View Full Version : Picture

12-01-2008, 11:10 AM
Have a mono block lnb on hotbird and astra but over the past 6 months picture on astra has got worst and now gone there is a tree about 30 ft away that blows about a lot and looks like it might be in line of sight but dont want to cut down if it might be a faulty lnb any ideas.:confused:

12-01-2008, 11:16 AM
could be too close , but you wont know unless you change the lnb , or lop some off the tree

bear in mind the signals come down at an angle from space ( the clarke belt ) so you may only have to lop some off the top of the tree to get it to clear again , its not a straight line as with an aerial fitted to your house

10 yards seems a bit too close to me though , but its the height you should worry about , not the distance , but the further away it is , the better , and the shorter it is , the better

from what I remember the distance away should be at least twice the height of the obstruction , so for 30 feet away its height may be no more than 15 feet

12-01-2008, 01:38 PM
If you use the site below you can check if the trees are in line of site, switch to satellite mode zoom in and then drag and
drop the pointer onto your dish and then select atsra

How high are the trees as astras Elevation is 28.9° which is pretty steep

echelon is right though the general rule is the dish should be twice the hight away
