


(Edit, Just wondering why the attachments and link were removed. the link and flyers were not from a dealers site, they were from the manufacturers)

30-01-2008, 08:18 PM
Don't know how new or old these are, oct 07 I think, but from Dream Multimedia site.


Thanks mate, if the flyer is correct then no HDMI as expected. Still looks like it can pack a punch though.


27-02-2008, 08:20 AM
Whats so interesting in HDMI ? DVI will do just fine for video ( and who knows ..maybe it will give some advantages over time for HDCP ).Optical output is great for audio .. cant understand the hassle about HDMI. I think we mustnt forget about enigma and the fancy things we can do with it,and also that many image teams right now started to change their position ( recent announce from gemini team that they support only dm products, some emu developers also offer support only for dm architecture ).The other companies offered stbs in the market but with their gui letting other people to adapt enigma for their stbs..
Im gonna stick with DM products hoping that they learned from the past ( tuners , power supplies ).
Regards, snakie.

02-03-2008, 03:02 AM
These look like new Flyer I found on another forum, quite big downloads 6mb

02-03-2008, 03:40 PM
Thanks mate, if the flyer is correct then no HDMI as expected. Still looks like it can pack a punch though.


there's DVI connection u can use that as a HDMI connection...

27-05-2008, 07:20 PM
Some interesting info,

apparently 50 units on the way to beta test

Auf der Fachmesse Anga Cable in Köln stellt der Receiver-Hersteller Dream Multimedia erstmals die Finale Version seiner lange erwarteten Dreambox DM 8000 dem Fachpublikum vor. Für den letzten Feinschliff wurde der Linux-Receiver in einer Klein-Serie von etwa 50 Geräten produziert und soll in den nächsten Tagen an registrierte Tester ausgeliefert werden