View Full Version : USB Recording a Gimick

13-01-2008, 02:52 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that USB recording off the Technomates or any other receiver for that matter is a gimick? What is the point of having the ability to record if you cannot change channels and watch something else! Also do the HDD record in HD or SD?

13-01-2008, 05:15 PM
It would be a bonus if it was available for Sly+ or Sly HD (or any other twin tuner recorder) as it seems a pity to have to play out in RGB and record it on a DVD recorder.

I would guess that the Technomate just plays out the raw digital stream(s) as anything else would require a lot of internal processing.

For HD this would require a USB 2 and a fairly fast HDD to keep up.

26-05-2008, 04:47 PM
you need twin tuners to do that,.tm hd 6000series can record in hd, it uses around 5 gb`s per hour for hd,you can watch a previous recording while recording a current channel,..i find it a really good and easy to use and even with only the 250 gb WD hdd [passport] i have never used up all the space yet,[ i have hdd for 3 months] also the usb is great for quickly loading software without disconnecting stb an moving it to a pc for rs 323 programming of software,..try it and see,..its great,

26-05-2008, 04:59 PM
I don't really care for twin tuners, so USB recording is perfectly good enough. I only record things if I am asleep or going out, and rarely need to record and watch other programs at same time.

Of course you can watch other channels, as most people have a TV with built in tuner, and many of us have more than one sat receiver and dish with twin/quad LNB so you can watch and record as much as you want.

26-05-2008, 05:39 PM
Thats if you can get the PVR to even WORK properly on the 6800/6900 series - I know I cant! Every time I switch off stb it cannot find recordings which ARE there on its search!
Its RUBBISH Mr. Technomate!:iamwithstupid:

26-05-2008, 05:49 PM
we're all still waiting for the perfect received they all have their limitations my first was the nokia d box for the german market in the early 90s the picture is still as good as any of the current crop of sd receivers

26-05-2008, 05:54 PM
Well the Manhattan ST350 internal added PVR was PERFECT M8 - no probs at all - plus you could 'split' record!
Even their XT doesnt do that - but I went to Techno 6900HD because I was told how good they are in nearly every dept - but as you say, this must be Techno weakness!:respect-051: