View Full Version : Samsung PS-63P76FD Review

11-02-2008, 12:25 AM
Samsung PS-63P76FD Review

Samsung's trusty 'Digital Natural Image Engine' (DNIe) forms the picture processing heart of the PS-63P76FD. With a proven track record on similar products, the technology has been designed to improve black levels, colour saturations and tone.

Complementing DNIe is 'Natural True Colour' which essentially comprises an 18-bit colour processing engine, which enables the PS-63P76FD to generate a mind boggling quadrillion shades of colour.

Hook up a High Definition (HD) source to the PS-63P76FD and prepare to witness one of the most accomplished and engrossing sub £4000 Home Cinema experiences. The clarity and sharpness of pictures on this leviathan screen will truly bring gasps of pleasure from onlookers.