View Full Version : Installation Tips And Tricks St Models::!!

05-02-2008, 04:34 PM
HI Guys..
Here is a Paste and Copy of my Archives for the ST Models..
How to Set-Up........First Time
How to Set-Up the Arcs for your Sats
Just generally Tips and Tricks for the Manhattan ST Models,,OK
If anyone has anything to ADD ..Pls do so..
I know that the support has stopped for these Models BUT anyway this Info might be of use to a few.

Maybe one of the Mods can make this Thread a Sticky ..so as NOT to lose it..TKS


05-02-2008, 04:34 PM
How to: First Time Set Up for your plaza ST

Compliments of " Mumbles "


This how to, is to cover some things not explained fully in the owners manual.
Hopefully by now, you have familiarised yourself with the basic set up instructions
in the manual, and various menu's on the ST. This is not a complete re-write of the manual. Just the things it does not tell you on setup.

I am using an ST 500 - 1.5 metre dish - 36 volt jack.

Firstly, the way not to do it is by selecting every sat there is from 42 east to 42 west.
I'll explain why. The receiver requires some info in the user database to keep it's
bearings, the more info it has - the more accurate it can work.
This is best done adding a little at a time and getting the centre part of the arc,
where the dish is best balanced on its axis. Going to extreme limits creates a
greater margin for error and puts more strain on the motor due to dish weight.
Particularly a 36v jack, that may be worn. My jack is 10 years old for eg,
but if you consider the life span to be about 4 years - two years would mean it is
half worn. I have no experience relating to DisQ motors, but assume there are some

Check you have the latest software version installed before you start,
otherwise you may need to start over at a later date.

If your old receiver is still connected, park the dish on Hotbird 13 east.
Connect the ST while the dish is in this position.

If you have connected the ST and the dish is not on hotbird,
use the manual move mode on the
receiver - menu - Install - Channel Search - select hotbird on
the satellite line - move down to positioner and select DC manual
- move the dish untill the green bars light up.
Move down to start and press okay - the receiver should now find some hotbird channels.
Once this is done, check that these channels are the ones on hotbird.

Now do a Master Reset.

Once the ST has restarted, go to the positioner set up menu.
You will see the current position for Hotbird is 5000.
Manually move the dish to to get an East limit that is just past Astra 28e.
Store that, and get a west limit just past Hispasat at 30 west.
Do not drive the positioner to it's max limits at this stage.
If your motor or reed is worn, it is more likely to slip and lose some counts
at the extremes, and everything will be out before you start.
The dish is usually heaviest at the east limit, and this puts most strain on the motor.

Once you have set the limits, store, and you will be in the positioner 2 menu.
Move the dish back to 5000, select hotbird as the satelitte and the green bars
should light up. If they don't your motor has lost count - start again.
One the green bars are on, select the middle sat position on the menu and press okay.
It should now say Hotbird. Now manually select Astra 28 east on the sat line,
manually move the dish until the bars turn green, fine tune,
and selct Astra 28 as your east sat. Now do the same again for Hispasat
as your west sat. Then store.

Now, your dish should be on Hispasat. Go to channel search and press start.
It should now find the 30 west channels. Once that is done. Manual move back to 5000,
select hotbird in the channel search menu and press start.
Hotbird channels should now be found. Finally do the same for Astra at 28 east.

Using the menu button (OK) you should now be able to switch between those three sats.
If all is well, park back on hotbird.

A good idea now, for accuracy purposes, is to manually find Thor at 1 west
and find some channels. This is the centre of the arc and a good reference point
for the receiver.

Now you are ready to auto search the sats, but again, not all at once.
This is because some are too close to each other and the signal bleeds over.
4 and 5 west is a good example of this. Also some sats at 21 - 23 - 26 east
may give you a weak signal, the receiver may latch on to 23 east intead of 21.

Once you have the above info in the user database,
the ST now has something to refer to when it auto searches.

To search sats in auto you have to do this:

Go to the search channel menu.

Where it lets you select the number of sats 1-40, you select 1.
Then scroll down to the next bit and select the lnb number.
This will be 1. (unless you have more).

Then scroll down to the next bit and select which sat you want - say Astra 19 east.

Then start again, but this time you select 2, then the lnb number again.
This is still 1. It is 1 every time you do this.
Then the next sat, say 8 west.

You have to do this over and over until you have programmed all the sats
you want it to find. So if you want 20 sats - you will end up on number 20,
select lnb 1, select sat.

Then scroll down to positioner and select DC Auto.
Then select START and press ok.

On this first auto search, I would avoid finding sats that have another close to them,
they are:- 21 - 23- 10 - 5 east and 4 - 7 - 11 - 24 west.
Look for those on another run. Some of these close ones
are really best to find manually tho'.

Each time you do an auto or manual search it is best to check
that the channels found are the ones that are supposed to be on that particular sat.
A good place to check this is the ********* site or Lyngsat.
IF any sats are in the wrong position, you can manually reset the position
by moving the dish a bit.

The ST should do all this to a resonable degree of accuracy.
Reasons for error are likely to be:
Pilot Error.
Motor Error
Loose or sloppy bolts on Dish or Mount.
Dish too Heavy (above 1.5 metre)
Receiver faulty.

Now once all this is working okay, you can extend the limits
if you want to get 42 east or 42 west. Go back the the positioner menu,
and manually move the east limit out a bit more, then the same for west.
Then store. You will now be in the positioner 2 menu - just press store and exit.
You now go to the channel search menu, and manual search on 42 west or whatever.
Once you have found the sats you want do this:-
Go back to positioner 1 menu and just press store - then,
when it puts you in positioner 2 menu -
you can change your east and west sat to the new ones you have just found.
Press store and exit. The other sats will not have altered their positions
by doing this - as was the case with older receivers.
Moving the limits used to alter the way some receivers counted.
The ST does not do that.

Hopefully, everything is covered here.
Now, write down your east and west limits - along with all the sat positions
for further reference.

other info

The TPS keys have to updated daily at the moment.
So you will soon get bored with that.
They can be found in the Keys Only Keys section under viaccess.

To enter the keys, on the remote press:

menu - red - green - blue - okay

Then use the blue to scroll to the via menu.

To pre-empt your next Q. You must be on an MV channel. Enter ID code

007c00*01* then key - then press store.

Without exiting then enter

007c00*02* and second key. press store.

exit menu - go to fta channel - then back to MV and it should open.

The Mr keys file in the key section contains all the other keys
Edit/Delete Message


05-02-2008, 04:36 PM
How to: Sats in Arc Order on Menu - Advanced Users

Again Compliments of " Mumbles "

********************************* ********

This How to is to cure the sat order problem on the channel menu.

You need to do an auto setup to define sat positions before doing this.

The trouble with auto search is:- when you press ok for the menu - the sats at the top
are all in a messy order. Some people like me, want them in the order of the arc.
This explains how to do this, and is for advanced users.

The first thing is to understand why they are in the wrong order. The reason is simple.
If you were to find a new sat now - when you press the ok button for the menu - it will
have placed it - to the right hand side of the last sat you found.

For example: If you only had one sat tuned in - say Astra 19 - when you bring the
channel menu up that is all there will be. If You now go and tune in 42 east, that
will appear to the right hand side of Astra 19. And so on etc......

So the answer is obvious. You start at 42 east - and manually add the sats one at a
time in arc order.

To do this involves a Master Reset. Before you start - you need to write down your
east and west limits. Then, the counter position of every sat that you have.

Park The sat on Hotbird and Master Reset.

Set your limits and store. Then, using your notes, move the dish manually
to 42 east - channel or tp search on *******. You will now have have Tuksat
on your channel menus. Next do Helias and that will appear in the correct
place to the right of ******* on the channel menu. And so on...until you get to 45 west.

Problems. You need to do this on a good day when you can get a good signal from the
weaker sats. If you can't get a signal on 23 east for example, a sat with NO CHANNELS will
not go in the menu. You have to get something in there for the menu position to be

I tricked mine on sats with no signal. Hope this is easy to understand.

So, you start at 42 east, then do 39, 36, 28, 26.

Then you can't get 23 east. You now have to select 23 east in the advance
search menu - then manually move it back to the 26 east position.
One or two digits different on the counter would be good, just to show a difference.
Enter a user defined frequency for an actual 'live channel' that is showing already
on 26 east. That will now come up as a channel on 23 east - and place it in the right
order on the menu. You can manually move this later to it's correct position.

A little tedius perhaps, but once it's done....great!
When you have finished - get back to the positioner 2 menu, and just enter your
east - middle - west sats, then store.

Another way maybe, I haven't tried this but should work in getting the menu in arc order.

Delete 42 east from the database in the sat edit function. That's gone for ever now.
REMAKE it as a new sat and search it. That is now the last sat you found.
Then do the same for 39 east - and that should place 39 east to the right of the 42 east.

Or it may work if:

You just delete all the channnels on 42 east, and research.
And so on... Sats with no channels seem to drop out of the menu - whether that
sat comes back in the same or a different place. I not sure.
Don't want to mess mine up trying this.:-))


05-02-2008, 04:38 PM
To get into EMU..

Press MENU...... then RED - GREEN - BLUE then OK.

How to find STB S/W Version..

menu>ca set-up>irdeto>ok loader status>ok
on this panel on the left hand side you can see
the download date, that will show when you last downloaded software
and should tell you if you have the latest patch.

********************************* ****

Here are Manhattan's Instructions for the audio PID's on version 88.

1 Press MENU and go to INSTALL and select Channel search.
2 Go to Search Mode and select Manual All.
3 Go to TP Data and press OK. TP Data list will open. Select the TP of the channel to be
4 In the same TP go to PID section (below FEC) and enter the new PID’s for Video,
Audio and PCR for the required channel.
5 Go to STORE and press OK. After storing TP Data list will close.
6 Go to START and press OK. After tuning and storing the channel, it will open for
viewing. This channel name will be ‘unnamed service’ and will be added at the end
of the channel list for that satellite.

Ok, if you know what the audio PID is of course in the first place, although not
difficult to guess - you may need to do this several times.

All that was needed really, was something in the menu that allows you to simply
type in the audio PID needed while on the channel. So, this mod sounds like a
long winded 'bodge' job.

The TP list update could have been left off, thus, avoiding the master reset, a
simple patch would have sufficed. IMO, having to do a master reset so I can
occasionally alter an audio PID is not worth it. The need to alter or look for
another PID is not that often.

In number 4 of the instructions, they say - enter the new audio, video PID's and
PCR for the channel required. If we're needing all new figures here,
the blind search should find this anyway. Usually the video PID and PCR is the
same as the channel that you just want to change the audio on. So you will have
to remember to enter those figures as well it appears.

If you don't quite understand why you need to search for other audio PID's,
here's why:

The channel is transmitted with a Programme Map Table - PMT - this map or
database - includes all the channel details and options you see on your screen.
It also includes Audio 1 and Audio 2 details, which you can select when using the
language button. Sometimes the Audio 2 details (ENG) are not included in the PMT
table, so no option for the audio shows up. The audio stream is quite likely to
be there though, just that you cannot tune to it. Changing the audio PID to
something not included in the info on your screen (or not in the PMT) - will bring
up any other language if is being broadcast, but not mentioned in your channel menus.

Tuning the channel in by entering details as Manhattan descibe above - means you
will be looking at a whole 'new' channel version of the one you want. As this is
now a 'custom' channel - there is no PMT for it, and it will show as Un-named Service.
