View Full Version : Anyone got card slots/CCcam working ?

13-02-2008, 11:10 PM
Guys before I give up on this box, has anyone got the card slots working with just CCcam ?

If so what version of CCcam and what image are you using.


14-02-2008, 12:10 AM
I use 1.61 to read sly card - it works with all images that I have tried it with. DS 3.4 and 3.5, edg 3.2, ur11 and others. Never had a problem using standard config file, but I can't tell you if it works with other cards.


14-02-2008, 08:53 AM
on my 9100,using CCcam 2.03 and image ur010 beta 2 in iboot,my digiturk/cryptoworks card works perfectly except for entitlement updates once a week and that I can live with.
My 9101 has still to be tested,but shortly will be checked out using all latest images and emu,s, Dunc.

15-02-2008, 12:09 PM
i tried CCcam 2.03 & 2.04 in UR 011 and could not get it to recognise my digit alb card so used Gbox instead.

15-02-2008, 02:10 PM
Tried UR 011 & EGD 3.2 using most versions of CCcam since 2.0.0 (including 2.0.7) and never had any problems with Digitalb sports card.

I have only EVER been able to get CCcam to use one slot though.

This is on a TM9101 though - I'm begining to suspect there is a subtle difference between the 9100 and the 9101 where the card readers are concerned.

15-02-2008, 07:37 PM
i tried CCcam 2.03 & 2.04 in UR 011 and could not get it to recognise my digit alb card so used Gbox instead.

Strange that as my Digit alb card works in the bottom slot with UR 11, CCcam 2.05 and 2.06 with out any extras.

15-02-2008, 08:55 PM
Hi Keano the only ones i have had working properly as we both want are G*ox and Hypercam dependent on the image, beginning to feel like the Relook 400s isn't it ? but fortunately less expensive.

What box have you got your eye on next ?


15-02-2008, 09:20 PM
m8 bit gutted I sold my relook now and got the 9100.

The relook gave me two fully working card slots that I could have used, the 9100 will give me one only and does not see all cards, it will see my old conax card but will not see my nds card.

As for my next box, there wont be until late summer.

I do like the look of the abcom9000/cuberevo but the biggest problem will be CCcam.
As we know CCcam team dropped support for dgstation boxes a while back which is not good.
So looks like I will have to wait for the db HD box but its very expensive and not very well made compared to dgstation boxes.

16-02-2008, 10:03 AM
Hi Keano i have still go the 400s it's over in Spain.
I have not had G*ox working on two slots since UR 10.2 i found that all images before and around that time worked fine anything after 10.2 problems.
The best combination i had was 10.2 in flash and UK-UR in Iboot worked perfectly, give it a try it may be what you need, nds OK

Good Luck nml

17-02-2008, 12:50 AM
Newcs in combo with Cccam works spot on and gives you both readers.

17-02-2008, 08:30 AM
Hi mate i think he knows that but if you read his fist post i think the question was has anyone got it working with just CCam ?


19-02-2008, 08:55 PM
hi ive got ur010b2 in flash am using edg nemesis 3.2 on mmc with ccam 207 works top slot with freex card and i use gbox to work bottom slot where my sly card is all works great with no and i do mean NO reboots:D

19-02-2008, 10:32 PM
I know the top slot works but when you have 4 cards to try and use and you only have 3 slots,

one is db500

one in cubcafe250

and only one active in 9100

Then it becomes a pain in the a*se.

Wonder if phoenix reader will work in 9100:)

19-02-2008, 10:43 PM
I know the top slot works but when you have 4 cards to try and use and you only have 3 slots,

one is db500

one in cubcafe250

and only one active in 9100

Then it becomes a pain in the a*se.

Wonder if phoenix reader will work in 9100:)
Never thought of that if i can find it i will give it a try i seem to remember using it with G*ox in the early days.;)


19-02-2008, 10:50 PM
I know the top slot works but when you have 4 cards to try and use and you only have 3 slots,

one is db500

one in cubcafe250

and only one active in 9100

Then it becomes a pain in the a*se.

Wonder if phoenix reader will work in 9100:)

If you have a spare cam ( I use a Trex 4.6 ) put the card in and CCcam can read this. Weather it can be used for other uses I haven't checked.

20-02-2008, 09:30 PM
Right four hours later and I've had enough, I have tried ur,, satlinux etc and still can't get any of the cards seen in the slot with CCcam.
Only one was ds34 on mmc card but only one slot.

So here i am with a conax card and via card and cant use them with this dam box.

Best of it now the daft thing has now gone into a loop after flashing with official 0.9 image and wont boot.
Better dig null modem cable out.