View Full Version : CES: Blu-Ray filth is go

12-01-2008, 07:43 PM
It'd be churlish of us highbrow T3 types to hop on a plane all the way to Vegas for CES and not drop in on the Adult Entertainment Expo, which just so happens to be going down in the same building.

You can stop muttering 'yeah, whatever'. It has a lot more bearing on the monster electronics show than you might think: about a year ago, the **** industry threw its lots in with HD-DVD. Everyone said that, rather than their aggressive price-cutting, would help them win the format war.

Twelve months on, and big players including Digital Playground and Hustler have parked their asses on the fence, offering Blu-Ray **** along with blue HD-DVD offerings. DP has said they'll chuck at 15 titles in the format this year, Hustler upping their number to 25.

Sony would never admit it, but the truth is that this could be a huge boon for Blu-Ray. Whether we like it or not, ****ography is huge, and if they want to throw some weight behind the format, well, it could finally give them the win they crave. After all, Betamax got beaten down because VHS embraced the filth

Okay, Warner and New Line's switch to the blue corner could help, but without doubt a spot of 'adult entertainment' could see this be Blu-Ray's year.

Looks like the term 'blue on blu' is about to get another meaning...