View Full Version : Ds 3.5

16-01-2008, 08:30 PM
here is the latest DS 3.5
nice image
ONLY the very brave put in flash
Best on Iboot

NEWS & FIXES in DS 3.5

- New Web Interface Graphic
- Rebuilded Management Addons ( Skins, Plugins, Games, System, ScriptService Menus, Languagues, SoftCams. Channel Settings )
- Moved fromSetup->Expert Setup (Movie folder setup, Quick Button setup) and moved them to Yellow->Blue DS "Extras" menu )

- Removed gSUB - it is aviable via Management Addons
- Removed Samba - it is aviable via Management Addons
- Removed OpenVPN - it is aviable via Management Addons

- New Drivers ( sound quality improved )
- Full Clock- HH:MM:SS -> you can enable it on Infobar Setup
- Fixed DS Style Menu -> you can enable it on Infobar Setup

- Added Inadyn Manger ( Start, Stop, Reload, Config )
- Added Syslogd Manager ( Start, Stop, Reload )
- Added DropBear SSH Manager ( Start, Stop, Reload )
- Added OpenVPN Manager ( Start, Stop, Reload ) - it is aviable via Management Addons -> ScriptService Menus
- Added Samba Manager ( Start, Stope, Reaload ) - it is aviable via Management Addons -> ScriptService Menus
- Added HTTPD Manager ( Start, Stop, Reload ) - it is aviable via Management Addons -> ScriptService Menus

--- TM & IT
-Support For all Dreambox Skins
-egague support
-color progres bars

CVS Changes:

-call waitpid on the child process, when it finished. This avoids zombies, and allows us to get the exit status.
-signal the whole child process group, instead of just the child process.
- EPG - No need to wait (in service selector) until eventcache is loaded from hdd
- Remember subtitle settings for every channel
- Reorganize eServiceDVB to use less memory that's 100KB in my case (Astra/Hotbird with ca. 4000 services)
- Subtitles - Only display subtitle regions that are mentioned in the page composition segment (this is correct behaviour according to ETSI EN 300 743 V1.2.1 (2002-10) paragraph 5.1.3) . Subtitles should now correctly be hidden when required (especially at the end of the movie)
- less memory usage by keeping "big" images of the current skin compressed in memory
(saves about 400k on small skin)
- RDS more robust rtp plus tag parsing
- fix memleak
- Show shortcut icons in menus (can be disabled in expert settings
Big Thanks to DS Team