View Full Version : tm9100 & digitalb

18-01-2008, 05:34 PM

just bought 6 month digitalb supersport card (which is white in colour btw)and would just like to know the correct procedure on getting it to work.

I have installed CCcam 2.0.4 and have inserted the card face down into the top slot in the tm9100, is that correct?

so now what i have to do is wait for the card to update and then the picture should appear? how long does this usually take?

is there anything else i should do ?



18-01-2008, 06:06 PM
m8 go in to your browser and type the ip of the 9100 followed by :16001

Click entitlemants and you should see your card details.

If you don't then card is not working and will not receive EMM's for update.

If card is working then check expire dates and if card is getting any EMM's

18-01-2008, 06:13 PM
ok mate just done that ,

it says under Home

Welcome to CCcam 2.0.3 server

Current time 01:02:52
NodeID: f43ba1150fffe1
Uptime: 00d 00:02:24
Connected clients: 0
Active clients: 0
Total handled client ecm's: 0
Total handled client emm's: 0
Peak load (max queued requests per workerthread):

then under entitlements it says nothing, so has the card not been activated then ?

18-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Reboot your 9100 with the card in if it still doesn't work try a different slot and reboot again


18-01-2008, 07:21 PM
tried that tnt m8 , tried top slot, restarted & no picture , tried bottom slot , restarted , no picture. Tred in Dragon cam just to see if it recognises the card and it sees it as a conax based card.

18-01-2008, 07:49 PM
A Dragon CAM with a predator file loaded should update the card if you leave it long enough.


18-01-2008, 08:02 PM
If your supplier hasn't activated the card for you before dispatch then you'll need to do the following first...

Tune to any DigitALB channel other than sport, i.e DigiFilm 5.
This sets the card to 24 hour preview mode. The card has to be put into preview mode before you can activate it for the sports channels.

Now go to Premium 1 and leave on that channel to catch the activation signal.

If your card doesn't activate within 6 hours contact your supplier and request the activation.

If you'd ordered the card from me this would all have been taken care of for you before dispatch.

Cheers Lee.

18-01-2008, 10:29 PM
Even if the card is not active you should be able to see card details.

Like this

card reader /dev/sci0
handled 10639(9515) ecms and 28(28) emms
Nds card *********

Thats UK card.

I have just tried a expired digitalb card I have here and CCcam could not see it on the 9100 super using UR image.

Tried both slots and using 2.0.3.

The 9100 is still having problems with the card readers for CCcam.

Its a shame you don't have a db as back up to use.

18-01-2008, 10:52 PM
hey guys ,

lee, the supplier stated that he activates it before he sends it out, but im not sure if it has been or not. the only reason i didnt buy it from you is i use paypal for my purchases as dont have access to cc.


i think you may be correct about the tm9100 not able to read the card. I installed Gbox v.2.25 earlier with Gbox reader 1 & 2 and gbox suit v2.25 and gbox center v1.5.0. I tried the card in both slots on the tm9100 and gbox could not see the card, was saying there was no card present in either slot.

with CCcam i only know how to check to see if a card is being detected is by the method you showed me which indicated that it does not detect it.

the image i am using is UR 11

as stated earlier i have a dragon cam with predator 3.59 loaded onto it, when i put the card in the dragon cam and go common interface module section i can select smartcard and it shows the card as being conax.

so i dont really know how to proceed to get this card to work?

thanks guys


18-01-2008, 11:30 PM
hey ,

i just removed CCcam and Gbox and all things associated with it. I then re-installed Gbox and gbox reader 1 & 2 , i have the card in the top slot and am able to see it when i go to G-Boc center>G-Box share center>Local Cards>Upper Slot information. It then gave me information about the card:

ATR: ************

COUNTRY: Grissbritannen
CaID : ******
Serial: ******
Provider: 1010 - Preview
Baudrate = ********

18-01-2008, 11:50 PM
I have a Digitalb card running on my system.
TM9100, UR9b2, Gbox 2.5d, card slot 1 & 2.
I activated my card in a TRex cam first, with the stb set to common interface.
Took about 4 hours, after i gave the sponsors of this board the card number.
I purchased the card from these sponsors, safe and good customer services.
Hope this is useful

***** the best.


19-01-2008, 10:23 AM
hey ,

i just removed CCcam and Gbox and all things associated with it. I then re-installed Gbox and gbox reader 1 & 2 , i have the card in the top slot and am able to see it when i go to G-Boc center>G-Box share center>Local Cards>Upper Slot information. It then gave me information about the card:

ATR: ************

COUNTRY: Grissbritannen
CaID : ******
Serial: ******
Provider: 1010 - Preview
Baudrate = ********

OK great did gbox center give you any dates on the card ?

I have not messed with gbox much but I am sure it will receive emm's for card update.
It might be a idea to try and get someone with knows about gbox to show you a cfg to allow updates.
Then contact you're seller and get him to contact digitalb who can send hit to the card.

19-01-2008, 02:24 PM
hey m8 ,

yeh it did give me details about the card i just put in the ****** for quickness.

are you saying there might be something extra to do with the gbox cfg to get the updates to work with the card m8?

the only thing i can see that could possibly be the date would be under the title :

provider: 1010 - Preview
01.01.1990 01.01.1990 chid010fffff
01.01.1990 01.01.1990 chid010fffff

i have contacted the seller and waiting on reply.

19-01-2008, 03:00 PM
hypercam v0.28 states

PeerID | Load | Over | Wait | Comp |Sel.
4A1E44BD47E4BEE840B208636CBD05B5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

Sys. | Prov. | Expire on | Name
| 0B00 | 000000 | 01/01/1990 | Preview



19-01-2008, 04:06 PM
provider: 1010 - Preview
01.01.1990 01.01.1990 chid010fffff
01.01.1990 01.01.1990 chid010fffff

Tune to DigiFilm 5 channel first then the preview status info will change.

Have you got the correct frequencies stored?

DigitALB frequencies changed on 14-12-07 re-scan the satellite or manually add the new transponder details below.

Here are the new frequencies & symbol rates...

1. Freq: 11055 Pol: V FEC: 3/4 SR: 27900
2. Freq: 11094 Pol: V FEC: 3/4 SR: 27900
3. Freq: 11449 Pol: H FEC: 7/8 SR: 27500

Eutelsat W2 16 degrees east.

Frequency: 11055 Vertical 27900 FEC 3/4

1 Top Channel
2 Top news
3 My Music
4 Bang
5 Cufo
6 Junior
7 Explorer 1
8 Explorer 2
9 Explorer 3
10 Digi+
11 Digifilm Autor
12 Digifilm Premier
13 Digifilm 5

Frequency: 11094 Vertical 27900 FEC 3/4

14 Digifilm 6
15 Digifilm 7
16 Digifilm 8
17 DigitALB HD1
18 DigitALB HD2
19 Channel-X
20 XX
21 XXX
22 X-4

Frequency: 11449 Horizontal 27500 FEC 7/8

23 Premium1
24 Premium2
25 Premium3
26 Premium4
27 Premium5
28 Klan
29 Vizion+
30 News
32 Koha
33 BBF
34 Folk
35 SuperSonic
36 KTV
37 RTV


19-01-2008, 05:05 PM
hi lee,

i can only pick up Frequency: 11449 Horizontal 27500 FEC 7/8, my dish aint able to pick up the others. Does it have to be a digifilm channel? can i use a channel on Frequency: 11449 Horizontal 27500 FEC 7/8?



19-01-2008, 05:46 PM
Instead of DigiFilm 5 try one of these channels on 11449 frequency


19-01-2008, 06:04 PM
i have it on KTV and checked the status via Gbox and it still says preview. I assume i have to leave it on this channel for a while ?



19-01-2008, 07:15 PM
You should get pictures immediately.
Have you re-scanned the satellite with the frequencies I gave you earlier?

You need to re-scan the satellite to make sure the Video & Audio PIDS are set correctly.

20-01-2008, 02:37 PM

i re-scanned the satellite frequencies you gave me earlier. I tuned in to KTV , BBF , Vizion + to see if the card will come out of preview mode , but no joy. Tried using hypercam , Gbox and dragon Cam but its not working.

20-01-2008, 02:47 PM
the pids i have for supersport 1 are:

Video PID: 0849h (2121d)
Audio PID: 084ah (2122d)
PCR PID : 0849H (2121d)
PMT PID : none
Teletext PID : 084fh (2127d)
video format: 544x576 4:3 25fps
transport stream ID: 0007h
Original Network ID: 016eh
Service ID: 0848h
Namesapce: a00000h

under streaminfo it says:

systems used in service

0d06h: Cryptworks (Phillips)



20-01-2008, 08:49 PM
just to let you know i am getting this information from the card using hypercam v0.28.

PeerID | Load | Over | Wait | Comp |Sel.
4A1E44BD47E4BEE840B208636CBD05B5 | 6 | 1448 | 0 | 1526 | =>

Sys. | Prov. | Expire on | Name |Pub|
0B00 | 000000 | 04/02/2008 | Preview | P

