View Full Version : England:Munich Minute Silence

17-01-2008, 07:37 PM
Should England commemorate the anniversary of the Munich Air Disaster with a minutes silence?

My grandad always said that Duncan Edwards was the best player he ever saw and that an England team built around him would have been pretty decent.

Lets face it we've had minutes silences for all sorts over the years and this accident affected the country and not just Manchester United [or so I'm told as I wasn't born at the time. Let's face it even our bitter enemies have even bit the bulet and are joining in the events.


17-01-2008, 08:04 PM
I think we should, whats a minute out of everyones life to pay respect to these players?

It was a sad day and it would be good to show respect to these footballers, especially when you compare them to the modern day footballers.

im only 35 but i know these players used to play for peanuts, and there careers could be finished in one tackle, but to have their careers ended like this was a terrible loss.

I also think there should be a minute silence for the sad loss of life at Hillsborough.


17-01-2008, 10:06 PM
i know we have a bit of banter on here but events like munich, heysel, hillsborough, bradford , ibrox etc show that there are things in life more important than club rivalries. i remember leeds and liverpool having plane scares in recent years. there but for the grace of god.

i dont believe that there should be a one minute silence at wembley because i dont think some of the ingerland fans would observe it anyway. my opinion only.

26-01-2008, 02:05 AM
definetly should be observed by all clubs,regardlesss of who you support,and ime a liverpool fan:eek::)

28-01-2008, 09:21 PM
Apparently the FA have supposedly announced that there will be a minutes silence on the actual 50th anniversary. Let's see if all these England no-marks can keep their mouths closed for long enough. If they don't agree with it they can either stay downstairs on the concourse or turn their backs on the pitch. Just a thought.


28-01-2008, 10:23 PM
It had bettewr be, I am going with my Son & it will kick off if any tossers dis respect it,,,, better book my cell early!!!:mad:

Jeff Stuart
10-02-2008, 06:44 PM
Absolutely brilliant that all the fans at todays game respected the min silence.
Well done City....!

Jeff....United from 1954.:)