View Full Version : help plz

11-02-2008, 11:42 AM
stuck ds3.5 in tm91901 works great loaded 45east to 45west using addon menu no probs at this point using panel down loaded ccam205,mgcam128,hpercam,etc however none of emus will open any pictures checked box using diablo cam works great so emus dont work any pointers plz.pilsner

11-02-2008, 11:51 AM
cracked it must be going daft (blue button twice) now have pictures lets hope i have better reports for this box have never liked it from beginning .pilsner

15-02-2008, 08:03 PM
its getting better ds3.5 in flash love it.pilsner

15-02-2008, 08:06 PM
I smell a convert. Stick with it Pilsner, when it's all working it's the dogs danglies.