View Full Version : 720p or 1080i?

16-02-2008, 10:45 AM
Just got my HD box and I am really impressed with the picture both on BBC HD and premiere.
Just a quick question which settings are people using 720p or 1080i? I cant really tell the difference:D

16-02-2008, 12:27 PM
720p looks more natural to me especially when watching live sport

16-02-2008, 12:35 PM
720p for everything to be honest.

But when 1080p comes out, it will be amazing.

16-02-2008, 12:40 PM
Ill give 720p a go:D
I cant wait for 1080p too but I think it will be a while before this comes out. There are only a few HD channels transmitting 720p/1080i at the minute anyway

20-02-2008, 02:36 PM
which receiver r u using mate.

20-02-2008, 04:39 PM
M8 guys above have said it but i'll also confirm it. you need to use 720p.

esp for sport and fast pack action movies.

1080i is OK for static picures or slow pictures, ie planet earth.

20-02-2008, 06:08 PM
Yes I have started using 720p on my clarke tech and it looks great!

20-02-2008, 06:41 PM
720p for everything to be honest.

But when 1080p comes out, it will be amazing.

Except 1080p isn't part of the broadcast spec, so don't expect
any channels broadcasting in this in the near future. It's only
BluRay and HDDVD you can really expect this from.


20-02-2008, 06:48 PM
Depends on the resolution of your panel. For example the native res of my 55" panel is 1920 x 1080 so there is absolutely no point in sending 1280 x 720 as the panel has to then upscale it to it's native res (1920 x1080) there by loosing quality.

So for me it's 1080i all the way.

IMHO there are too many variables in equipment to have hard and fast rules about this sort of thing.

20-02-2008, 06:52 PM
Except 1080p isn't part of the broadcast spec, so don't expect
any channels broadcasting in this in the near future. It's only
BluRay and HDDVD you can really expect this from.


At last, someone else on this board who understands the reality of HD broadcasting. :)

simon 2003
20-02-2008, 07:00 PM
i prefer 1080i too ,my 50" fuji 58 series is 1366x768 ,seems little or no difference though to 720p(although this screens processing is **** hot),same as 1080i and 1080p

20-02-2008, 08:32 PM

20-02-2008, 09:55 PM
Yep I use 1080i but have tried both and see very little (if any) difference between the two. As for 1080p tv broadcasts I thought that Sly tv were going to use 1080p in the near future or is that bollox. I know there not at the moment but I thought they were planning to head that way. As for freeview we will be lucky to get anything near HD standard, only when the analogue channels shut down will there be any chance of HD broadcasts on terrestrial tv.

20-02-2008, 11:11 PM
i thought 1080 was better pic on close ups of animals and stuff like that,and 720 for all round hd?

11-03-2008, 09:09 PM
Hi pau1777.

As (Dubious) it depends on your Panels Resolution. if its a Progessive scan Screen
close to 720p resolution of (1280 x 720) use 720p.
If its a (1920 x 1080 panel) use 1080i, (1920 x 1080 is the native Res of 1080i) so
no scaling of picture at all, its also 1080p resolution.

A little trick I use on Prem HD ( A little loss in Quality) is switch the HD box to
576p through a component lead (phillips lead Asda £6.99) and you are then
able to Zoom the Premiere HD Film channel up to full screen.
I use this (AV3) instead of (AV4 HDMI) because the picture on my (Humax 2000)
is to dark on AV4, through the component lead the contrast is spot On.

If you have a Progressive scan DVD Recorder and a Progressive scan Tv screen
you can record a HD film from your HD STB to your to your DVDR, in my case
the two are connected with a (Sart lead) then connect your DVDR to your TV
with a Component lead, you can now view the recording in (HD 576p) and you will
find the recoded picture quality is just as good as viewing HD live.

@bonovox It was thought there was not the room to broadcast 1080p over the Air.
Last year (2007) Euro broadcasters tested broadcasting (1080p) and now they say, it is
Possible to broadcast (1080p) over the Air very soon.
That a PLUS for People with (1920 x 1080 Res) 1080p TVs.
