View Full Version : Humax 5400 just died yesterday

03-02-2008, 10:37 PM
I have been using my hummy for more then 10 years i think. changed power suppy about 4/5 years ago. Yesterday working fine on stanby over nigh as usuall this morning dead, when I switch it off and on i see a very faint green light just flicker. Is it the power supply again and has anyoe got a website or number to order a new one if you think it is the supply.


03-02-2008, 10:51 PM
highly likely to be the power supply...quite easily repairable if you fancy a go and are reasonably adept with a soldering iron.

failing that you can pick them up fairly cheaply via a well know auction site;)

03-02-2008, 11:23 PM
^ yes that,

had a quick search.. Item 330209503676 may help.

voith driver
04-02-2008, 12:10 AM
or either go the fix it or official route, using the info in the help section


04-02-2008, 09:37 AM
Ahhh the great 5400 ..those were the days ..what a great box !:D
Sometimes its best to let sleeping dogs lie and remember it in all its glory
The Humax was a great box but maybe its time for a change since you have a really good excuse to get a new box now
( linux open source box = good option )

If not then the kiss of life maybe the next best answer to revive it. :D

04-02-2008, 09:57 AM
someone can tell if TF1, M6 etc works in humax Ci 8100 with diablo light and which stealth.

04-02-2008, 02:32 PM
Iv still got my 5400 and its still going, great support is why i am keeping it. But i am thinking about the dreambox in future since its not worth fixing any more. My power supply has failed 4 times since i bought it in 10 years. Its the one great weakness of an otherwise excellent receiver. The capacitor heat up of what i heard and there is a liquid inside these that through time vanish causing the P.S to go.

04-02-2008, 04:04 PM
Both my father and I have 5400 and still happy with them but sometimes you have to go with the flow and renew.

04-02-2008, 04:54 PM
When my PSU went I opted to buy a new box and haven't regretted it one bit something as simple as pressing a button
on the remote to download keys is a godsend :)

If you just want a box that opens all packages that are currently available then its still a great box to have


04-02-2008, 06:01 PM
Thank you all for your replies I think I will sit down and read some humax stuff then I think I will get a power supply if i cannot resolvit any other way. It has been my companion for a good long while I think when it stops being supported then I think I must get rid. Until then Lets keep the old dog.

Thanks once again.


04-02-2008, 07:49 PM
nowt wrong with the 5400 mate, thats where i started and it has loads of support however as tnt has indicated new boxes with the ability to download keys with the push of a button, this is the way forward.

if you do decide to stick with your humax (since there is loads on au at the moment on this platform) it may be worth leaning how to solder and having a go at the psu, you should be able to get it sorted for under a 5ver

The Shadow
04-02-2008, 08:13 PM
ive had my hummy for 4 years now and never had a problem with it (am i tempting fate?), do i change the ps now before it packs up or chance it til the hummy is no more use for viewing?

04-02-2008, 09:41 PM
It's the only digital receiver i've ever owned and up until this point it's given fantastic service..the power supply has failed once (in 10 years or so), which i repaired with ease (a single resistor burnt out)

Because the power supply is switch mode it's worth noting that the life will be extended considerably by avoiding isolating the power from the mains..ie turning it off completely via the back switch. I know in the event of lockups that this is the only alternative but with the excellent support these days they are more and more infrequent.

The support for this receiver is second to none and while that continues to be the case i cant see me changing for any other. i would go as far as to say if it failed tomorrow i would seek a second hand hummy rather than take the more up to date route. If it's available via emulation then this receiver will emulate it for you:)

voith driver
04-02-2008, 10:53 PM
I also follow neilzilla's sentiments, and would like to point out that a good air flow around the box is essential, most box's I would imagine are stuffed on top of the vhs or pvr under the tv, and in cases like this it gets a bit hot, I have tried to alleviate this by putting some 1/2" square bits of timber under the the box to give it some breathing space, it helps
all the best

05-02-2008, 03:22 PM
I have send an email to the fle**** guy but I have to send him my old PSU and then pay him and then by return I get a fixed PSU. oh and 8.50 postage. so that takes it to £27.50. I called Humax and they said a new one would cost £30.00 and delivery is £3.50 next day.

I hear what you all are saying the Humax is a good machine for its age, just got an email from humax psu is in the post.

I think I will start to switch mine off from the wall socket when I go to bed, thanks for all your help.



05-02-2008, 11:36 PM

I think I will start to switch mine off from the wall socket when I go to bed, thanks for all your help.



thats not what i meant m8 as that would be the equivalent of turning the switch off on the back.

Leave it on standby;)

06-02-2008, 02:01 PM
Sorry mate I dont think I read the post correctly thats what I do keep it on standby I never switch it off.


06-02-2008, 03:09 PM
thats not what i meant m8 as that would be the equivalent of turning the switch off on the back.

Leave it on standby;)

The argument is which does least harm - the ON/OFF strain on components or the constant cooking of those components.

My 5400 is 6 years old and from day 1 has had a small extractor (CPU) fan on top of the box. I always turn it off at the mains. No overheating and no breakdowns.

Fingers are now firmly crossed!


06-02-2008, 03:13 PM
i would have said the constant cook is worse, as the 5400 has a inrush suppressor on the psu anyway therefore just switching on when needed (not rappis on and off) should extend the life of the psu

06-02-2008, 03:17 PM
Hi Guys.

I have 2 Humax 5400 one is an original with loader 1.37 and
this one is now in it's 8th year.
The other one is a 5400Z version with loader 2.08 and is
now in it's 7th year, and i can report (touch wood) i have
had years of fantastic TV without a single problem they
are great receivers where the support has been second to
At present i take it in turns using one receiver giving the other
a long overdue rest, but they are both up to-date with latest
I also have brand new but old Technomate TM-5500CI Plus
and un-patched and in original box sitting in the wardrobe.
Never mind it may be of use some day.

07-02-2008, 07:45 PM
I bought mine in 1999 and i've used it every day since, not had any trouble with it at all. I have however swithched it off at the back when not in use from day 1. It sems to be the answer to prolong the life of our fab reciever!

16-03-2008, 10:52 AM
I had a big bang in the room last night, like a balloon popping. It was the power supply.
Will get a new one, as I like this hummi box.

TNT and others what "box" are you talking about as alternative?

I am also thinking about HD, any thoughts?

20-03-2008, 06:40 PM
i bought mine about 1998,99 ive only changed the psu once
that realy hot Summer we had couple years back that did fry my hummy
the secret is turn it of when your not using it

20-03-2008, 06:48 PM
i bought mine about 1998,99 ive only changed the psu once
that realy hot Summer we had couple years back that did fry my hummy
the secret is turn it of when your not using it

same here 98 and still going strong however i have fixed the power supply 4 times 2 under warranty. do you mean turn it off by switching it off at the back of the receiver?

20-03-2008, 06:56 PM
evagoras at the back m8 even when i pop out i turn it of at the back

20-03-2008, 07:44 PM
makes sense as i heard some part on the power supply has liquid that depletes with heat (i think capacitor) thus the power supply problems. I have noticed the unit is still hot even when on standbye

voith driver
20-03-2008, 08:41 PM
this is always a talking point, in my case i never turn it off, more for the case that i forget rather than anything else, and i also have only changed the psu once.

but i think above anything else, you must have an unrestricted air flow around the box, it matters not what list of boxes you have, I have two videos in one stack and two receivers in another, but they are separated by a at least an inch by using a 1" square bits of wood.

others champion the case of using external or internal fans, but it all boils down to the same thing, making sure that they stay cool, even cleaning the vents in the boxes can help

all the best

20-03-2008, 08:58 PM
voith your right there m8.
under my tv i have a video on top is dvd recorder couple of inches up is Analouge built in positiner ( i only use to move me sat )
on top of that is my hummy then a couple of inches airflow for the hummy to breath a bit if you now what i mean

20-03-2008, 09:49 PM
the 5400 also has more post and threads
than any other box or cam

still popular

20-03-2008, 10:10 PM
Your right there ozzsurf

20-03-2008, 11:20 PM
The 5400 is the best for me, I have two and have blown the power supplies on both over the last 8 years, Each time when I have returned from holiday after having the power turned off.


24-03-2008, 07:27 PM
Great box but I've not used mine for a few years though:rolleyes:

How much is the Orig 5400 worth as either I should set it back up or sell it on.

Same with my Nokia 9600 with a SCSI card, just sitting there doing nothing.

Can the 5400 be setup to au keys via a PC?


voith driver
24-03-2008, 10:41 PM
hi bal,
if your box is patchable and still working then its as good as most, it is still supported i would think its worth more keeping it,
all the best

24-03-2008, 11:59 PM
hi bal,
if your box is patchable and still working then its as good as most, it is still supported i would think its worth more keeping it,
all the best

Sorry I should have been more clear.

Yes it's the Orig 5400 and has one of the HOT updates around 2006 I think :confused: as it was the last time I used it.

I rarely watch Sat now apart from the footie and music channels.

I have a later receiver with a Dragon cam which is the only reason I don't use my other receivers.


25-03-2008, 04:28 AM
after mine went about 4 years ago I modified the back of the lid so there was a 1/4" gap all the way along the rear, I just drilled some new holes in the back a 1/4" higher up and replaced the screws in the new holes so it left an air gap.

The top of the lid does not get anywhere near as hot as it used to, heat can get out much easier and cooler air also gets in.

Its been a good machine though it did cost £300 at the time, I have a TM1500CI and thats also been good at a quarter of the price.

25-03-2008, 04:29 PM
I make sure there is extra space below, as well as above and around my humax.
It increases the convection.

Switching it off at the back creates a surge through the psu when switched back on, so I'd have thought that it's best to leave it in standby - assuming of course that the unit is well ventilated.

If it's in a cabinet either remove the back of the cabinet, or insert a sizeable air vent into the back panel.

29-03-2008, 03:42 PM
In average use the PS on the 5400 won`t last more than 18 months. Humax use low quality components that fail eventually. I spent 20 quid and got one of those uprated items off that seller on E_bay (do a search under Humax), never looked back. Still an excellent decoder.