View Full Version : Bit Of advice Please.?

22-01-2008, 08:30 PM
hi i have a 1mtr motorised dish looking at the dish face on my sats are from left to right 13e 16east 19east and so.
my question is iam trying to set up a 60cm dish with a 4 lnb holder do i set the lnbs as above in a straight line or does the holder have to be angled to the left or right i had a little go at it today and seemed to get 13/19east but could not find 28east.
gave up for today soaking wet will try again on a drier day.
but would be obliged if someone can give me any hints.had a look echelon setup on the forum thats what gave me the idea to start with.maybe its just a matter of playing around to i get it right.


22-01-2008, 09:27 PM
if you had read that thread and looked at the pictures you would know that angles are involved

we do not live in a flat earth society and therefore the satellites will always be in an arc and so that means your lnb,s will be angled upwards or downwards

so the straight line option will ever work , never ever !!

23-01-2008, 11:51 PM
Thanks your posts and pictures came as great help to me set up the dish today and attached my lnb holder as your pics and hey presto it work had to tinker about a little but have now successfully got 13/19/28east working great but dont seem to able to get 42 east do you know if his is possible in the glasgow area i also tried extending the dish arm by 2" to see if it would make any difference but did'nt really.forgot to say iam using a 60cm dish.
but thanks it made life a lot easier after reading and looking at your pics.
