View Full Version : Possible HD TO nonHD Converter Receiver

24-01-2008, 10:11 AM

I just learn that it exist a PC Card which convert the PC video/audio output to HD quality picture.
Why the manufacture of receiver can not design a small HD receiver which can be connected to the non HD receiver so that we can also enjoy the HD Quality video and audio. This may reduce the price of HD receiver.
Thank you

24-01-2008, 10:27 AM
The conversion is probably "upscaling". This doesn't mean its a HD picture, it means that the SD resolution has been scaled to HD resolution. It does make for a better picture than the SD picture, but it cannot create the extra detail that is contained within an original HD recording and broadcast.

24-01-2008, 10:37 AM
The conversion is probably "upscaling". This doesn't mean its a HD picture, it means that the SD resolution has been scaled to HD resolution. It does make for a better picture than the SD picture, but it cannot create the extra detail that is contained within an original HD recording and broadcast.


I thing it is better for starting than going to a ful HD as we know that the HD require to have a full package of equipment which are available in the market and no to much HD Channel