View Full Version : How do I go about Getting Sky?? Please help!!!

12-01-2008, 03:00 PM
Hi all, I'm very new to all this satellite stuff. can't get freeview very well at my house even though i've bought the worlds biggest aerial!!! So i saw in a well known national chain a fortec passion hd reciever for £150. My next door neighbour gave me a dish so i bought the reciever and cable and set to work. now i've got all the channels i want except 4 + 5. I found on a website that i need a freesat card from sky so i bought one thinking slot it in and heypresto, untill i found it wouldn't fit. So, done some research and come to the conclusion that i need a cam. Now, would i be right in thinking there isn't one which i can just buy, stuff the card in and go??? Keep on reading things like loader cards, usb things and looking for files and stuff on the net??? what would i need to buy? Don't understand, :confused: Please help!!!!!!!!

12-01-2008, 03:30 PM
There are only a few sat receivers which will update the freesat card. The triple dragon and the dreambox are the only two I know of. The freesat card will work in a dragon cam with most receivers but will not update. If you have a s** digibox you can update the card in that and then put it back in the dragon cam. It will last about a month and then need updating again. The dreambox and triple dragon receivers are not hd.

12-01-2008, 03:49 PM
Rght so need a dragon cam, from what i've found they do a couple of versions, 4.1 and 4.6. Will either do? Not too worried about hd, from what i've found freesat from bbc+itv will be up and running soon, hopefully with some hd stuff. Just had a word with my nextdoor neighbour also and he's got an old s*y box i can have so thats sorted. I know i could now run both together to get all the channels but would rather spend out so i can keep it all on one box. So is it just the cam i need or will there be more that i'll have to buy??

12-01-2008, 07:26 PM
I thought you can get Channel 4 HD with a freesat card?

12-01-2008, 09:30 PM
i'll let you know if i ever get this card working!!! just need someone to tell me straight what i need to get it going, i've spent so much time recently searching the web it's unreal, just so much conflicting info. i don't want to spend loads of money and for it all not to work!!!

12-01-2008, 10:41 PM
to put it in a nutshell for you , just so its crystal clear

1) you cannot buy an nds cam as sky wont let it happen , so the only option is a third party cam or box

2) any cam you do buy will NOT update the card which is why it needs an overnight holiday once a month in any old slybox left on say ch4 or ch5 so the keys are updated and its life gets extended , same happens to a real sly card in a real sly box

3) a dragon or trex cam programmed with a suitable file ( available on these forums and others too ) will allow the cam to act as a decoder for nds ( the sly encryption ) and your card will then work until it passes its renewal date , when it will need refreshing in the old slybox as mentioned earlier , then transfer to the cam again for decoding

so 12 hours overnight in a sly box once a month should suffice

equipment required

a trex or dragon cam ( 4.1 will do )
a cam programmer card ( either of 2 types that exist )
a suitable card programmer ( to program the loader card )

then you program the card with the correct file , the card then programs the cam ( then remove the loader card ) , job done , insert sly card into cam

thats what you need to get ch4 and ch5 ( the standard ones anyway )

I have no idea about any hd ones but assume the card may work or may need a sly sub

hopefully they will all go free like the others did

check the card works in a sly box before parting with any more cash , it may take up to a day to update on ch4 or ch5 in the sly box , but they both should clear eventually

13-01-2008, 12:13 PM
I thought you can get Channel 4 HD with a freesat card?

indeed freeview card opens ch4HD perfectly;)

13-01-2008, 12:36 PM
if you only want sd then any sky box will do would also update your freeview card once a month if you use the dragon fortec you can use both boxes with no problem twin lnb would be your best bet

13-01-2008, 01:26 PM
thank you!!! thats cleared it up for me. well, i've just bought a dragon cam and loader card off of fleabay. it says its all ready loaded with 3.64 firmware, would that by chance be the file i need?? if not i'll have to get a programer. the freeview card is brand new from sly so should work!!! but i'll grab the sly box, stick it in and register it later on today. thanks for all your help, Jo.

13-01-2008, 02:08 PM
if you only use your dragon for freeview no programmer needed but always handy for updating your cam

14-01-2008, 05:28 PM
Hiya, I've been helped by all the above info, but I can't seem to watch ch 4 or 5 with my old S*Y card although it did update in an old box I use upstairs for freeview. I have a diablo with 232 running at present. It doesn't alow me to watch 4 or 5 or 4hd (i have a Humax stb with hd and the latest firmware) Am I doing something wrong? Cheers all

14-01-2008, 06:58 PM
Hi guys
Echelon is quite right ,and it will update in a card slot [freesat card not subs one ] in a dreambox - mine does and it never goes near a s** box. However you do have to make sure that the cam/emu you are using will support nds - it has been variable with dragon and Im not sure but think diablo is not a possible one at present? Dragon is your boy!! Cheers - brain

15-01-2008, 12:09 AM
Dragon is your boy!! Cheers - brain

Cheers for that (bad news) brain, cos I just got rid of me dragon in favour of a diablo:rolleyes: ah well yer pays yer money... :frown: Thank you for you help. Wotsit

15-01-2008, 11:44 AM
turbojo you should be able to get 3 hd channels on 28.5 with a freesat card
bbc hd c4 hd and luxe tv hd.
hope this helps.

16-01-2008, 11:09 PM
hi chaps i have a freview card but no sly box is there a file so i can use a programer to update the freeeveiw card .iam useing a humax hd with a dragon cam :confused:

16-01-2008, 11:20 PM
hi chaps i have a freview card but no sly box is there a file so i can use a programer to update the freeeveiw card .iam useing a humax hd with a dragon cam :confused:

no you cant , a slybox will be required ( any slybox will do it )

16-01-2008, 11:42 PM
aaa thank you echelon i guess ill ave to get sly box then . a file though would be bit handier dont ya think :rolleyes:

17-01-2008, 12:13 AM
aaa thank you echelon i guess ill ave to get sly box then . a file though would be bit handier dont ya think :rolleyes:

there are no files for sly

thats why you have to use a yellow house card and keep it alive

it can be kept alive using a slybox , or a dreambox , or a tm9100 , or maybe there are some other receivers too

it tells you all this in post 5 so I dont see why you brought it up again ?

the slybox can be easily purchased to do this and cheaply too

once a month for 24 hours in a slybox should get the job done

or find a friend or relative with sly ( there are millions of these about ) and update it in their box

18-01-2008, 01:19 PM
Hi all, quick update, got luxe.tv HD, BBC HD, and 4 Hd all up and running. dragon with s*y freesat card is working ok, so got five, five +1, five us and +1, five life and +1 and sky 3 on my fortecstar passion. now looking into hotbird 13E for discovery channels on s*y italia package! read somewhere dragon can get them going as well. so thanks for all your help guys!!!!1

18-01-2008, 01:41 PM
you will need an official subbed card for those channels too m8

the dragon is an aid to assist the sly card , not a substitute for it

18-01-2008, 02:12 PM
but the quality of s*y italia HD is real rubish

18-01-2008, 04:22 PM
what about Cyfra + ? would thet be a card? they seem to show them too in english?

18-01-2008, 04:45 PM
Hi turbojo,

You should take advantage of your Dragon Cam to receive more HD Channels.
If your dish is 80cm or more (Add a motor £75).
Or Add another fixed dish with a (Two way Disqe switch).
Or Add another cable to a second dish (60cm or 80cm dish) Add
a Monoblock (2 LNBs pointed at 19.2e Astra, and the other pointed at
13e Hotbird).
That would give you (1 Dish) at 19.2e, 10 Pay per View SD channels,
3 HD Channels (1 HD FIlm and HD Discovery channels).
Astra 19.2e has quite a few Free to Air HD Channels.
You HD STB will upscale SD picture if viewed through the HDMI.


18-01-2008, 04:57 PM
right, firstly, i am thinking of getting a bigger dish and a motor.
2, yes i am running through hdmi. whats pay per view by the way? (probably a silly question!)

18-01-2008, 06:01 PM
pay per view is where you get a card and pay to view their programs , and the broadcaster enables the card to view the paid for channels

so with most of these channels you will have to pay for a card to watch them

18-01-2008, 08:32 PM
Hi turbojo,

PPV is what S*Y do with Big Football games, and it also has some PPV Film Channels.
Used to be £8 a Game, or Film.
Your Dragon Cam with a Motorised system will open at this time around 50 Film Channels.
For instance on (Intelsat 10-02 @ 1w) the Dragon Cam opens over 110 scrambled
channels (90% English Language) of witch there are, 14 Film Channels,
12 Sports Channels.
With a 80cm dish expect around (60% Signal Quality) on (Digitv) on Intersat.
I have never missed a match I was interested In with the Dragon Cam,
but I must say Its also with the help on the very good Diablo cam.
If you do go Motorised and don"t have a Programmer do a
search for the (CAS3) programmer, look for its home side of (duolabs).
By the way Duolabs as well as Producing the CAS3, they also make the (Diablo Cam)
The Dragon cam is 100% OK with the CAS3, as just about anyother Cam or card around.


18-01-2008, 10:50 PM
what about Cyfra + ? would thet be a card? they seem to show them too in english?

cyfra look ok but the down side is the guy talking behide the sceen translating for all the cast...LOL

27-03-2008, 08:35 PM
plaz manhattan xt-m not hd put seems to update no problem.no pairing to box at all,works on premium channels as well,

little devil
27-03-2008, 09:14 PM
I have a question i have just received my sky ftv card today, the instructions tell me to phone sky and get it activated ? do I realy need to do that ? can't I just put it in any sky box without phoning ??

little devil
28-03-2008, 09:21 PM
got it sorted :) thanks for all the help :)