View Full Version : Is my signal acceptable?

23-01-2008, 11:57 AM

I was messing around with my humax 5400z this morning (I have actually piggy backed a Nano reciever off it) - trying to fine tune my satellite positions to get the strongest signal possible.

Not really paid much attention to them before as it was all installed for me 3 years ago and has worked flawlessly since.

No dropouts even in torrential rain.

Now my signal on Astra 28.2 is approx 3/4 of the way up the signal strength bars - eg BBC Wales and QVC were the 2 I tried.

However Astra 19.2 comes in at full bars on both signal and quality.

I have a 1m motorised dish and have used both installer and user settings on the motor to fine tune it. Surely with a 1m dish I shuould get a better signal?

I am thinking I should get 100 percent on both bars from 28.2 ? Or are the channels i quoted on weak transponders? Or is this acceptable?

If its not acceptable then does anybody know of anybody who could re-align my dish - I am scared of heights and its on the roof ! I am based in Oldham in Manchester.


23-01-2008, 03:03 PM
Signal readings on receivers are, at best, only a guide and provided your quality of reception hasn't changed and is still working 'flawlessly...No dropouts even in torrential rain"
you have nothing to be concerned about.
It will make no difference to received picture quality whether the reading on the receiver is 75% or 100% - with digital either the signal is good enough or it isn't