View Full Version : Bootmanager

19-01-2008, 07:01 PM
Am trying to set up DB5002.
Have git as far as configuring the lan. Then, when I run the dreambox control centre I get a message as follows:
Telnet connected
Ftp connected
DB500 detected
Bootmanager not found.

Can anyone please assist newbie to get further than this!


19-01-2008, 08:27 PM
if you are using dcc i think thats correct, its ages since i have used it but as far as i remember on the left you have the tools , ftp and telnet are the ones i did use often, open ftp to see folders within the dreambox and on the right are the files from youre pc, the ones you get from this site go into var/keys
in telnet user is root and then password is dreambox unless you have changed it

19-01-2008, 10:50 PM
Thanks Baz, are you able to assist with loading CCcam? I am not sure whether /i download this using the Dreambox or do I download and install using dreamup?

19-01-2008, 11:11 PM
you say you are connected to youre internet, if so download youre cam from youre remote control , reboot after you see install succesfull , add softcam and auto and anything else in var ) keys restart cam with blue then green buttons

20-01-2008, 04:38 AM

DreamUp is only used for uploading images to your dreambox

DCC (dreambox control centre) is used for FTP'ing files to the Dreambox