View Full Version : Hotbird TPS Signal Prob

13-01-2008, 02:33 PM
I've got a Technomate TM5400CI with latest patches and keys, with a 4LNB fixed dish setup.

All my signals on the french channels on Hotbird keep breaking up, yet other channels such as the italian ones on hotbird are all OK. So LNB should be OK.

Can't work out where the problem is - is it a software or hardware issue. I've changed the software. Even on the FTA French channels the picture breaks up, so prob a hardware issue. But signal was 100% a few days ago. I thought LNB/dish might have moved, but then why are italian channels on hotbird OK?

Any help pls?

13-01-2008, 02:47 PM
there are three satellites on 13E , even on the same satellite - transonders differ in strength . the wind must have disalligned your dish , grab the ladder and fix it back :)

17-01-2008, 05:52 PM
i was getting breakup on multivision chans, i just added a bit more skew to lnb and bingo, no more breakups :D

24-01-2008, 10:52 AM

I would like to know if there is a LNB with 0.2 instead the one i used 0.3 and which mark or company name is capable to design a better LNB which can increase or improve the signal on the receiver. Also reduce the freezing on low signal.
Thank you

24-01-2008, 11:02 AM
Hi ,
No, 0.2LNB will not improve your signal...you need to get a bigger dish to improve signal.